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Abel’s arms came around her from behind, hugging her tight. Erin allowed herself a moment to luxuriate in his embrace. She felt his lips on the top of her head, and then he heaved a huge sigh and released her. The wonderful feelings of a moment before had all but disappeared, and she was now filled with trepidation. The sound of a chair being pulled out told her that he’d settled himself back at the kitchen table. Briskly, she picked up the toaster, righted the canister, and fixed the curtains. Wringing out a cloth, she began to scrub the counter.
“Erin,” he began. “You know I’m sexually attracted to you.” He gave a wry laugh. “That’s an understatement.”
Tossing the cloth in the sink, she turned and faced him. He held up his hand before she could say anything. “Hear me out.”
Nodding, she propped herself against the counter, crossed her arms across her chest, and waited. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and clasped his hands in front of him, thinking for a moment before continuing. “The last year has been…” he trailed off. “Well, it’s been hellish and draining. I don’t have anything to give to a relationship.”
Burying his face in his hands, he sighed and rubbed his palms against his cheeks before raising his head. Erin wanted to wrap her arms around him and ease his pain, but she knew that now was not the time. Now, what he needed most was for her to listen.
“You’re a beautiful, desirable woman, but you just happen to be my best friend’s sister. You deserve more than I can offer you.” He looked at her and his eyes pierced her heart with the sorrow that was there. “But I want to fuck you anyway.”
Unable to keep still any longer, she pushed away from the counter and walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around his head, she pulled him close.
He buried his face in her stomach, breathed deep, and kissed her belly through the fabric of her t-shirt, before tugging her down to sit on his lap. “It’s okay,” she reassured him.
“I don’t know where my life is going from here, but I do know that I want you naked and willing in my bed for as long as I’m here.” He rested one hand on her thigh while the other one wrapped around her back. “We’re both adults and this is your decision to make. I only hope that when it’s over, I don’t lose your friendship or Jackson’s and Nathan’s for that matter.”
“That won’t happen,” she promised.
“You say that now, but sex always muddies the water.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I just don’t care anymore.”
Abel shifted his hold on her and lifted her in his arms as he stood, which was no easy feat given that she wasn’t a small woman. Shocked, she flung her arms around his neck for support.
“Don’t decide now.” His eyes were serious as he stared down at her. “Think about it overnight. Think hard. If you decide that hot mind-blowing sex is enough to satisfy you, then come to me tomorrow night and we’ll take it from there.”
He released her legs until she was standing with her arms still slung around his neck. Bending down, he planted a hard, quick kiss on her lips before gently prying away her arms and heading to the door.
“Don’t forget to bring that magazine if you decide to come,” he shot back over his shoulder.
Erin had completely forgotten about the magazine, but readily agreed. “I think we covered two of the positions this morning. The shower was a variation of the standing backward position.” She knew that she sounded slightly bewildered as she continued to talk. “It never occurred to me to try it in the shower.”
His grin was wicked as he winked at her. “You give me the list and I promise I’ll improve upon it.”
Erin laughed. If nothing else, he had a healthy ego, but so far he had more than backed up any claims he’d made. Another thought crossed her mind. “The article was right.”
“About what?” She strolled towards him and Abel held the door for her as they both stepped outside.
Shading her eyes with her hand against the glare of the setting sun, Erin glanced up at him. “Men do seem to like having sex from behind. Do you think it’s an animal instinct?”
“I don’t know about animal.” Reaching behind her he gripped her behind with both hands. “Personally, I think it’s because you have such a great ass.”
She glanced nervously towards the barn, but relaxed when she saw no sign of either of her brothers. “That’s what all the men say.” Erin couldn’t believe she was flirting so outrageously with Abel. Something about him allowed her to be more herself. She felt freer and more womanly around him.
“As long as all they do is talk,” he growled.
Erin was surprised by the possession behind his remark, but decided that it was because he wanted to make sure she wasn’t seeing anyone else as long as he was here. It must be a guy thing, she mused. “Don’t worry. You’re more than I can handle.” He seemed pleased by her remark, so she decided that she had been right in her assessment. It was simple male possessiveness, kind of like marking his territory, no need to read anything more into it.
Abel opened the door to his truck and climbed inside. He closed the door and leaned against the open window while he started the vehicle. “I’ll be cooking supper tomorrow night if you decide to come over.”
She chewed on her lower lip as she considered the possibilities. It was going to be harder than she anticipated if they were going to keep their relationship a secret. Her mind pondered the logistical problems involved. “I can tell the guys I’m going to my friend Carly’s house. She’ll cover for me.”
Abel frowned. “I don’t like skulking around like we’re doing something wrong. We’re both adults. I’ll talk to your brothers.”
“No!” The scowl on his face deepened at her reply. “I don’t want them to know. I have to live with them when you’re gone.”
Abel’s expression grew even darker at her words. “Trying to get rid of me already?”
“Of course not, but we both know you won’t stay here forever.” Erin searched for the right words to make him understand. “I just don’t want to cause any trouble between you and my brothers.”
He nodded slowly, and she could tell, with great reluctance. “If it becomes a problem for you, I will speak to them.” His voice was firm, brooking no argument.
“That’s fine, but for now just let things be.” If Erin had her way her overbearing brothers would never know about her and Abel.
“It’s settled then. I’ll see you tomorrow night about six.” Abel gave her a look of understanding as he put the truck in gear. “If you don’t show up, there’ll be no hard feelings. And thanks again for the meal. It was the best I’ve had in years.” Passion flared in his eyes once again. “Especially dessert.”
With that, he was gone. She stood there watching until his truck had faded from sight. The night seemed empty and lifeless without him. Deep down, she knew that he didn’t expect her to take him up on his offer. He’d made no effort to pretty up what he was offering her. Erin knew that he wanted her in his bed, but he also liked her. That was enough for her.
When it was over, it was over. She was woman enough not to pout or complain about that. Her brothers would have to be kept in the dark as they’d never approve or understand. There was no way she’d let Abel lose their friendship. Not when he was giving her what she desired most.
Hearing her brother’s voices again in the distance, Erin hurried back into the house, rushed to the sink, and pulled the plug. Giving the kitchen one last look to make sure everything was in order, she headed for the stairs. The dishes that weren’t dry could stay in the drain rack overnight. Erin had more important things to do.
Chapter Seven
Erin relaxed and enjoyed a long, hot bath. It had taken her quite a while to calm down after the sexually charged episode in the kitchen. She still couldn’t believe that she’d had sex on the kitchen counter with her brothers only steps away in the barn. But it had been incredible. Just the thought that they might be caught had added to the excitement and set her blood
to pumping. Maybe, she was a little more daring than she’d given herself credit for. Abel was the quintessential healthy male animal and gave off a sexual heat that was incredibly exciting and arousing. Her skin tingled as she thought about what might happen tomorrow night.
For the first time in her life, she’d had fun performing all those feminine rituals that she usually found a chore. Shaving her legs was a sensual experience, as she’d wanted them to be silky and supple when they rubbed against Abel’s rougher, hairier legs.
Once she’d toweled off, she’d taken her time, and smoothed them with a cocoa butter lotion that she’d bought when she’d gotten dry skin last winter. She wished she had something that smelled seductive, but it would have to do. Just the action of sliding her hands up and down her legs caused her breathing to accelerate as she imagined Abel’s hands doing it instead. The difference was, he wouldn’t stop at the tops of her thighs, but keep going higher until he reached her moist, feminine core. His fingertips would be rough and exciting as he parted her folds and probed at her opening.
Her breathing deepened and she could feel the muscles of her pussy tightening and relaxing. Her whole body felt languid and her breasts felt heavy. They had sex three times already, but she couldn’t wait to have his hard cock inside her again. It had only been one day, but her body was beginning to crave the satisfaction he had introduced her to so thoroughly.
Groaning, she pressed her thighs together to ease the throbbing ache between them. It didn’t help. Licking her lips, she thought about touching herself to ease the ache. She’d read an article about that in her magazine as well. They said it was quite normal for a woman to bring herself to orgasm, and not only that, but some men liked to watch their partners do so.
It made her head spin to think about touching herself while Abel watched. If there was even the slightest chance that he might ask her to do so, then she should practice when she was alone.
Gathering her courage, she spread her legs slightly and trailed her fingers up from her knees. Taking a deep breath, she inched them higher. Her hips arched in anticipation and she could feel her nipples pucker. Her body was generating a heat from within, and her skin was warm and moist from her bath.
“You done in there?” Jackson’s voice was like an ice-cold bucket of water, immediately dousing her arousal.
Giving a little shriek, she grabbed her towel, and held it in front of her body. She knew that her brother couldn’t see her, but just the thought of standing there naked and aroused while she talked to him was more than she could stand. “Almost!” she shouted. Hurrying now, she awkwardly tugged on her robe, dropped the towel, and belted it tight around her waist.
“Get a move on. I want to shower before I go out.” He banged on the door twice more for effect.
Scowling, Erin tossed her dirty clothing and towel down the laundry chute and took one last look around to make sure she had everything she needed. Swiping some of the steam off the mirror, she noted her cheeks were flushed, but that couldn’t be helped. Jackson would probably just assume it was from her bath. Her hair was bundled up in a towel and she still had to dry the mess before she went to bed, but she’d do that in the privacy of her own room.
He thumped two more times on the door and was going for a third when she tugged it open. “What is your problem tonight?” Blocking the doorway, she glared at her brother.
Reaching down, he flicked her playfully on the nose. “You were in there so long, I thought you might have drowned. Usually you’re in and out in five minutes.” He sniffed the air. “What’s that I’m smelling? Perfume?”
Erin felt the heat climb up her cheeks. This was one of those times she wished she’d been an only child. The only thing to do was brazen it out. “It’s cocoa butter, you idiot. The sun has dried out my skin.”
“Ah, I was only teasing you.” He put his hands on his hips and grinned at her. “Where would you wear perfume?” Laughing as if he’d made a joke, Jackson grabbed her hand and tugged her aside and out of his way. Stepping around her, he walked into the bathroom, and closed the door in her stunned face.
“Where indeed?” she muttered as she scuffed down the hall. Barely resisting the childish urge to slam her door shut, she closed it carefully and crossed over to stand in front of her mirror.
The same image she saw every morning and night was reflected back at her. Tall, big-boned, curvy, and sturdy were all terms that had been applied to her at various times in her life.
Dropping the plain white, terrycloth robe to the floor, she appraised her body with a critical eye. Yes, she was tall and her hips were well-rounded, but her legs, arms, and shoulders were strong and toned. Farm work had kept her in good shape and her waist dipped inward and her stomach was flat. Unfortunately, her chest wasn’t as large as the rest of her. She might be a B-cup, but her breasts were round and firm.
For whatever reason, Abel was attracted to her body and she planned to take full advantage of that fact. Looking in the mirror, she smiled. For the first time in her life, she felt desirable and womanly. Her nipples tightened as she examined herself, sending shivers down her spine. It was almost a surprise to her that they were so sensitive. During her one previous attempt at sex, her partner’s clumsy attempts to caress her breasts had left her cold and unsatisfied.
Opening a dresser drawer, she pulled out one of her old cotton sleep shirts and dragged it on over her head. Releasing the towel, she allowed her long hair to fall around her face. She wished she could whip it into some fantastic style that would make her look soft and sultry, but that just wasn’t going to happen. Picking up her comb, she patiently worked in through the tangles in her thick locks. When that was done, she picked up the hairdryer, set it on low, and gently blew it dry.
It was still early by the time she was finished, but there was no way she was going downstairs anymore tonight. Lying back against her pillows, she tried to imagine what tomorrow morning would bring. Smiling, she snuggled down in her bed and tugged a sheet over her body. Images from her magazine flitted across her mind, but instead of the nameless models, she and Abel were featured in all the pictures.
Drifting into a partial dream state, she tried to imagine what it would be like to pleasure herself in front of him. Would he want her to cup her own breasts or rub her thumbs across her nipples? Slowly, her hands inched up her belly until they were covering her aching breasts, and her nightshirt was bunched around her neck and shoulders. For a moment, she simply held both of them, feeling their weight and texture. Shifting her grip slightly, she allowed her thumbs to skim the peaks of her nipples.
She hissed out a breath as desire engulfed her. Her breasts swelled and she could feel her nipples tighten even more. Giving herself over to her own pleasure, she continued to touch herself, feeling an answering throbbing between her legs as they moved restlessly across the sheets.
Taking a deep breath, she pinched her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, rhythmically squeezing them. She could feel the juices from her pussy sliding down the cleft of her behind. Nipping them a little harder now, she moaned as her pussy clenched tight. She felt empty and needy, her legs moving restlessly on the bed.
Braver now that she was so aroused, she allowed her thighs to fall wide open. Giving her breasts one final squeeze, she slid both hands between her thighs. Remembering the instructions in her magazine, she used one hand to hold open the folds of her sex, and used the other to gently trace her slightly swollen vulva and clitoris. She gasped as she touched just the right spot. Her toes curled, and her legs automatically clamped tight around her hands to hold them in that spot.
Forcing herself, she opened her legs and began to lightly flick her clitoris with her thumb. Pleasure raced through her entire body even as the ache at her core got even worse. Panting hard, she slipped one of her fingers inside herself. It was immediately coated in her arousal, and it was easy to slide it in and out as her thumb continued to move. She shoved a second finger in to join the first one.
A thin cry escaped her as she widened her fingers as she stroked. It wasn’t the same as having Abel’s cock fucking her, but it still felt good. Looking down at herself, she watched as she drove her fingers deep inside her pussy, wishing it was Abel’s long, thick fingers instead. Her nipples were hard, red nubs that were demanding attention. Leaving one hand buried between her thighs, she slipped the other one back to her breasts. Cupping one of them in her hand, she pinched the nipple. Lightly at first, and then harder.
The pleasurable ache grew inside her as she watched her fingers slide in and out of her pussy. Erin was unable to take her eyes away from her own body. She shifted to the other nipple and pinched it as well. Back and forth, she moved her hand, stroking her breasts and tugging at both of the swollen buds.
She was so close. The sound of her breathy gasps filled the room as she reached for completion. Arching her hips up, she drove her fingers as deep as she could as she pressed her thumb hard against her clit.
Once. Twice, she stroked. On the third stroke, she self-combusted. Her entire body tensed and then a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. The slick inner muscles gripping her fingers tight as she held them inside her. Her legs clamped shut around her hand and she rolled to her side and rode out the incredible sensations.
“Oh, my lord. Oh, my lord,” she chanted over and over. Every muscle in her body relaxed as she sank deeper into her mattress and sighed. Lying there, completely spent, she enjoyed the pleasant little aftershocks.
Jackson’s boots thumped down the hallway. The reality of it quickly intruded, and Erin realized she still had her hands tucked between her legs. Quickly she pulled them both away and tugged her cotton shirt back down around her body. The material rasped against her nipples making her clench her teeth as tiny spasms of arousal shot through her.