Erin's Fancy ad-2 Read online

Page 9

  She could hear the sounds of her brother’s voices and then the slamming of the truck doors. The engine roared to life, and the sound of the truck faded off into the distance as they drove away.

  Rolling over in bed, Erin covered her head with the pillow and took long, deep breaths trying to ease the ache that throbbed between her legs. She was still very aroused, but she now knew that the only thing that would satisfy her would be Abel. The thought of having his hard, hot length inside her created an answering pulse within her.

  She thought about just sneaking out of the house and going over to Abel’s, but she wasn’t ready to take that chance just yet. Jackson might look in on her when he came home, and she wasn’t ready to deal with the problems that would arise if he didn’t find her in her own bed. But tomorrow night. Well, that was a different story altogether.

  “Enough,” she muttered as she turned over again, punched her pillow with her fist, and thumped her head back down on it. There was nothing she could do until tomorrow.

  Erin didn’t know how long she lay awake before her body finally calmed down enough for her to drift off to sleep. She refused to look at the clock, knowing that would only make it worse. Still, she knew it had taken several hours, as she’d heard Jackson and Nathan come home after their evening out playing pool at the local bar. But since they’d come home together, she knew that neither of them had gotten lucky last night. Erin took a perverse pleasure in that thought as she squirmed restlessly in bed.

  Sleep had come to her at some point after that and it was almost a shock when the alarm went off the next morning. Her hand had shot out so fast to turn it off, she’d almost knocked the darn clock on the floor. Scowling, she settled the clock back on the nightstand and listened for a minute. When she heard neither of her brothers, she’d relaxed.

  Jumping out of bed, she fixed up the covers and hauled on her clothes. She didn’t waste time wishing she had sexier clothes to wear. The fact was that she had to go to work this morning and get through lunch without raising any suspicions with Jackson. Erin was just thankful that Nathan ate at the café in town for lunch. He claimed he liked the lunch specials, but Erin personally thought that he liked her friend, Carly. It would kill her to wait, but it was too early to call Carly now. She’d have to catch her at work during the lunch hour.

  Hurrying downstairs, she started a pot of coffee while she popped a couple of slices of bread in the toaster. The quicker she got to work, the quicker the day would pass.

  * * *

  “So will you cover for me?” Holding the receiver with her left hand, Erin absently chewed the fingernails on her right hand, as she waited for a reply. Carly had been too busy to talk lunchtime, so she’d been forced to wait until late in the afternoon to call her back. The two of them had been friends their entire lives, but not once in all that time had she ever asked her friend to lie for her.

  “Sure I will.”

  Erin sighed in relief at her easy agreement. “Thanks.” Twisting the cord in her hand, Erin really didn’t know what else to say. “This really means a lot to me.”

  “I know and I expect payment. You’ll have to tell me all the juicy details.” Carly called out to someone in the distance before she continued. “He must be quite a guy if you’re willing to risk your brothers’ wrath to date him. I hope he’s worth it.”

  “Yes,” she whispered softly. “He’s worth it.”

  “That’s good enough for me, but honey, please promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I will,” Erin promised.

  “Tell him that if he hurts you, I’ll beat the crap out of him up.”

  Erin laughed, as her friend knew she would. Carly Ames was only five-foot-three and looked like an angel, but behind her angelic exterior was a strong woman with a wicked sense of humor and a penchant for mischief. It made her perfect for overseeing the operation of the family diner, Jenny’s, which was named after her mom who’d run it for over thirty years. Now that her parents had retired, Carly managed the whole operation and spent many long hours working as a waitress, as well as handling all the business aspects of running a successful diner.

  “Have you seen Nathan lately?” Erin teased. Her friend had had a huge crush on Erin’s youngest brother since she was a teenager, but she’d never approached Nathan to ask him out. Nathan, on the other hand, spent many hours perched on a stool in the diner watching Carly work, staring at her as if he wished she was on the menu. Neither one was willing to make the first move, although it was obvious to everyone who knew them that they were crazy about each other. It was funny, ridiculous, and slightly sad.

  “He was here for lunch.” She sighed and Erin could picture her friend with that goofy half-smile she got on her face whenever she talked about Nathan. “I know you’re worried about Jackson finding out that you’re an actual grown woman who has a sex life, but I think Nathan could handle it.”

  Erin laughed. “You think Nathan could walk on water.”

  “No, I don’t,” she protested. “I’m well aware that the man has faults. He just has so many good qualities that the faults don’t matter.”

  Erin sobered at the note of longing in her friend’s voice. “Ask him out. You’ve both wasted years circling and sniffing each other.” It hurt Erin to see two people who were obviously so right for each other, hiding their attraction behind polite façades.

  “Maybe I will.” There was a determination in her voice that Erin had never heard before. “If you can do it, so can I.” Erin heard someone calling to Carly. “I’ve got to go. We’re getting busy again. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered for tonight. I plan on curling up in bed with a good book and a chocolate bar tonight.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Erin promised her.

  “You better. See ya.”

  The phone went dead in Erin’s ear. Slowly she placed the receiver back in the cradle, thankful for having such a great friend. Carly had agreed to help her no questions asked. You couldn’t ask for more than that.

  Now that she’d taken care of her alibi, she started to get excited about this evening. She’d already stashed the magazine in a bag under the seat of her truck so she wouldn’t forget it. Butterflies were beating against her stomach, which was ridiculous. They’d already had sex together, for heaven’s sake! It wasn’t like Abel hadn’t seen her naked. No matter how many times she told herself to be logical about the coming evening, she could barely contain her excitement and her nerves. He was cooking her supper. It was almost like having a real date.

  The back door slammed and Erin turned. It was time to begin her performance. Jackson was tromping through the kitchen, heading towards the upstairs bathroom where he always took a shower before supper. He was rubbing the back of his neck as he went and rolling his shoulders to work out the kinks.

  “There’s fried chicken in the oven and potato salad in the refrigerator.” Casually, Erin walked to the sink and filled the coffeepot with water. “I’m going over to Carly’s for the night.”

  “This is a busy time for you right now.” Leave it to Jackson to state the obvious.

  “Yes, but I’ve got at least another week before we can start picking blueberries. If I don’t go now, I may not get a chance for at least a month.” Erin kept her back to her brother, filled the coffeemaker and turned on the machine. “I’m going to take a change of clothes and go straight to work in the morning from Carly’s. I’ll be home in time to make lunch.”

  “Oh, for god’s sake, Jackson, lighten up.” Without either of them hearing him, Nathan had come home and now stood leaning against the back door watching them both. “Erin works harder than either of us and deserves to have a night out.”

  Jackson scowled at them both. “I’m not an ogre, you know.” His voice was gruff, but the look in his eyes softened. “Go and have a good time.”

  “Thanks.” Erin knew that Jackson worried about her and often treated her more like a daughter than a sister. Since their mother’s death when Erin was littl
e more than a toddler, he’d been more of a parent to her than her own father, who had been, at best, aloof. Whenever she’d hurt herself as a child, it had been Jackson she’d run to for comfort. It was Jackson who’d bandaged her hurts and kissed her boo-boos. Her father couldn’t be bothered with her minor problems.

  Plus, Jackson had been responsible for the farm since he was a teenager. It was very telling that none of them missed their father since he’d remarried and moved to Florida. They hadn’t heard from him in over a year since they’d made the last payment to him to buy the farm. It belonged to the three of them now. Their years of hard work had paid off, but Erin worried about the toll it had taken on her oldest brother. Jackson needed more fun in his life. He’d never really had a chance to be young and carefree as he’d always had the responsibility for his younger siblings and the farm.

  Jackson was almost out of the kitchen before he stopped. “I really do appreciate all that you do, Erin.” His back was turned and his shoulders were tense.

  “I love you too, Jackson,” she said softly. He nodded once and continued up the stairs.

  Nathan sighed and slung his arm around her shoulder. “I worry about that boy.”

  “Me too.” Erin squeezed his arm before sliding out from under it. “I have to get going, but the chicken is warming in the oven and there’s some fresh biscuits in there too.”

  Nathan patted her on the behind. “Get going. I’ll make sure Jackson gets fed.”

  Giving him a grateful smile, she grabbed her knapsack with her change of clothes and hurried out the back door. All of a sudden she was very hungry, and it wasn’t just for food.

  Chapter Eight

  Abel glanced at his watch for the fifth time in the last five minutes. It was almost six and he expected Erin any minute. It was the first time in years that he found himself looking forward to something so much, and although the feeling was strange, he liked it.

  Being home, and especially being around Erin, reminded him of the young man he’d once been. The years of investigating and writing about the most gruesome parts of human nature had changed him. He’d lost faith in the goodness in humanity and seen only the pain and the horror. Erin was changing all of that.

  She was exactly what she seemed to be— a hardworking, loyal, kind, compassionate, sexy woman. Just being around her was better than any medicine could be for curing the pain in his heart and the sorrow in his soul. In the couple of days he’d been home, he felt better than he had any time in the last year.

  It was only when that thought went through his mind that he realized what he’d thought. Home. No matter where else in the country he’d roamed, he always considered the farm to be home. He was already reconsidering his career, so perhaps it was time to think about where he wanted to live. And more especially, who he wanted to be with.

  Pacing back and forth on the deck did him no good, so he threw himself onto the oversized deck chair, spread his legs in front of him, and rested his hands on his stomach. There was nothing left to do but wait. The tossed salad was chilling in the fridge and the potatoes were baking in the oven. He had two steaks marinating on the counter just waiting to be thrown onto the barbecue.

  Glancing over to the side, he checked the pile of charcoal that he’d piled in the center of the barbecue. He’d light it as soon as Erin arrived and while they were waiting for the coals to turn white, he’d offer her a glass of the nice crisp white wine he’d bought especially for tonight. If he decided to move back home, he’d have to invest in a gas barbecue, but for now the old charcoal one would serve the purpose.

  He tapped one of his fingers on his stomach before sighing and closing his eyes. The heat of the summer sun felt good on his skin, and he finally felt some of the tension leach from his body. The longer he sat there, the more the sounds of a late summer afternoon seeped into his consciousness. Birds sang in the distance, a slight breeze rustled the leaves in the trees, and the scent of freshly cut hay wafted on air.

  Patience was a virtue he usually had in spades, but tonight, it had all but deserted him. He told himself that it was only because he hadn’t cooked a meal for a woman in over eight months, but deep down he knew it was because he couldn’t wait to see Erin.

  Abel patted his jeans pocket to make sure the little present he’d bought for her was still there. He’d driven several hours today to find a store that carried what he’d wanted, but it had been well worth the effort. Especially if she liked what he’d purchased. His cock shifted and began to swell at the mere thought.

  The sound of a vehicle approaching had him out of his chair in a moment, striding across the deck, and down over the porch stairs. He shaded his eyes, smiling when he recognized Erin’s truck. By the time she pulled to a complete stop, he was already standing by her door and opening it.

  “Hi.” She smiled shyly at him as she slid her long, jeans-clad legs out of her truck.

  He didn’t give her a chance to move away from him, but hauled her up against his chest and enfolded her in his arms. She responded immediately by scooting as close to him as she could, twining her strong, supple arms around his neck. He lowered his head slowly until their mouths touched. Her lips were firm and soft against his. He felt her hands wrap around his skull, tugging him closer.

  Giving into her unspoken request, he deepened the kiss. His tongue teased the seam of her lips until they parted, and then he slowly forged his way inside. Her mouth was warm and her tongue met his, stroking it sensually. Cupping her chin with his hand, he angled her head as he deepened the kiss. She melted against him, silently offering herself to him. Reluctantly, he dragged himself from her sweet lips.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” His voice was husky with need as he caressed the side of her neck for a moment before allowing his hand to drop back to his side.

  A slight tinge of a blush covered her face as he continued to stare at her. “Me too,” she responded almost shyly before reaching behind her and pulling out a battered, canvas knapsack. Abel took it from her and waited while she rummaged under the front seat and pulled out a plastic bag. He started to take that from her too, but she clasped it to her chest.

  Wondering what she would be hiding from him, he stared at the outline of the item in the bag. It was about the size of a magazine. That’s when it hit him. Of course, this was the famous magazine that she’d spoke of yesterday morning. He couldn’t stop the wicked grin that spread across his face. “You’re going to have to show it to me at some point if I’m going to know what you want me to do.”

  “Later,” she mumbled, not quite meeting his gaze.

  Abel stopped teasing her immediately. Cupping her chin with his hand, he tilted her head until her large blue eyes were fixed on him. “Whenever you’re ready, and whatever you want. Those are the only rules.” He kissed her lightly on the lips before moving her away from the truck, and closing the door. “But supper first.”

  She nodded and allowed him to tuck her under his shoulder and lead her up onto the back porch. “I’ll put your stuff inside,” he told her. “Do you want a glass of wine while I’m in there?”

  “Sure.” She sent him a grateful smile and laid the bag with the magazine on top of the patio table.

  Standing in front of him, with her hands clasped in front of her and a wisp of hair in her eyes, she looked so young and innocent. She was wearing faded blue jeans, a soft t-shirt of pale green, and a pair of white sneakers. Ordinary clothing, but somehow on her, they were more seductive than the most skimpy lingerie. The jeans hugged every curve of her ass and her strong thighs, while the soft shirt cupped her breasts and outlined their shape to perfection. Abel felt his mouth begin to water and his cock begin to lengthen and thicken.

  “I’ll be right back.” He turned and went into the house before she noticed the large bulge pushing against the zipper of his jeans. The last thing he wanted to do was rush her straight into bed. He’d promised her supper so he’d feed her first. Even if it killed him. And it just might.r />
  Erin gulped in a huge lungful of air the second that Abel was out of sight. Her head was still spinning from his greeting. She fanned her hand in front of her face, hoping to ease the flush she could feel on her cheeks. The man was lethal. His kiss alone was enough to drive all her senses into overdrive. Easing herself down into one of the chairs scattered around the patio table, she tried to calm her racing heart.

  She was embarrassed by the fact that her nipples were hard nubs against the cups of her bra and were visible through the fabric of her shirt. Then there was the wetness in her panties. Erin squirmed in her seat trying to get more comfortable, but only succeeded in making it worse. The friction of her clitoris against the crotch of her panties and jeans almost made her moan. She felt like flinging her head back and screaming, she wanted him so badly. It was all she’d thought about since he’d left her kitchen last night.

  More than anything, she would have loved it if he’d scooped her up in his arms and carted her straight to bed. She would have been much happier eating later, after they’d satisfied their other appetites. Dropping her forehead to rest on the top of the table, she counted to twenty.

  She could hear Abel rummaging around in the kitchen, so she knew she didn’t have much time to get herself under control. He’d gone to the trouble of preparing her supper. No man, other than her brothers, had ever cooked for her, and they had only done it the few times she was too sick to do it herself. This was special and she was determined to enjoy every moment of it and not ruin the evening he had planned.

  Raising her head, she sat back in her chair, and crossed her legs. She hoped she appeared cool and relaxed. It was the look she was going for. The screened door opened behind her and Abel placed one glass on the table and handed her the other.

  “I didn’t know if you drank, but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with white wine.” He sauntered towards the barbecue on the corner of the back deck.


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