Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Read online

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  “I’ll get some clothes on and be right back,” he promised.

  Anny slowly lowered her hands from his chest and nodded. “You do that.” Her voice was husky and filled with desire. His cock jerked and her gaze dropped. No way he could hide his need from her.

  She looked back up at his face and he couldn’t help but grin at the incredulous expression on her face. “What can I say, chère? You do this to me.”

  Anny cleared her throat. “You going to be okay?”

  He chuckled. “For now.” He tapped his forefinger against her nose. “And aren’t you making cookies?”

  Her face reddened and she peered around her, heaving a sigh of relief when she didn’t see Gator. Then she frowned at him. “Where did Gator go?”

  “Not far.” Not nearly far enough. “I’ll send him back.” Armand could feel her eyes on him as he left the kitchen. Gator was leaning against the wall in the short hallway that led toward the bedroom.

  “Figured I could make a quick getaway if I needed to.” Gator stared at Armand’s erection and grinned. “Cookies more important than taking care of that?”

  Armand didn’t mind the good-natured teasing. “For now.” He paused in front of his friend. “Thank you for getting her cats and for…everything.”

  Gator clapped his hand on Armand’s shoulder. “Anything for you. You know that.” Gator smiled. “And besides, I like Anny. Go get some clothes on and come back to the kitchen.” His friend left him standing there and went back to Anny.

  Armand stood there and listened to the sound of their voices before heading to his room. He grabbed a pair of jeans and slid them on, suddenly in a hurry to rejoin Anny and his friend.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next two days passed in a haze of happiness for Anny. She’d done nothing more strenuous than eat, sleep and coax her cats out from their hiding place beneath the sofa. Tigger and Seymour were both still skittish but slowly coming to trust the three large men who lived here. Anny knew the cats could sense the wolf inside the men and in her. But gradually they began to trust that they were safe and ventured out.

  Currently, Anny lay on her side on the sofa with both cats snuggled up to her stomach. She took turns petting one and then the other. Whenever she stopped petting Seymour, the big black cat would open his eyes and peer at her as if to ask what the problem was. She enjoyed his antics. Having her cats here with her made it feel more like home.

  And that was the whole point.

  She knew Armand was trying to make her more comfortable. He was good company. All of the men were. Gator was perhaps the easiest to be around, mostly because she wasn’t emotionally involved with him. He cooked and chatted casually, allowing her to work alongside him in the kitchen. Cole was unfailingly polite, but the big man barely spoke. It had taken her only a short time to realize that was his normal demeanor, but it was slightly unnerving.

  And then there was Armand. Anny’s nights had been filled with heartbreakingly sweet lovemaking and uninhibited raw sex, depending on his mood. Anny sighed and briefly closed her eyes as the memories drifted over her. It would be all too easy to slip into a life here with Armand, and she wasn’t sure that was wise.

  The wounds on her body were completely healed. Except for the scars on her stomach, she’d never know that a wolf had clawed her skin. The wound on her neck was also healed. The scars were still red, but they were gradually fading. She gave it another week or so and they’d be as good as they were going to get. She rubbed her neck, slightly self-conscious about the puckered skin.

  Tigger gave a plaintive meow as if to ask her what was wrong. Anny returned her attention to petting the cats, but her mind kept turning over her problems. Her scars were the least of her worries. Physically, she was better than ever. It was the emotional stuff that was worrying her.

  Armand wanted her. She also knew he liked her. There was no faking the emotion with which he made love to her each night. And the time they’d spent together the past few days had been fun. They’d watched movies, spent some time walking outside and talked about books and politics. Armand was very well read.

  But they hadn’t gone much beyond the surface. There’d been no more talk about the future, no discussing their lives or where they saw their relationship going. Plus, there was the stress of what was going to happen with Armand’s former pack hanging over both of them.

  It was wearing on her nerves just sitting here waiting for some unknown wolf to attack.

  Anny sat up, displacing both cats from their resting place. They both glared, jumped down from the sofa and trotted to the kitchen to check out their food bowls. The house was quiet. All the men were out on patrol. Armand had told her he and at least one of the others would be close enough to hear her if she yelled for help.

  She rose from the sofa, walked to the front window and peered out. The land really was beautiful, but it was still a prison. She couldn’t go anywhere on her own without fear.

  That was wrong.

  For all she knew, the wolf that had attacked her had all but forgotten her. There was no indication that he’d be back. All she had was the word of Armand and his friends that she wasn’t safe in her own home. She trusted Armand and knew he wouldn’t lie to her, but she couldn’t stay here forever.

  Armand felt responsible for her. She got that. That was just the kind of man he was. But she couldn’t stay with a man who viewed her as a responsibility. Not that he’d asked her to stay permanently, but every time she mentioned leaving, he brought up the threat to her safety.

  She raked her fingers through her hair and sighed. She knew she had trust issues. Sue had pointed that out enough times to her. Her friend blamed Anny’s parents, and Anny couldn’t deny their lack of interest and commitment to her played a big roll. If her parents didn’t want her, who would?

  She’d read self-help books and even gone to therapy briefly during college. It had helped some, but two failed relationships had deepened her trust issues. Sue told her she needed to take some risks. Yes, she might get hurt, but she might be surprised as well. Anny was always taken aback to hear Sue talk like that, considering her husband had walked out on her and little Billy, but her friend always said the pain was worth it because she had her son.

  Maybe Sue was right.

  But could Anny dare to trust, dare to reach for happiness with Armand with the continuous threat hanging over her head? Was there more to his attraction to her than simply biology? There was no easy answer.

  She turned away from the window and wandered through the room. It was sparse and very masculine, reflecting the men who lived here. Still, it was comfortable with the oversized sofas and chairs. Plus, there was always good smells wafting out from the kitchen. Gator cooked every day. When Anny asked Armand why he and Cole didn’t do more he told her that Gator enjoyed cooking, it relaxed him, and she didn’t want to be around Gator if he wasn’t relaxed. She’d let it drop and hadn’t asked any more questions.

  She shoved up the sleeve of yet another one of Armand’s sweaters. She’d asked him about getting some clothing from her house yesterday, but he’d put her off, telling her it wasn’t safe. He’d promised to go over to her place today and get some for her. She was tired of rinsing out her underwear in the sink every night before bed so she’d have something clean to wear in the morning.

  Her spine slowly stiffened. Why was she waiting on Armand to get her things for her? She could easily get them herself. She was an adult. She knew how to be cautious. When had she become so complacent?

  Her phone rang and she hurried toward her purse. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Anny.” Sue’s cheerful voice came over the line. Anny gripped her phone like a lifeline. She really needed her friend. “How are you feeling today?”

  “Great.” Anny perched on the arm of the sofa. “How are things with you?”

  “Work is going good, and Billy is great.” Sue paused for a moment. “When are you coming home?”

  Anny rubbed her free hand over
her forehead. “I honestly don’t know.”

  “I’m worried about you.” The quiet concern warmed Anny. She could always count on Sue.

  “I know you are. I’m sorry for that. I’m just not ready to go home yet.” And that much was true. Anny didn’t think she’d sleep at night if she was home alone.

  “I understand. I talked to Mom and Dad and they said you can come and stay with us. The sofa in the rec room opens up into a bed. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than being alone.”

  Anny was overwhelmed by their generosity. “Tell them thank you, but I really can’t.” No way could she risk their safety. She couldn’t live with herself if she inadvertently brought trouble to their door. “And I’m not alone.” It was sheer impulse that made her blurt out the words. She bit her bottom lip, wondering how Sue would react. It didn’t take her long to find out.

  “What?” Sue yelled. Anny had to move the phone away from her ear to spare her eardrums. “What do you mean? Who are you with?”

  “Umm, you don’t know him.”

  “Him? You’re with a guy. Anny are you sure you’re okay? I can come get you if you need me to.”

  Anny didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Is it so inconceivable that I’d be with a man?”

  “Yes. No.” Anny could hear the frustration in her friend’s voice. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.” And there was enough hurt in Sue’s voice to make Anny feel incredibly guilty.

  “I’m sorry. It was sudden.” She pondered just how much she could share with Sue. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”

  Sue heaved a big sigh. “I get that, Anny, I really do. Do I know him? Are you sure you’re okay with this guy?”

  Anny smiled at the fierceness in Sue’s voice. “No, you don’t know him. And, yeah, I’m sure. And aren’t you the one always telling me I should take more chances, be more open?”

  “Okay, you got me there. Just be careful and promise me you’ll call me if you need me.”

  “I promise.” Anny mentally crossed her fingers, knowing she’d never call Sue if she was in danger. Sue had a young son to worry about. She didn’t need the kind of problems stalking Anny.

  “Listen, I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you again tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but I want to see you soon,” Sue demanded.

  “Soon,” Anny agreed. Better not to set a specific time. “Take care.” She ended the call and tucked her phone back into her purse. Her hand hit her keys and she pulled them out. Her car was still parked just at the end of the path. She could run out to her place, pack a bag and be back before anyone missed her.

  She wrapped her fingers around her keys and held them so tight the edge of the metal dug into her hands. Armand would not be happy.

  But she didn’t answer to him, to any of them. Yes, she was very grateful for everything they’d done, but she couldn’t stay shut inside this house for the rest of her life. She’d go crazy. A quick trip to her place was a start. It was late morning and there would be traffic on the road.

  She wavered a few seconds, weighing the pros and cons, and then made her decision. Anny strode to the kitchen and dug around in the cabinet drawers until she found a pad of paper and a pen. She jotted a short note to Armand along with the time she left. She also listed her phone number in case he wanted to call and check in with her.

  She left the note in the center of the kitchen island propped up against a bowl of fruit. She eyed it and then moved it, leaning it against the coffeepot. No way they’d miss it there. The first thing all the men did when they came in from patrol was put on a pot of coffee.

  Anny got her shoes by the front door and pulled them on. Then she turned to the two cats. “You be good while I’m gone. I won’t be long.” She gave them both a quick scratch behind their ears, grabbed her purse and headed out.

  She paused on the front porch, feeling incredibly guilty. Everyone here had been so kind to her. All Armand had asked of her was that she stay here.

  But she couldn’t stay forever. He had a life. She had a life. Maybe they could build a lasting relationship over time, but right now she was more of a burden than anything. Anny had spent her entire childhood feeling like a burden, an obligation. When she’d turned eighteen, she’d promised herself she’d never feel that way again. She relied on herself, supported herself.

  She wasn’t stupid enough to turn aside Armand’s help, but she had to start taking steps to reassert her independence. She’d been hiding here, relying on Armand to protect her. And that was wrong.

  Taking a deep breath, Anny walked down the two steps and started down the pathway toward her car. It was second nature to her now to open her senses and take in the world around her. The sounds and smells all told her she was alone. The faint scent of Armand, Gator and Cole filtered in, but they weren’t close.

  Feeling more like a kid sneaking out of the house at night than a grown woman going about her daily business, Anny hurried toward her car. It was parked right where she’d left it. She glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting Armand to come barreling out of the woods behind her. But the birds continued to sing and the path remained empty.

  Anny opened the car door, slid into the driver’s seat and tossed her purse onto the passenger side. She quietly shut the door. Once she made sure all the doors were locked, she started the engine.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She ignored the quaver in her voice and sucked in a deep breath. It would be so easy for her just to turn off the engine and go back into the house. Armand or one of the others would get her things for her. Gator had already offered.

  “Don’t be a coward,” she admonished. “You can do this.”

  She put the car in reverse and backed up so she could swing the vehicle around. She drove down the narrow road toward the main highway. She kept glancing in the rearview mirror, but no one appeared.

  Anny was alone.

  Her stomach was in knots and she was already sweating. “It will be okay. Everything will be fine.” She was only going to be there ten or fifteen minutes, tops. Long enough to toss some clothes in a bag and clean out the refrigerator. She’d probably be back before Armand or any of them missed her.

  When she reached the end of their private road, she checked both ways before easing out onto the highway and heading toward home.

  Armand paused and cocked his head to one side. Was that a car he heard in the distance? Cole was on the west side of the property and Gator was to the east. He’d taken the north path.

  Maybe Louis was going into town for something. Armand hadn’t spent as much time with the pack as usual over the past few days, instead spending all his free time with Anny. He’d kept everything light and casual, not wanting to overwhelm her any more than she already was.

  He enjoyed simply being with her. She was easy to talk with, intelligent and they shared much in common when it came to the kinds of books and movies they enjoyed. But they also had enough differences to make things interesting. He loved how her eyes twinkled and how animated she became when she was passionate about whatever subject they were discussing. Anny had definite opinions about everything, but she wasn’t rigid in her views. She was willing to concede points when he made them and look at things from another point of view. That was a rare trait and he loved her all the more for it.

  Love. It had snuck up on him like a thief in the night, stealing his heart and giving it to Anny. She was his mate. His forever love. He only wished he could tell her and have her believe him.

  Time. All he needed was time to convince her.

  That was definitely a car he was hearing. He circled around and headed back toward the house. A new tension filled him and he picked up his pace until he was racing flat out.

  Something was wrong. He didn’t question his instincts. He skidded to a halt, threw back his head and howled. When he heard two returning howls, he started running again.

  Anny. He chanted her name over and over like a talisman, as if just saying it could ke
ep her safe. It was taking him forever to reach home and Anny. Why had he gone so far? Yes, Louis and Jacque were around and could be by her side in no time, but Anny was his.

  He burst into the front yard and leapt to the porch. He skidded to a halt and shifted all in one motion. His momentum brought him up solid against the front door. “Anny,” he called as he opened the door.

  Both cats were sitting on the end of the sofa and bolted when they saw him, scurrying beneath the heavy piece of furniture. He ignored them and hurried down the short hallway to his bedroom. “Anny.”

  His heart dropped when she wasn’t there. He checked the bathroom before heading to the kitchen. Her scent was everywhere in the place, making it hard to determine where she might be.

  Gator burst in through the open door. “What’s wrong?”

  “Anny’s not here and I heard a car leaving.” Armand caught sight of the piece of white paper folded against the coffeemaker. He lunged for it and unfolded it.

  “What is it?” Gator was right beside him.

  “She’s gone to her place to get some clothes.” Armand crumpled the note in his hand and tossed it back on the counter. “The little fool is going to get herself killed.”

  “Maybe she’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not taking any chances.” Armand couldn’t fight the growing fear that something was going to happen to Anny. He raced back to his bedroom, grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on. He snatched up the keys to his truck and rushed back out into the living room where he stopped long enough to jam his feet into a pair of running shoes.

  Cole stood in the doorway of the house, his fists curled and ready for action. “What’s wrong?”

  “Anny’s gone to her place. I’m going after her.”

  “Not without us you aren’t,” Gator informed him. Gator shifted into his wolf and raced from the house toward the truck.


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