Lily's List Page 8
Lily half expected him to head straight for the lingerie shop. Instead, they took their time, stopping in a music store and a bookstore. To her surprise, she discovered they both enjoyed classic rock and the blues.
While browsing the bookstore, they’d discovered two of her books sitting on the shelf. Carson had picked both of them up, staring at them with awe. She was excited and thrilled and proud. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to share it with someone for the first time.
He’d run his finger tenderly over her name on the spine. “Well, Ms. Lillian,” he said in a husky voice, “I think we should go shopping.”
Her inner core clenched tight. Shopping wasn’t exactly what she had in mind at the moment, but she nodded. Carson carefully replaced both books and then reached out and took her hand. Fingers entwined, they made their way back out into the concourse, strolling until they found what they were searching for.
Determined to be an adult about this, Lily strode confidently into the store with Carson right behind her. She’d bought tons of bras and panties in her life, but never at such a high-end shop and never with an audience. She usually found whatever she needed at one of the big box stores. Always plain white cotton. It had been years, more than a decade really, since she’d bought anything vaguely resembling sexy lingerie.
Carson paused by a rack of lace teddies. He plucked one in a lovely shade of lavender off the metal arm and held it up. “This color suits you.”
Lily could feel her cheeks getting warm, but she went to his side and examined the garment. It looked fragile and very sexy being held up by his strong, rough hand. Fighting off a shiver of desire, she glanced at the size, somehow not surprised that he’d gotten the right one. “I’ll try it.”
That set the mood for their shopping expedition. The saleslady, as if sensing an easy sale, swooped down on them, a huge smile on her face. She pointed out some items on sale as well as others in the latest styles. Before long, she was ferrying hangers filled with bras and skimpy nightgowns to the dressing room. Panties and garter belts followed.
Finally Lily held her hands up in exasperation. “Enough.” Carson cocked an eyebrow in question, but she shook her head and laughed. “You pick out much more and I’ll be here until closing tonight trying on everything.”
The saleslady showed them to the dressing rooms. Lily was impressed with how large they were. The walls were a deep cream color, but a wingback chair in a vibrant red added a touch of color and a large gilded mirror completed the décor. It was classy and sensual at the same time. Best of all, there was a large, comfortable chair just outside the door.
Carson dropped a quick kiss on her lips before ushering her into the room. It felt strange to strip off her slacks and blouse knowing that only a thin wall separated her from Carson. Her nipples were already tight and puckered when she removed her plain cotton bra and reached for one made from red satin. There were matching panties and a garter belt as well. Sitting on the edge of the chair, Lily smoothed a silky stocking up her leg. She was glad now that the saleslady had suggested them. Since she planned on buying them, she thought she’d wear them while trying on the lingerie to get the full effect.
When she was done, she stared at herself in the mirror. She didn’t even look like herself. The sensible, staid Lily Summers was gone. Her nondescript medium-brown hair was still cut in a no-nonsense style, her face was still slightly rounded, her chin was still stubborn, but somehow she looked different.
Her hair seemed more tousled, her eyes brighter and her lips curved naturally into a secret smile. Perhaps having a lover was good for her. Her smile widened as she turned right and then left, checking the outfit. Her B cup looked fuller somehow in this bra. Or maybe it was just her perception of herself that had changed.
She glanced at the door, knowing she had to open it. Carson was waiting. Oh, she knew he wouldn’t knock, would let it be her decision, but she knew he would be disappointed if she didn’t.
The doorknob was in her hand before she had a chance to talk herself out of it. She turned it slowly and pulled the door open. Carson sat directly across from the dressing room, slouched against the cushions, his long legs sprawled in front of him. He looked totally relaxed and at ease. That is, until he saw her.
He slowly straightened in his chair. He blinked several times, the blue of his eyes darkening the longer he stared. Lily cast her gaze down to the front of his jeans and was gratified by the bulge she saw there. Cocking out one hip, she placed a hand on her waist and the other on the doorjamb. “What do you think?”
He sat forward, reached out and ran a finger over the naked expanse of flesh at the top of her stocking. Her toes curled into the carpet. “I think you’re beautiful.”
Lily shifted her stance, her body heating under his intense scrutiny. “There’s more.” She indicated the dressing room.
Carson eased back into the chair and nodded. “I’m not going anywhere.”
So it went for the next forty minutes. Lily had no idea that shopping could be a form of foreplay, but she was quickly learning. She modeled sleek teddies, tempting nightgowns, push-up bras and skimpy panties. She tried on items she never would have picked for herself, but she was caught up in the thrill and excitement of it all. Some of it, she had to admit, even looked good on her.
Other women came and went, trying on items. Lily caught several of them checking out Carson, but if he sensed their notice, he gave no indication. All his attention was on her.
By the time she pulled on the last item—the lavender teddy that Carson had picked out—she felt ready to explode. Her skin felt flushed and tight. She wanted to squirm as Carson ran his eye over her. Her inner muscles clenched and her nipples were outlined against the lacy material. The garment was made from a stretchy lace that hugged her breasts, waist, and hips. It covered her as well as any one-piece bathing suit. The only difference was that the material was practically see-through.
“Perfect.” He stood for the first time and took the one step necessary to bring him right in front of her. “You have to have this one.” One long finger traced the edge of the lace between her breasts. “Wear it home.”
“I’ll get the saleslady to come and cut off the tags.” His finger trailed across her collarbone and up the side of her neck. “I’ll go out of my mind imagining you wearing that under your clothes.”
Suddenly she felt like laughing. “Oh, well, if it will drive you out of your mind, then by all means.” She gestured him toward the entrance of the fitting room area.
Carson shot her a wicked smile filled with promise. “I’ll get the salesclerk.” She watched him saunter away and then turned back to the mound of clothing in the dressing room. She was definitely going to blow the budget here today. It only took a few seconds for the saleslady to appear—she’d obviously been hovering nearby—and she was all smiles and business.
The tags were quickly removed and Lily pulled on her slacks and blouse. It was the same clothing she was wearing when she’d left the house this morning, but somehow she felt more sensual and desirable. Sexy underwear certainly did make a difference. Or maybe it was the fact Carson knew what she was wearing under her clothing, had been the one to choose it, that made the difference. Either way, she felt totally different walking out of the dressing room than she had going in.
Carson was nowhere in sight as she followed the saleslady to the checkout area. The woman smiled knowingly. “He told me to tell you that he would meet you outside the store. He had another errand to run.”
Lily thanked the woman and then began the task of picking and choosing what she was buying and what she was leaving behind. In the end, she picked the red set, including the stockings, a pale blue nightgown that barely covered the tops of her thighs, two more panty and bra sets, two pairs of bikini underwear, a camisole and, of course, the lavender teddy. She’d even thrown in a red thong, even though she hadn’t tried it on. It was the same color as the
red set and she figured she could mix and match if she ever felt daring enough.
Lily chatted with the other woman as she efficiently scanned and wrapped each item. Lily noticed the clerk wrapped the red set and put it in the bag without scanning it.
“You missed that one,” she pointed out.
The saleslady shook her head. “The gentleman already paid for this as well as the teddy you’re wearing.”
“What?” Lily wasn’t sure how she felt about that. It was one thing for her to pay for her own lingerie, quite another for Carson to have bought it.
The salesclerk stopped folding the pale blue nightgown. “He said it was a present and if you didn’t buy the set to wrap it up anyway. Was I wrong to let him pay?”
“No, that’s fine.” She didn’t want to cause a scene, but they were definitely going to discuss this later. “I just wasn’t expecting it.” The woman looked relieved and went back to work. When everything was bagged, the clerk ran Lily’s credit card. She signed the slip, tucked her card back in her purse and grabbed her shopping bag. With a nod of thanks to the woman, she hurried out to find Carson.
He was waiting just beyond the entrance for her, a bag tucked under his arm. “I can’t let you pay for any of this.” She held up the bag in her hand.
Carson calmly took the bag from her and captured her hand. “Why not?”
“Why not?” she sputtered. “It’s not right.”
“Sure it is.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I like knowing that you’re wearing something I bought for you. Makes me hot.”
Lily swallowed hard. She hadn’t thought about it from that perspective before. Now that she had, she was very afraid she wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. She felt . . . horny. There was no other way to put it. Her breasts ached, her core throbbed and she couldn’t think about anything else but hot, sweaty sex with Carson.
And the sooner the better.
Wearing the sexy lingerie he’d bought for her was foreplay without him having to lay a finger on her. She’d always known the mind was the biggest erogenous zone, and this only served to prove it.
“Hungry?” His low murmur caught her off guard.
“What?” Her face heated as she jerked her head up to look at him. She saw the teasing glint in his eyes. The devil meant food, not sex. She was making an idiot of herself. She glanced at her watch and realized it was almost noon. “I could go for something.”
He chuckled as they strolled toward the food court. Two could play that game, she thought as she glanced around and found what she was looking for. Stalking up to a counter, she ordered a jumbo hot dog and a soda. She heard Carson groan, but she ignored him as she paid for her order and thanked the young attendant at the counter before scooping up her tray. “You not eating?” she asked innocently.
“Witch,” he whispered as he settled her at a table and left to get something for himself.
Lily contented herself with just sipping her drink until Carson returned with several slices of pizza. As soon as he sat, she picked up the long dog and slid it past her lips. She didn’t chew, but instead pulled it slowly out of her mouth. “I should add ketchup.”
Taking her time, she opened several packages of ketchup and smeared it up and down the length of the wiener. Carson groaned. “You’re killing me, woman.”
“Fair is fair.” Picking up the hot dog, she brought it to her mouth. “After all, you get to know that you bought the clothes that are touching me in all the right places.” She stuffed the hot dog into her mouth and bit.
Carson winced and then chuckled. “Remind me never to cross you.” Grabbing a slice of pizza, he began to eat.
Satisfied, Lily enjoyed the rest of her lunch. She’d made her point, but it had backfired to a certain extent. She was even more turned on than she had been already. She was very aware of the lacy garment cupping her breasts and her mound. The fact that Carson had bought it for her made her feel sexy and naughty. They had a secret between them that no one else around them was aware of.
They didn’t linger over lunch, but finished quickly and headed for the truck. By mutual agreement, they decided to head home. Lily was looking forward to modeling her new clothes at home and she was certainly keen to be able to cross “striptease” from her list.
• • •
Carson concentrated on the road ahead of him. Once again, they’d taken the back roads, avoiding the faster highway. Normally, he enjoyed the scenery and the more leisurely pace. Today, he noticed none of it. It was taking all his focus just to stay on the road. He couldn’t think about the woman next to him or he might put them into a ditch. He hadn’t been this primed and ready to pounce since he was a teenager.
Lily had an unconscious sensuality about her that drove him wild. Watching her model lingerie this morning had been a fantasy come true. Her legs were long and supple, her arms slender but strong. Breasts, small but firm, had peeked out at him from beneath slinky nightgowns and he caught a fleeting glimpse of her pussy. He’d been hard as a rock for hours with no end in sight.
He’d hoped that lunch would cool things down, but no go. He had only himself to blame for that. Teasing Lily had backfired big-time.
He barely suppressed a groan at the memory of Lily opening her mouth and taking the jumbo dog deep. He desperately tried not to think about it, but the memory wouldn’t stop tormenting him. He could easily imagine her lips parting to take his cock into her mouth.
That, of course, had been the point.
He tightened his hands on the wheel as he drove, not daring to glance her way. She looked ripe and ready for the taking, and he was walking a jagged edge. Something about her made him feel primitive and desperate.
He didn’t feel as though she were his yet and knew he wouldn’t until he’d had her. Lily wasn’t the type of woman to sleep around. If she made love with him it would mean something, it would be a commitment of sorts. Maybe not the kind he wanted, but it was a start.
“You okay?” He felt her hand on his arm and braced himself against the onslaught of emotions battering him.
“Yeah. No.” He swiped his hand through his hair, dislodging the thong that held it back. Swearing, he grabbed at the tie, but it was too late. He could sense Lily’s concern and felt like an idiot. “Really, I’m fine.” Yeah, if fine meant he was going to come in his pants any second.
“I could make you feel better.” Her husky promise was punctuated with a caress as she stroked his arm and then let her hand slide onto his lap.
Carson’s mind went blank and his hands automatically turned the wheel of the truck, sending it off the main road and down a small dirt one. Blindly he searched for what he was looking for and almost gave a shout of celebration when he found it. Turning the wheel again, he took the truck through a small opening in a copse of trees. When he was sure it was fairly well hidden, he stopped and turned off the ignition. The vehicle had barely stopped rocking when he shoved back the seat as far as it would go, unlatched his seat belt and reached for Lily, who was already moving toward him.
“Come here.” He pulled her onto his lap so that her legs were on either side of his hips. Placing a hand on her back, he arched his hips and ground his pelvis against hers. Their heavy panting filled the truck as he struggled to pull off her blouse. Their hands got tangled as she tugged at his shirt. “Damn,” he swore as he practically ripped his shirt over his head. All that mattered was getting it off so Lily could touch him. By the time he tossed his shirt aside, Lily had disposed of her blouse.
His hands went straight to her pants. He needed her naked. The button popped and pinged off the floor as he tore at her zipper. He pushed and she lifted herself, and between the two of them they got her pants off, removing her shoes in the process.
He stopped and stared at the vision she made perched on his lap. Lavender lace cupped her breasts and cinched her waist. His cock throbbed and his balls pulled up tight against his body.
He was out of time.
He rippe
d open the button on his jeans and shoved the zipper down. “Condom,” he gasped as her nimble hands reached beneath his boxers to caress his hard length. “God, Lily.” He wasn’t sure if he wanted her to stop or to continue. Fumbling, he managed to get a condom from his back pocket and tear open the package.
“Let me.” Lily took the condom from him and rolled the latex over his cock. Carson closed his eyes and tried to breathe. When she leaned forward and nipped at his chest, he lost it.
His hand dove between her thighs, pushing away the thin fabric strip. He said a prayer of thanks when he touched her wet heat. She was as ready as he was.
“Carson!” He loved the sound of his name on her lips, especially when it was tinged with desperation and desire.
“What do you want?” He pressed a finger into her pussy, shuddering when her inner muscles grabbed it tight. “Tell me.” When he pulled his finger out, he curled it upward and stroked the sensitive tissue on the top.
“Fuck me.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders and arched toward him.
Shoving her legs wider, he positioned himself against her opening. “Lily.” He wanted to say more but couldn’t manage any more than her name as he surged into her. He felt her tense, her body stretching to accommodate him. Sucking in a breath, he tried to get some control, slowing his penetration, giving her time to get used to him.
Every ripple of her inner muscles around his cock was torture. He was surprised he hadn’t already come. His body demanded he move. He wrapped his hands around her waist, lifted her about an inch and then pulled her back down. He sank deeper into her, groaning with undisguised pleasure. He wasn’t all the way in, not yet. But he was close.
“Take all of me.” He wanted her to want him, to claim all of him.
“Yes,” she hissed. Bracing herself against his shoulders, she began to lever herself up and then lower herself. Carson pumped his hips upward on her downstroke, pushing hard until she was taking all of him with every thrust.