Lily's List Page 7
It had been hard enough to get through Saturday at work, but as it was her busiest day of the week, she’d eventually gotten into the rhythm of it. Delia, her assistant, had asked her several times if she was okay. She’d been a lot more distracted than usual.
Lily loved her store and took pride in her work, but she’d been more than ready to leave work when the clock hit six. Her body had been humming with anticipation and low-level arousal when she’d closed the doors for the day and headed home. They hadn’t made plans, but she’d hoped to see Carson.
He’d called her instead.
They’d talked on the phone for over an hour. No phone sex. Not this time. Instead, they’d shared the details of their days with one another, chatting and laughing. In some ways it was even more intimate and made her feel warm and tingly all over. She’d been ready to reach for her vibrator when she finally went to bed that night, but something had stayed her hand. She didn’t think that anything short of having Carson inside her was going to satisfy her.
On the other hand, her writing certainly wasn’t suffering. Carson had already told her that he had to work on Sunday. It was a special project a man wanted done for his wife and that was the only day she would be away. While she appreciated Carson’s willingness to go the extra mile for his client, she wished he’d been able to spend the day with her. Still, she’d written almost twenty pages on her manuscript before calling it a day.
Monday passed with another long phone call in the evening. It was now late Tuesday afternoon and they still hadn’t made any definite plans to get together. In a fit of frustration this morning, she’d shoved the can of whipped cream to the back of the refrigerator.
Picking up another daisy, she carefully added it to the arrangement in front of her. She stood back and looked at it with a critical eye. Perfect. It was just what Mr. Fitzgerald had ordered for his wife’s birthday. Picking up the crystal vase he’d chosen for the special occasion, Lily carried it to the cooler and popped it inside. Mr. Fitzgerald had promised to pick it up before closing today.
She walked briskly back to her work counter and began to clean it. There were no other orders she had to fill today and tomorrow was her day off. Thursday and Friday would be busy, as Lily’s Blossoms was doing the bouquets and all the floral arrangements for two weddings this weekend. She, Delia and both her part-timers would be here early Thursday morning to start work.
But tomorrow was hers to do with as she chose. The only problem was that she wasn’t quite sure what she was doing yet. The bell over the door tinkled merrily and she automatically turned with a welcoming smile on her face. Carson stood just inside the door wearing his usual uniform of scuffed boots, jeans and a plain T-shirt. Today the shirt was a chocolate brown that made him look positively yummy.
Lily didn’t move as he sauntered toward her, a familiar gleam in his eyes. “Hello, Carson.” She was proud of the fact that her voice sounded calm and totally natural.
“Lily.” His deep baritone sent a shiver down her spine. It wasn’t what he’d said, but rather the way he’d said it—low and intimate.
She locked her knees and tilted her head to one side. “What can I do for you today?”
The corners of his mouth twitched. “That’s a loaded question.”
Lily scowled. Truthfully, she was slightly irritated with him. He obviously found it easy to stay away from her for four days, and now he waltzed right into her store at closing time and expected . . . She hesitated. She wasn’t quite sure what he expected.
The bell over the door chimed again, saving Lily from having to come up with a witty reply. Mr. Fitzgerald rushed in, obviously in a hurry. “Afternoon, Lily,” he said as he puffed for breath.
She skirted around the edge of her worktable and headed straight for the cooler. “I’ve got the arrangement you wanted all done.”
“Good. Good. I’ve got to get to the jewelry store before it closes.” He glanced at his watch. “That gives me fifteen minutes. I would have been here sooner, but I stopped to pick up the cake first.” While Mr. Fitzgerald prattled on, Lily retrieved the flowers and carried them to the counter. He stopped talking when he saw them and nodded. “Perfect.”
Lily quickly ran his credit card through the machine and, less than two minutes later, Mr. Fitzgerald was out the door, carefully cradling the large arrangement in his arms.
Throughout it all, Lily was very aware of Carson watching her every move. Now they were alone again. She rubbed her hands up and down her forearms, feeling slightly chilled.
She heard the low clomp of his boots against the floor as he came up behind her. He didn’t touch her, but she could feel the heat of his body. “Lily?”
She knew she was acting strange, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. She shook her head and sighed. “I’m fine.”
His lips grazed the sensitive skin just below her ear. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Her head fell forward. She was tired because she hadn’t been sleeping well. In all fairness, it wasn’t his fault. She was an adult in charge of her own life and feelings. “You didn’t. I’m just tired.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well either.” His teeth tugged at the gold hoop hanging from her ear. Lily shivered. “I keep dreaming about you.” He stepped away suddenly, leaving her feeling slightly bereft. She turned around to face him just as the front door pushed open and two customers walked in.
Lily was glad that one of them had their wits about them. When Carson was near, hers seemed to disappear. “Good afternoon,” she greeted the two young women. They smiled and nodded in greeting and headed toward the ready-made bouquets in one of the front coolers.
When she glanced back at Carson, he was standing off to one side, hands in his pockets, watching her intently. “We need to make plans.” His voice was low enough for only her to hear, for which she was grateful, but his words made her entire body clench with need. The man was making her crazy.
“Okay, but not now.” She glanced at the clock. “I close up in about ten minutes.”
Carson rocked back on his heels. “I can call you later.” She was partly relieved, partly disappointed. “Or . . .” Her heart began to pound. “I can pick up something for us to eat and bring it to your place.”
Lily nodded. “That would be good.”
The smile he gave her was oddly gentle. He raised his hand as if he might touch her, but quickly dropped it back to his side. “Which one?”
It took her a minute to realize what he was asking her. She quickly replayed their conversation in her head and groaned. She hadn’t given him an answer at all. “The second one. Supper.”
His smile deepened. “I’ll leave you to your work.”
Turning, he headed for the entrance. When the door closed behind him, she heard a feminine sigh. Whirling, Lily came face-to-face with her two customers, both young women in their mid-twenties. The woman who’d sighed shrugged at Lily. “I couldn’t help but admire the view. That’s one good-looking man.”
Lily searched their faces but found no sign that they’d overheard any of her and Carson’s conversation. She nodded at the women, not quite sure what to say. Her stomach felt queasy and she was irritated by their obvious interest in Carson. She felt possessive and territorial. He belonged to her. At least for now.
“What can I help you with today?” She forced herself to smile, but it wasn’t easy. Her anger faded as she assisted the women in choosing flowers for a dinner party. By the time they left, she was feeling slightly deflated.
Truthfully, she had no hold on Carson. It had been her idea to keep their association a secret. That was probably for the best. There were a lot of much younger and prettier women in this town with their eye on Carson. Plus, he was the kind of man who would eventually want a family. Her son was grown and in college. They were at two completely different places in their lives. It was only a matter of time until he decided he wanted to move on.
She absently rubbed her breastbone. Her heart ached at the
thought of that day finally coming. Perhaps it would be best to break things off now before she got in too deep. A voice in the back of her head informed her, sadly, that it was already too late. She was half in love with the man.
Lily dropped her hand and meandered to the door to lock it for the night. Breaking things off now might save her some heartache, but if she did, she knew she’d be plagued by the “what ifs” for the rest of her days. She’d always be left wondering what memories they might have made together and where it might have led.
Straightening her shoulders, she strode back to her cash register. She was in this for as long as it lasted. Yes, she was older than Carson, but seven years wasn’t really that much when you thought about it. She might not be quite as shapely as all those younger women, but she was intelligent and, well, a good person. That had to count for something. Furthermore, Carson seemed to enjoy her company. After all, it was him who’d asked to spend time with her in the first place.
Slightly buoyed, for now anyway, she rushed through her closing tasks, grabbed her sweater and purse and headed out the door.
• • •
Carson idly tapped his fingers against the steering wheel of his truck and stared out into the gathering dusk. He’d obviously made an error in giving Lily too much time alone. After the intensity of Friday night, he’d stepped away, not wanting to crowd her. It hadn’t been easy to stay away from her, but he’d thought she would appreciate the time to regroup. Instead, it seemed she was rethinking their relationship.
The smell of ribs and home fries seeping from the large bag next to him made his stomach growl. He’d put in a busy few days at work, but it was worth every extra hour he’d clocked. Tomorrow was Wednesday, Lily’s day off, and he’d managed to clear his schedule as well. His crew could handle the jobs on tap for tomorrow. He had plans for Lily. That is, if she didn’t boot his ass out the door tonight.
His gut clenched at the thought. He’d waited a long time for her to notice him as more than her son’s employer, and now that he had her attention, he wasn’t about to lose it.
Her blue compact car whizzed down the road in front of him. He grabbed the bag with the food and slid out of the driver’s seat, locking the door behind him. He’d parked one street over in the far corner of the convenience store parking lot. If his truck was spotted in her driveway a second time in one week, her neighbors would certainly comment. Personally, he didn’t care, but he knew Lily did.
Grinding his teeth to keep from swearing, he cut through a back alley, keeping to the shadows until he finally came out at Lily’s back door. He hated sneaking around, but if that’s what it took to get Lily’s trust, so be it. From there it would be a short step to taking their relationship public. She might not know it now, but he wasn’t going to settle for anything less than a ring on her finger. He wanted the entire world to know she was his.
He rapped on the back door and it was opened immediately. The fact that she was waiting for him made him feel slightly better. She was still wearing the long, loose denim skirt and sweater that she’d had on earlier, but she seemed different. He stared at her, trying to figure out what it was.
She smiled at him and held the door wide. “That smells wonderful.”
Carson dropped a quick kiss on her delectable mouth as he passed. That was it! It was her attitude that seemed different. She seemed happy to see him and not as tense as she had been at the store.
His heart soared and then sank again. Maybe it was because they were in private now, where no one could see them. That situation was about to change if he had his way. He planned to start out slowly, to get her used to them being together in public, and the infamous list would help him.
Feeling better, he set the bag on the table and opened it. “I’ve got ribs, coleslaw and home fries.” The vase of roses sat in the center of the kitchen table. They were faded and wilting, but the fact that she hadn’t tossed them yet lightened his mood.
Lily groaned. “I don’t even want to think about the amount of fat in all of it.”
He ran his eye up and down her trim form. “That’s not something you have to worry about.”
When she laughed her entire face lit up and her eyes twinkled. “That’s true. Lucky genetics.”
They didn’t bother with “real” plates and cutlery, instead using their plastic utensils and eating directly from the foam containers. As if by mutual consent, they both kept the conversation light until they’d finished. But once the food was consumed and the table cleared, everything changed.
“You’re off tomorrow,” he began.
“Yes.” He could sense Lily’s tension rising again.
“So am I, and I think we should tick another thing or two off your list.”
“The list,” she parroted.
He nodded. “I want you to go shopping with me tomorrow.” He hurried on before she could say no. “I know you won’t want to do it here in Summersville, but we can take my truck and head somewhere else.” There were several large towns within an hour or so drive.
The pulse in her throat jumped and her eyes widened. “What do you want to shop for?”
“Lingerie.” He said the word with a certain amount of satisfaction. “You’ll need some items if you want to attempt a striptease.” He didn’t tell her that he was also thinking of ways to satisfy the “sex in a public place” item on her list as well. He’d play that one by ear.
He could tell he’d shocked her with this one. Her face was pale and he couldn’t quite tell what she was thinking. He’d laid his cards on the table and it was time to make a strategic escape. Standing, he reached down and lifted her from her chair. She grabbed his shoulders for support.
He captured her mouth and kissed her with all the suppressed passion burning within him. He reached down and cupped her ass in his palms, angling her hips so that her mound pressed against his erection. Lily made a whimper of desire that fired his blood. He grabbed her thigh in his hand, lifted it and wrapped it around his hip. The motion brought her so close he could feel her heat through their clothing.
She squirmed, trying to get even closer. Carson plunged his tongue in and out of her mouth, taking as much as she would give him. His body was howling for release, but that wasn’t on tonight’s schedule. When he finally took Lily, he wanted to know that she was truly his. He didn’t quite know when that would be, but it wasn’t tonight. She was still too confused about what she wanted from him, from them.
Breaking the kiss almost killed him, but he did it. Panting heavily, he slowly unhooked her leg from around his hip and removed her hands from his shoulders. “The decision is yours.” He spun around and left her standing there. He didn’t look back, because he knew if he did, he’d never leave her.
• • •
Lily’s legs shook and she slowly lowered herself back down onto her chair. She pressed her trembling fingers against her swollen lips. Her breasts ached and her panties were damp. Her clothing felt tight and confining.
What the heck had just happened?
Carson wanted to go lingerie shopping with her. That was a total shocker. The thought of wearing sexy undergarments and doing a striptease for him had her squirming in her chair. Even the thought of trying on skimpy underwear while he waited outside the dressing room was a huge turn-on.
Did she want to take the next step in their relationship? She knew the chances of someone seeing them together were slim, but it was there. How did she feel about that?
Surprisingly, the embarrassment she thought she might feel was missing. She was a sensible adult. If she wanted to indulge in a relationship with a gorgeous man, then that was her business.
God, she wanted to pick up the phone, call Annabelle and Emma and talk to them, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. As silly as it sounded, this thing between her and Carson was special, almost magical, and she was afraid of doing something to jinx it. Oh, she knew they’d tell her to go for it. They were both constantly nagging her to start dating again and
had been since Ethan had left home. They were always telling her she needed to let go and enjoy life.
A secret smile tilted the corners of her lips. That was exactly what she planned to do. Rising from the table, she walked to the phone, dialed a familiar number and waited for it to be picked up on the other end. When she heard his voice, she said one word. “Yes.”
Chapter Eight
By ten o’clock the next morning Lily and Carson were pulling into the parking lot of a large mall. They’d left Summersville over an hour ago, and Lily had just sat back and enjoyed the ride. They took the back roads, meandering along, in no rush to get to their destination.
She glanced at Carson, admiring the view. His dark blond hair was pulled back in a leather thong at his nape, emphasizing the planes and angles of his face. This morning, he was wearing jeans and a white cotton shirt, which looked even brighter against his tanned skin.
As if sensing her scrutiny, he shot her a quick glance and smiled. She felt that smile all the way to her toes. He was certainly easy to look at, but she enjoyed being with him too. They chatted easily and about a variety of topics. And when there was silence between them, it was a comfortable one—neither of them feeling the need to fill it with meaningless chatter.
He pulled the truck into a parking space near the entrance and shut off the engine. “Wait for me,” he said before getting out and coming around to open her door. His grip was strong and firm as he took her hand and helped her out of the truck.
He locked her door and then slung his arm around her. Lily hitched her purse higher onto her shoulder and took a deep breath, trying to quell the sudden attack of nerves.
“There should be a store in here where we can find what we’re looking for.” He pulled open the large glass door and waited as she entered the air-conditioned atmosphere of the mall. The stores had just opened, but there were already quite a few people in the building.