Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Read online

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  “Doesn’t matter what you want.” Gwen’s blunt words penetrated her thoughts of Armand. “They were at war before you came along. Nothing can change that. You can either accept who you are and try to help them, or you can be a hindrance and maybe get them all killed.”

  “You don’t pull any punches, do you?” Anny respected the other woman for that.

  Gwen stood and faced her. “No, I don’t. That’s my mate, my husband out there. And my family. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect them.”

  Anny rested her forehead against the cool pane of glass. “I don’t want anyone hurt.”

  “That may not be possible.” Gwen sighed. “Look, talk to Armand. You must have questions for him. Explore who you are now. This is a safe place to do it. Whether you realize it or not, you’re among family here.”

  Family. The word made her heart ache and old dreams she thought dead spring to life. She’d always wanted a family, one that would love her, one she could depend on. Maybe she’d finally found one.

  “You’re right. I need to talk to Armand.” Anny pushed away from the window and walked toward Gwen. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Gwen hugged her and Anny found herself returning the embrace. She really liked the other woman, sensing her sincerity. The emptiness that had been growing inside her, threatening to swallow her whole, retreated slightly as she hugged Gwen back.

  “I’ll walk back to Armand’s place and wait for him there.” Anny quietly left the house and stepped out onto the porch. She inhaled deeply and caught Armand’s scent along with Gator’s and Cole’s. They’d been here not long ago.

  She swallowed back her disappointment that he hadn’t come inside to see her. She stepped down off the porch and headed down the path back to his home. Maybe he was already there. Her pace quickened and she was suddenly eager to see him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Anny sat on the front steps of Armand’s home and stared at the phone in her hands. She’d done it. She’d talked to the school principal and gotten another week off work. The man was sympathetic because of the attack, but Anny knew she couldn’t expect any more time off. That worried her. She wrapped her arms around her legs and stared out at the forest. What would she do when the time was up if the situation wasn’t resolved?

  Resolved. A choked laugh bubbled up from within her. That made it sound like a disagreement over something minor, not a life-and-death situation.

  And that was what this was. A werewolf from another pack, Armand’s father, had tried to kill her. Could she return to work in a little over a week’s time if doing so would put the students and her coworkers in danger?

  She rubbed her forehead and sighed. There were no easy answers. She sent a quick text to Sue, letting her friend know she was taking more time off from work, and then she tucked her phone in her pocket.

  It was so peaceful here. The wind rustled the trees, making their leaves sway in the wind. The world seemed more alive since her attack. She’d attributed it to the fact that she’d basically died and come back to life. But now she was forced to admit it was something more.

  “I know you’re in there,” she muttered, feeling slightly silly to be talking out loud to a creature that now resided inside her.

  I am always here.

  The response was quick and startling. What are you?

  You know what I am.

  Anny could picture the pretty brown wolf in her mind’s eye. Maybe she was just going crazy. The wolf inside her chuffed in annoyance, making Anny smile. The wolf wasn’t going to let her get away with denying her existence.

  Anny cocked her head to one side and concentrated on the sounds surrounding her. She could hear so much more than she could before the attack. A woodpecker knocked on a tree in the distance, two crows flew off to her left. Those things weren’t any kind of proof of enhanced hearing. Anyone could hear the birds. But they wouldn’t be able to hear the two squirrels quietly racing up the trunk of a tree about fifteen feet away. Or a mouse scurrying through the underbrush beside the house. Then there was the fox.

  How did she even know what the animal was?

  Anny sniffed the air and immediately confirmed what she already knew. A fox was indeed nearby. “How do I even know what a fox smells like?” she muttered.

  The answer was simple. She didn’t know, but the wolf inside her did.

  Anny sat on the step for well over an hour, wondering if Armand was ever going to come back. She shivered, the cool air penetrating the sweater she’d pulled on this morning. She liked wearing Armand’s clothing, even though the sweater was much too big on her. It was almost like having his arms wrapped around her.

  She was just about to go inside and forage through the kitchen for coffee when she heard the unmistakable sound of a vehicle pulling up down the road. She pushed to her feet and groaned when her body protested. She’d been sitting in one spot for too long and had stiffened up.

  Anny grabbed the porch rail and stepped up onto the deck. Should she go inside?

  Instinctually, she raised her face to the wind and inhaled. Her nose was bombarded with the surrounding scents. She picked through them, easily identified the earthy and pine perfume of the woods. Then she smelled something familiar, or rather someone.

  Gator was walking toward her and he wasn’t alone.

  She sniffed again, gave a small cry and bounded down the steps. She skidded to a halt when he came around the curve in the path carrying two hissing, spitting cats.

  “Seymour. Tigger.” Anny hurried toward Gator with her arms out.

  He shook his head. “Better not try to take them. I couldn’t find a pet carrier and they’re none too happy with me. Open the door so I can put them inside.”

  “I keep the carrier up in the attic crawl space because I only use it when I have to take them to the vet. It’s right next to the boxes of Christmas ornaments. I would have told you if I’d known you were going to get them.” She shut her mouth when she realized she was starting to babble.

  Reversing her steps, Anny hurried back up the steps and opened the door. Gator strode past her and she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. He set the cats down on the floor. Both of them bolted the moment their paws hit the ground. They rushed under one of the sofas. Once they were safe, they poked their heads out and hissed.

  Anny knelt down on the floor and held out her hand. “It’s okay, Seymour. It’s okay, Tigger.”

  She could see their two precious little faces staring back at her, but it was obvious neither of them was ready to leave the safety of their hiding place. Anny sighed and sat back on her heels. She’d have to give them time.

  Gator stood with his hands on his hips, watching her. He really was intimidating with his piercing blue eyes and stubbled jaw. He was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, which left his arms bare and showed off his tattoos and several scratches her cats had given him. He looked extremely dangerous and probably was. But he’d also gone to her home and brought her cats here.

  She pushed herself to her feet and cautiously approached him. “Thank you for bringing Tigger and Seymour here. I’m so sorry they gave you so much trouble.”

  Gator shrugged. “No problem. Armand figured you’d be worried about them and knew you wouldn’t settle if they were still at your place.”

  She suddenly stiffened. “How did you get in my house?”

  He reached into the front pocket of his jeans and fished out her keys. “Got them from your purse.” Totally unrepentant, he tossed them to her.

  She was annoyed, but only briefly. While she didn’t like the fact he’d invaded her privacy by rummaging through her purse, she was glad to have her cats here with her. Her purse was sitting on the back of the sofa so she tossed the keys back inside.

  He started toward the door. “I’ve got their food, bowls and kitty litter in the truck. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll come help you.” He might be one scary dude, but he was also Armand’s friend. She had to get over her fea
r of him if she was going to stay here. Plus, her wolf didn’t seem the least bit worried about him. That had to mean something, right?

  Anny hoped she wasn’t making a mistake.

  Gator held the door for her and she tried to project a confident image as she strode from the house and down the steps. She shivered again as the cool wind whipped around her.

  “Are you cold?”

  She glanced at Gator and found him frowning at her. “I’m fine.”

  “You should be wearing a coat.”

  His obvious concern helped loosen her anxiety. If he meant her any harm, he certainly wouldn’t be worried whether or not she was cold.

  “I should have picked up some clothes for you. Make a list and one of us will drop over to your place later and get what you need.”

  She was shocked by Gator’s offer. “Thank you, that’s very kind, but I can drive over and pack a bag later.” As soon as she’d said the words, she realized she had decided to stay here for the immediate future. She felt safer here than she did in her own home. That saddened her deeply. She’d always loved her little house in the woods.

  Gator shook his head. “It’s not safe for you to be out there alone. Anyone could be watching your place. You’re better off here where we can protect you.”

  Anny nibbled on her bottom lip. “But if someone is watching, you could be attacked.” She didn’t like the idea of anyone being hurt because of her.

  The grin Gator gave was positively feral and sent a shiver racing down her spine. “I’d like to see them try, chère. Don’t you worry none about me.”

  Gwen had told her that these men were willing to put their lives on the line to protect her, and now Anny had the proof. She was still mulling over the implications of that when the truck came into view.

  Gator handed her a bag with the cat’s food bowls, food and toys. He hefted a big bag of kitty litter over one shoulder and tucked the empty litter tray under his arm. “I emptied the litter while I was there. I also tied up your garbage and put the bag out in your shed for now.”

  Once again, she was amazed by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you so much.”

  Gator gave her a quick grin and winked at her. “No problem.” He motioned with his head. “Now we should head back to the house. Don’t want Armand getting his panties in a knot because he thinks you’re not safe wandering around.”

  Anny tilted her chin up and began the short trek back to the house. “Then he should have hung around instead of disappearing.” She wished she could call back the words as soon as they left her mouth. She sounded totally ungrateful and slightly bitchy at being left alone. Which was silly. Armand had a life, things he needed to do. He couldn’t spend all his time sitting around watching her.

  “He’s not far. We’re keeping a close watch on the perimeter, but it’s a lot of land to patrol.” Gator ushered her up the porch stairs. “I’m in the mood for chocolate chip cookies. How about I make us some?”

  For all his tough appearance, Gator was really quite a nice man, uh, werewolf. It was still hard to wrap her head around that even though she’d seen him in his wolf form. Her stomach rumbled at the mention of food. “Cookies sound really good, but only if you let me help you make them.”

  Gator laughed. “Sure you can help.” He ushered her into the house and kicked the door shut behind him.

  Armand crouched in some bushes downwind of the pair so they wouldn’t catch his scent. Jealousy streaked through him when Gator laughed and Anny smiled at him. Possessiveness swelled up in him to the point it was all he could do to keep from lunging at his friend’s neck.

  He shook his head to clear away the crazy thoughts. He knew Gator, trusted him like a brother. Knew the other man would protect Anny with his life and wouldn’t make any kind of advance toward her.

  There was no reason for him to be angry and jealous, but that didn’t change the fact the feelings were there. Anny was his.

  But she wasn’t, not really, not yet. She hadn’t come to terms with what had happened, what she was now. Oh, she was doing a hell of a lot better than most people would, but it was still a struggle for her.

  And who could blame her. It was a lot to ask of anyone.

  Armand bitterly wished he’d been the one to bring her cats to her, but he hadn’t wanted to leave her alone. Contrary to what she might think, he’d been close the entire time she’d walked from the alpha’s home back to his. He’d watched her sit on the step all by herself, wanting to go to her but figuring she could use the time alone to think.

  If his emotions were in a turmoil, he could only imagine how chaotic hers were.

  He’d almost announced his presence when she’d made her phone call but had stayed out of sight and listened. The relief that had hit him when he realized she was taking another week off work was tremendous. He couldn’t bear the thought of her out in the world on her own without protection.

  She’d never admit it, but she was fragile right now, both physically and emotionally. Yes, she was healing from her wounds rapidly thanks to her werewolf genetics, but she was nowhere near full strength yet, hadn’t tested the limits of her new powers. Then there was the entire emotional aspect to the situation.

  Anny’s life had changed forever, and she had to come to terms with that. Armand didn’t think she’d ever be returning to work, but he wasn’t stupid enough to tell her that just yet. Unless all the members of his old pack were dead, she’d always be in danger. Then there was the off chance that some human might discover exactly what she was now. That would be a danger to them all. Her job was too public. She was surrounded all day by humans.

  Why couldn’t she have a nice quiet office job, or even be a writer like Gwen. Jacque didn’t have to deal with Gwen wanting to work outside the home simply because she worked almost entirely at home. Gwen hadn’t had to give up her career in order to accept her new life.

  He was asking a lot of Anny. No, that wasn’t quite true. He hadn’t asked it of her yet. It was smarter to get her used to being with them first. And as much as he wanted to lay claim to her, he couldn’t pressure her to accept him as her mate, her husband. Not yet, not when she was still vulnerable and coming to terms with everything that had happened.

  That wouldn’t be right.

  He growled and prowled toward the house, cursing himself for doing the right thing. Maybe he couldn’t pressure her into admitting they belonged together, not yet. But he could spend time with her, be with her, get her used to the idea of them being together long term.

  And he could protect her.

  He needed to hack into the hospital’s medical records and make sure Anny’s files got lost. Jacque had mentioned it to him after breakfast. He should have thought of it himself, should have already dealt with the problem. In his defense, he’d been too caught up with making sure she was all right to even think about the problems hospital records could cause. Who knew what had turned up on their tests while she was there? They couldn’t take any chance on some abnormality in her bloodwork leading to unwanted questions down the road.

  It was a godsend that Anny had checked herself out as quickly as she had.

  Then there was the little matter of the jealousy monster biting him in the butt. No way did he want Gator spending any more time than necessary alone with Anny. Better not to tempt fate.

  He stopped at the base of the porch steps and shifted, embracing his human form. He stretched his arms over his head, working out the kinks before climbing the steps. Armand took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside.

  The sound of Anny’s laughter was like music to his ears. He wanted to be the one who made her laugh, but his need to hear her do so overrode his jealousy. He strode toward the kitchen and paused when the two of them came into view.

  Gator was busy mixing cookie dough while Anny tried to steal some from the bowl. “You keep that up,” Gator told her, “and we won’t have any left to put in the oven.” His friend glanced up at him. “You need to control your woman.” />
  Shame enveloped Armand. He knew that Gator sensed his jealousy, his possessiveness, and he was making it clear he had no designs on Anny by referring to her as Armand’s woman.

  Anny glanced at him and her eyes widened. She looked away and then back, her cheeks getting red. “Umm, you might want to put some clothes on.”

  He’d been so concerned with seeing her that he’d forgotten he was completely naked. Armand walked around the kitchen island toward her. She swallowed hard but didn’t back away from him. It took all his control not to get a hard-on. Everything about Anny was a turn-on, an aphrodisiac, from her sweet scent to the way she nibbled on her bottom lip when she was nervous.

  He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip to soothe the abuse of her teeth. “I missed you,” he told her before he lowered his head and kissed her. He heard Gator leave the room, but the bastard didn’t go far enough. Armand knew his friend was going to bake those cookies because Anny wanted them. And while he’d normally applaud the good care his friend was taking with Anny, right now he wished Gator was a hundred miles away.

  Anny returned his kiss, sliding her hands up his bare chest. In spite of his best intentions, his cock stirred and began to lengthen. Armand knew he had to stop before he ended up taking Anny on the kitchen floor or the counter or against the wall. He wasn’t picky, not as long as he got inside her.

  Not now, the little voice in the back of his head warned. Give her some space. Show her what things can be like outside the bedroom. Because so far he hadn’t shown her much beyond what their sexual relationship would be like.

  He forced himself to lighten the kiss. It wasn’t easy. Anny’s lips tasted like coffee and sweet female. And there was no hiding the fact she was aroused. The musky scent made his balls tighten and lessened the coil of jealousy around him. She hadn’t been aroused by Gator, only by him.

  He drank in her sweet sigh when he eased back. Her blue eyes were half-closed and a small smile played at the corners of her mouth. He kissed each corner, satisfied that he’d made her smile.


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