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“I’m sorry, Jackson.” Slamming the oven door, she then proceeded to lift the lid off one of the pots on the top of the stove. “I had other things to do. I’ll help you in the barn after supper.”
Jackson was sitting in a chair at the head of the table with his long legs spread in front of him and a bottle of beer in his hand. Taking a slug of beer, he rubbed the cool bottle against his forehead before dropping it back on the table. “I really wanted to get that done this morning, Erin.”
“Well, too bad. I was busy this morning.” Lifting one of the pots from the stove, she drained it into a colander in the sink. Clunking the empty pot down on the counter, she shook out the remaining water and dumped the contents into a clean bowl. Abel watched with glee as Erin added milk, salt and pepper and began to whip the potatoes. He licked his lips in anticipation.
“Yeah, delivering pie.” Jackson’s reply was curt as he took another pull from the bottle. “Your time and muscle would have been put to better use moving hay bales. Old man Adams is coming to pick up a load tomorrow. You know we need the extra money that pulls in.”
Erin set the potatoes aside before she turned and let him have it. “The darn hay will get moved tonight before I go to bed.”
“Yeah, but not getting it done means I have to work tonight, and I had a date for some dancing and romancing later.” The smile on his face left no doubt that he had more on his mind than just dancing.
Erin snorted. “Sorry to upset your love life, but I’ve been up since the crack of dawn this morning. I cooked breakfast, did four loads of laundry, most of which belonged to you and Nathan, cleaned the house, made a grocery list, and baked three pies. After I delivered a pie to Abel, I made your lunch and then I spent the rest of the afternoon in my berry fields. The blueberries will be ready to harvest in about another two weeks.” On a roll now, she barely paused for a breath. “Then, I left work early so I could hurry home and cook for you and the guest that you invited to supper. But, I can promise you that your damn hay will be moved tonight.”
Jackson held up his hand. “All right, already. You win. You’re as busy as I am.”
Abel’s brow creased in a frown. That was the understatement of the century. While his buddy sat on his butt, Erin worked nonstop. Even while she’d been putting Jackson in his place, she’d been busy dishing up carrots, peas, and ears of corn. Just when it seemed as if Erin was gearing up for another round, the sound of someone thumping down the stairs stopped her.
“Is supper ready yet?” Nathan Connors appeared in the kitchen, his hair still slightly damp from his shower. He’d traded in his police uniform for a comfortable pair of old blue jeans and a soft blue shirt.
Before Abel could announce his presence, Nathan spotted him. “Hey, Abel. Come on in.”
Erin spun around from the counter, her eyes wide. He could tell she was wondering just how long he’d been standing there. The moment they made eye contact, she turned away and pretended to be busy. Abel couldn’t help but notice that her face was flushed, and he had a feeling it was more than the steam from supper causing it.
Abel sauntered into the kitchen and laid the empty pie plate on the table, his eyes never leaving Erin. Before the moment could get awkward, his attention was drawn away from her as he was enveloped in a bear hug from Jackson. Slapping each other on the back, in a way that would have felled lesser men, Abel felt as if he had finally come home.
Jackson released him before stepping back and sizing him up. “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Big-Time Author come to supper.”
Abel just grinned at him, knowing full well that Jackson had read every book that he’d written. “You know me. I’ll never turn down a free meal. Especially not one that smells as good as this.”
“Cooked it myself,” Jackson joked.
Abel motioned to the beer bottle on the table. “Yeah, I can tell how hard you were working.”
Nathan pushed past his brother and slapped Abel on the back on his way to the refrigerator. Pulling out two more bottles, he opened them and took a mouthful of beer before handing Abel the other bottle. “If we had to depend on our cooking to survive we’d starve to death. It’s a good thing that Erin takes pity on us and feeds us occasionally.”
His eyes went back to Erin, but she ignored them all as she continued to prepare supper. Both her brothers seemed more than content to sit back and let their sister do all the work. Plunking his bottle of beer on the table, he walked over to the counter, and laid the empty pie plate that he’d brought with him on the counter. “What can I do to help?”
Erin’s mouth dropped and her face was filled with astonishment. You could hear a pin drop in the kitchen. Jackson and Nathan were staring at him like he was some alien life form that had wandered into their midst. Shaking his head in disgust, he picked up the bowl filled with the whipped potatoes and another filled with carrots and carried them to the table.
“But you’re a guest…” Erin sputtered.
“Yeah,” Jackson seconded. “Erin can do that.”
For the first time in his life, Abel wanted to take his friend out back and beat him senseless. Instead, he settled for putting both hands on his hips and glaring at him. “I know she can do it. She just shouldn’t have to do it all by herself.”
His gaze was locked with Jackson’s and he sure as hell wasn’t backing down. For a moment, anger gleamed in his friend’s blue eyes, but then it seemed as if his sense of humor got the better of him, and he began to chuckle. The tension that had filled the room moments before dissipated as Jackson moseyed up to the counter and picked up the large platter that held the steaming chicken.
Carefully placing it on the table, he picked up a carving knife and fork and began to slice the bird. “What?” he said as everyone continued to watch him. “This is men’s work. I can do this.”
Abel just shook his head. His friend was somewhat of a male chauvinist. It surprised him that he’d never noticed that before. He supposed that’s what came of staying away for so long. You didn’t really know people anymore. Oh, he knew the important things. He’d still trust Jackson with his life, but he no longer trusted him to be fair to his sister.
Erin was peeking at him out of the corner of her eye as she carried the last of the steaming bowls over to the table. She glanced at everything one last time, as if to assure herself that all was right with the meal, and then she finally pulled out her own chair to sit down. Abel moved quickly and managed to get there in time to hold her chair for her. That garnered him a look of surprise and a shy look of pleasure.
“Showing off your big-city manners,” Nathan teased.
“No,” he replied. “Just helping to seat a pretty lady.” Winking at her, he grabbed the closest bowl and began to heap food on the plate in front of him. “This all looks fantastic, Erin.”
“Thank you.” Her voice was low and soft, and the smile she gave him was filled with pride.
“That’s a good man. Butter her up and you’ll get more free food while you’re here.” Jackson’s voice broke the tentative link between him and Erin. But before he could berate his friend, he was already onto another topic. “Speaking of which. How long are you home for this time?”
Erin had sucked in her breath the moment Jackson asked the question, telling him that she was interested in his answer. Acting as nonchalant as possible, he tasted some of the potatoes and savored their flavor before he answered. “Indefinitely. But for the rest of the summer for sure. Possibly longer. It’s time I went through the boxes of stuff belonging to Mom and Dad. I’ve put it off for far too long.” He smiled to himself when she released her pent-up breath on a deep sigh.
He had seated himself right next to Erin when he’d sat down for supper, and after he’d enjoyed his first few mouthfuls of food, he decided it was time to have some fun. The conversation flowed around the table as Nathan related something funny that had happened when he’d been out on patrol today. Erin had finally relaxed and was smiling while she listened to her brother. Abe
l casually allowed his left hand to slide under the table next to him.
Her whole body stiffened in shock when his large hand cupped her knee. Taking his time, he trailed his fingers up the inside of her thigh, stopping just before he reached the top. Color slowly seeped up Erin’s face until her cheeks were a nice rosy hue. Abel continued to eat his supper as he trailed his fingers up and down her legs in a slow and easy fashion.
“You okay, Erin?” Jackson was looking at his sister with a quizzical look. “I didn’t notice earlier, but you seem really red. Did you get too much sun today?”
Erin had to clear her throat twice before she could speak. “No, I’m fine. Just a little flushed from working over a hot stove.”
Jackson nodded, satisfied with her explanation. “Erin’s made herself a nice little business selling berries with your family’s land.”
“Really?” Abel turned slightly to face her, noting that her breathing was a little more rapid. Giving her a break, he moved his hand lower and settled it just above her knee. “Tell me about it?”
Erin took a deep breath and let it out slowly before responding. “I worked with the wild blueberry bushes that were already there and planted some more. It’s a totally organic operation.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I pick so much and sell it to local stores and restaurants, and I also have a u-pick operation when the berries are in season. I put in a new road where our property line meets and built a small shed for equipment and such.” She ate a mouthful of potatoes and chased it down with some milk before continuing. “I’m really busy from the end of July until mid-September, but it works out well for me.”
Nathan snorted. “It works out better than well. Erin employs about a dozen kids from the high school during harvest time, either part-time or full-time.”
Jackson nodded. “Yeah, she does. We use the rest of the fields to plant some hay and alfalfa. It works out well for us.”
“It works out better for me,” Abel added. “I want to thank you for taking care of the house. It certainly wasn’t part of the agreement. To tell you the truth it just never crossed my mind.” Both men were looking at him with blank looks in their eyes, strengthening his belief that it was all Erin’s doing.
“I told you it was no big deal.” She glanced at her brothers and back at her plate. “I’m over that way all the time and it only takes a few minutes to open a window or run a dustcloth over things.”
Abel responded by sliding his hand up the inside of her thigh again, and this time he didn’t stop until he reached the top. He could feel her feminine heat seeping from her crotch even through the layer of denim, and he felt his dick begin to stir in response. He licked his lips, imagining just how good she would taste. The urge to haul down her jeans, spread her legs wide, and lick every inch of her sweet pussy was almost overwhelming. It didn’t matter that her brothers were sitting right next to him and would probably kill him if they could read his mind.
Erin jumped when his palm cupped her intimately, choking on a piece of chicken. Abel was forced to remove his hand long enough to thump her on her back.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Jackson watched as Abel continued to pat her on the back.
“I’m sure,” she sputtered. Jumping up from the table, she went straight to the sink and poured a glass of water for herself. Taking her time, she sipped slowly all the while keeping her back turned to them. When she finally regained her composure, she went to the oven, grabbed a potholder, and pulled out a casserole dish that had been left warming there.
Abel watched her as she dished up a steaming chocolate pudding mixture and topped each serving with fresh cream. He could sit and watch her all day long. There was something about the way she moved that was restful. Even when she was busy, her movements were unhurried and precise. Some of her hair had escaped from the confines of her braid, and little locks curled slightly in the heat. Her skin was flushed and her full lips were parted in concentration as she worked.
Abel would much rather have her for dessert than chocolate. Or even better was Erin covered in chocolate. He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable. His erection was pushing hard against the front of his jeans, and kept him from offering to help. There was no way he could leave his seat right now without both her and her brothers noticing that his cock was straining against the zipper of his jeans, demanding to be let out.
Jackson pulled his attention away from her with his next question. “Are you working on a new book?”
Abel stiffened, not wanting to talk about his work. He never did. But this was different. He knew it wasn’t morbid curiosity that prompted his friend, but a genuine interest in Abel himself. “No. I just finished one that should be out by Christmas.”
“What’s it about?” As a deputy sheriff, Nathan was always interested in Abel’s opinions on the various court cases he researched and wrote about.
“The Trenton Slayer.” Everyone was silent for a moment, and then Nathan let out a long, slow whistle.
“That was a hell of a case. Mark Smithson spent over ten years murdering young girls before they caught him.” Nathan shook his head. “I read some of the reports on that one, and they were pretty gruesome.”
Erin placed the dishes of dessert on the table in front of all of them. Everyone ignored them as they listened to Abel recount some of the story.
“Yeah, it was the worse case I’ve ever investigated.” That was saying something, as they all knew that it was his parents’ brutal murder in a convenience store holdup that had led him to his career as an investigative journalist and later a crime writer.
“I talked to the cops and all the families.” He toyed with the dessert spoon for a moment before looking up at them, and his eyes were bleak. “But the worst of it was talking to Smithson. He’s one sick son of a bitch. It was all just a game to him, and he didn’t regret one thing he did. In fact, he promised to do worse if he ever gets out.”
Now it was her turn as Erin slipped her hand over to his lap and squeezed his thigh. There was comfort in her touch and he could feel her concern for him. It gave him the strength to pull himself away from the story. If he wasn’t careful, it dragged him down like it had for the last year of his life, eating at him and sucking him dry.
“Anyway, I’m finished with it. The book is done and I don’t want to think about it any longer.” Abel tried his best to inject some humor into his voice. “I’m looking forward to a long vacation filled with sleeping, eating, fishing, and the occasional ice-cold beer.”
Jackson teased him in an attempt to lighten the mood. “A man of leisure. If you get bored, come on over here and I’ll put you to work doing a real job. We’ll have those puny muscles of yours built up in no time.”
They all laughed as Jackson had intended. Abel was more muscular than Jackson was and that was saying something, as there wasn’t an ounce of fat on Jackson after years of hard farm work. “If I ever feel the need to get into shape, you can be my personal trainer.” Abel’s smile was genuine now.
Reaching down, he grabbed Erin’s hand before she could pull it away. Slowly, he slid it up over the top of his thigh and over his throbbing cock. He knew she could feel him pulsing through his jeans, and her hand automatically covered him and squeezed gently. It was all too easy to imagine her on her knees in front of him opening the front of his jeans. His cock would spring loose and she would take him deep into her mouth and suck him. Hard.
Abel broke out into a cold sweat as he struggled for control. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to start a game like this. Erin’s touch affected him deeply and his reactions were quick and extreme. Right now, he wanted to sweep the dishes off the table, throw her on the top, and fuck her until they were both senseless with pleasure. It didn’t even matter that her brothers were sitting right there in front of them. He was in way over his head.
Thankfully, Nathan broke the erotic spell that she was weaving around him when he pushed back from the table. His chair made a scraping nois
e on the floor as he stood and stretched. “Come on, Jackson. I’ll give you a hand in the barn and Erin and Abel can do the dishes.”
“Are you sure?” Erin glanced from one brother to the other. “I can help him after I finish the dishes.”
Nathan winked at her before heading for the back door. “I’m sure. You’ve already had a long day.” Abel realized then that he wasn’t the only one who’d heard the heated exchange between brother and sister earlier. “Besides, I’m bigger and stronger than you,” he teased her.
“And uglier,” Jackson added as he rose from the supper table.
“I never denied otherwise.” The screen door slammed behind him and they could all hear him whistle as he walked towards the barn.
Jackson nodded at Abel. “Come on out if you want.”
“Thanks,” Abel responded, surprised he could talk with Erin’s hand slowly moving up and down over his cock. “But I’m still beat. I drove straight through last night and only slept for a couple hours today. After I help with the dishes, I’m gonna go on home and make an early night of it.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Jackson headed for the door, but turned at the last second and glanced back over his shoulder at his sister. “Thanks for supper.” His voice was gruff and he was gone before Erin could respond.
She was stunned for a moment before she laughed with delight. “Well, that was a first. You’re obviously a good influence on him.”
Abel trapped her hand against him and squeezed hard. He wanted her so bad his teeth ached. She was fast becoming an addiction. One taste wasn’t enough, but left you wanting more. He knew he wanted her. Had to have her. But not until she understood where he stood in his life right now. All he had the energy for at the moment was sweaty, grinding, hot sex. And lots of it. The last year had left him feeling raw.
It took more strength than he thought he possessed to remove her hand from the front of his jeans and place it back on the table. Standing, he towered over her for a moment, soaking in her beauty. “We have to talk.” His voice was gruff as he struggled with the desire pulsing through his veins.