Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Read online

Page 12

  “You need to eat more now.”

  Anny sniffed and sat up. She tried to move off his lap, but he simply tightened his hold on her, refusing to let her go. He’d let her go once before and see where that had gotten both of them. No, he was finished with the idea of not being with her. Anny had lived through a wolf attack, but her life was still in danger. She belonged to him, was his to protect.

  Now all he had to do was convince her of that.

  “I’m sorry.” She rubbed her eyes, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to fall apart like that.”

  Gator put a piece of cake on a napkin and held it out to Anny. “It’s all good. You want some coffee cake. I made it yesterday so it’s pretty fresh.”

  Armand could have hugged his friend for doing everything he could to put Anny at ease.

  “You made it?” Anny reached out and took the offering.

  Gator grinned. “Love to cook.” He handed Armand a piece as well.

  Anny nibbled the food and gradually began to relax. They all ate and chatted about inconsequential things, giving her time to pull herself together.

  She finally broke her silence. “So what can you tell me about my attacker?” Anny paused a moment. “Other than the fact he’s Armand’s father.”

  “Your attacker’s name is Remy LaForge.” It was Jacque who answered her question. “We’re all originally from a pack from Louisiana. We left because we don’t like how they run things down there.”

  “But they don’t like it when their people leave,” Louis put in. “In fact, it’s downright discouraged.”

  Now that was an understatement if Armand had ever heard one.

  “We made a home here in North Carolina, but we’re very aware that we’re always being watched.” Gator added his two cents worth before going back to eating his cake.

  “Is that why I was attacked? Because someone was watching Armand.” Anny set the remains of her cake aside. She turned to him and Armand felt the weigh of her questioning gaze.

  He owed her nothing less than the truth.

  Anny was sitting in a room full of werewolves. Well, the men were werewolves. She wasn’t sure about Gwen. Either she was totally crazy, which she didn’t discount considering everything she’d been through. Everything she’d ever believed about life was wrong. There were other creatures out there, paranormal creatures. And she’d been bitten by one.

  They were all sitting around a rustic but lovely living room eating coffee cake that had been baked by one badass-looking man. Gator looked as though he’d be more at home in a biker gang than a kitchen. Just showed you couldn’t always judge a book by its cover.

  She needed answers and this was the only place to get them. Fear nibbled at her consciousness, but she refused to allow it full reign. And although Armand said she wasn’t alone, she didn’t trust that he would stay, that he would be on her side if it came down to a choice between her or his friends—no, his pack. They were a unit and she was the outsider.

  Still, it was nice not to feel so alone, if only for a few minutes.

  Armand stirred and she tried not to notice how his strong arms wrapped around her or how his earthy, woodsy smell seemed to surround her. She was much more aware of scent now and if she’d thought Armand was yummy before, he was three times as attractive now. She wanted to rub her body all over him until she’d absorbed his scent onto her skin.

  And the heat his body gave off was just what she needed. She’d felt cold for days now. But in Armand’s arms she was warm. And no wonder, with his erection pressing against her side. He was aroused and making no move to hide it from her.

  “Well?” She needed her questions answered so she could figure out what she was going to do.

  “I don’t think it was just because they were following me,” Armand began. She sensed he was choosing his words carefully and wanted to shake him and tell him just to get on with it.

  “Then why?”

  There was pain in his chocolate-brown eyes when he cupped her chin in his hand and turned her so she was looking straight at him. “It’s because I singled you out. I know better. I knew you could get hurt. That’s why I left you that night at the bar.”

  “But you came to my house later.”

  He nodded. “I couldn’t stay away.” He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the edge of her jaw. She wanted to arch into his touch, but at the last second she remembered their audience.

  Anny swallowed hard. “But you left before dawn.”

  Armand closed his eyes briefly, as if in pain. Her first instinct was to soothe him, but she remained still on his lap.

  “I thought it would keep you safe. I knew we were under scrutiny, possibly watched. I couldn’t bring you into my world where there was so much danger.”

  Anny couldn’t believe what she was hearing and started to laugh, but there was nothing funny about the situation and her laugh was brittle. “You spent the night in my bed fucking me and then left me for my own good.” She ignored Armand’s growl of disapproval. She knew she was being crude, knew they had an avid audience, but she didn’t care.

  She pushed off his lap and he jumped to his feet as well, reaching for her. She backed away, not wanting him to touch her right now. Had she ever been this angry in her life? If she had, she couldn’t remember.

  Of all the arrogance. “If you’d wanted to protect me, you would have left me alone in the first place. You knew you might have been followed to my place and you came anyway. And when you were done with me, you left me alone even though you knew what might happen.”

  “No!” Armand raked his fingers though his straight black hair. The scars on his face seemed even whiter than usual against his tanned skin. “It wasn’t like that. I couldn’t stay away from you. I tried. But after…I knew I had to do whatever I could to protect you. If I’d thought for a second you were in danger, I would never have left your side.”

  Anny sensed his sincerity, but she wasn’t sure she could forgive him. He’d slept with her because he’d wanted her and then left her knowing she might be in danger because of his actions.

  “I don’t get it. I’m nothing special. Why did you single me out?” Because for one night, Armand had made her feel as though she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “I think we should let them talk alone.” Gwen rose from the sofa and tugged on her husband’s hand.

  Jacque rose, his reluctance clear, and motioned to the others. “We’ll be patrolling. We’ll talk more later.” There was a finality in his words that frightened her. Anny knew she wasn’t leaving this place anytime soon. She wasn’t quite sure what they wanted from her. She’d already told them everything.

  Louis led the way, followed by Jacque and Gwen and the others. Anny didn’t know why they were leaving now. They’d been privy to the rest of their private conversation.

  The tension in the room ratcheted up another notch. Anny moved behind a chair and dug her fingers into the heavy fabric to anchor herself. Anything to keep from going to Armand. Stupid hormones or emotions or whatever they were. All she wanted to do was be in his arms. And that wouldn’t accomplish anything.

  The door shut with a finality that resounded deep inside her. She and Armand were alone.

  “Okay, so we’re alone. What couldn’t be said in front of your friends? They already know everything.” She sounded belligerent, not calm and composed. But she squared her shoulders and readied herself for their showdown.

  Armand began to prowl around the room, his movements graceful and fluid. “They do understand everything, but you don’t.”

  “So enlighten me,” she shot back.

  His lips peeled back and he growled. The wolf inside her snarled in reply, but Anny managed to suppress it. She wasn’t an animal. She was a reasonable woman. Or at least that was what she kept telling herself. She wasn’t feeling very reasonable at the moment.

  “Wolves mate for life.”

  Anny frowned, more confused than ever. Then a horrify
ing thought hit her. “You’re mated. Of all the lousy, low-down, rotten—”

  “No.” He cut off her tirade and stalked toward her. Oh yeah, he was definitely the big bad wolf.

  “Then what?” She wouldn’t back down. Couldn’t. She had to know everything. Her life was at stake. But it was more than that. Armand had hurt her deeply when he’d left. And now, knowing he’d left her even though she could be in danger cut her to her very soul.

  “You’re my mate.”

  Anny’s heart stuttered to a stop and then took off, racing faster than an out-of-control train. It thundered so loudly she couldn’t hear herself think. “What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.

  He growled and raked his hands through his hair. He was only inches away from her, his big body heaving with each breath he took. “I knew it that night at the bar. I sensed you were mine, were meant for me.” He shook his head as though to clear his thoughts. “I knew I shouldn’t go near you, knew it wasn’t safe.”

  “Then why did you?” Her voice dropped to almost a whisper.

  “Because I’ve been alone all my life. Because for one short space of time I wanted something for myself. It was selfish, but I needed you, Anny.”

  Wow, that certainly knocked her socks off. For a man as strong and independent as Armand to admit something like that, it had to be real. Didn’t it?

  But was it? Was it based on emotion or simply a biological reaction he had no control over? She didn’t want to think that, but she really didn’t know anything about werewolves and their culture. Why would she? Until a short time ago, she’d thought werewolves nothing but myth, a clever story told in various cultures over the course of human history.

  This whole situation was crazy. Maybe she should be falling apart, screaming or running from this place and Armand, but a sense of calm washed over her instead. Maybe it was the fact she’d almost died that allowed her to accept this entire bizarre situation. Or maybe it was because she knew she was different somehow, physically changed by the attack.

  “That night with you was everything.” Armand tried to smile but failed. She sensed the tension that had every muscle in his body strung tight. “Your scent, the softness of your skin, the pure magic of your body taking mine into you.” He reached out and lightly rested his hands on her shoulders. “It was never about fucking you, Anny.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “Well, not only about that. It was about loving you as well.”

  She swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. What did you say when a man told you something like that? “Then why did you leave?” If everything he was telling her was true, why had he left her after they’d had sex, or made love? Either way, there was no denying the intensity of emotions between them. And the sexual chemistry was off the charts.

  But was it all just chemistry? Armand didn’t know her, not really. Any more than she really knew him. They’d shared one memorable night together and nothing more.

  He rubbed his thumbs over the curve of her neck, gently brushing her healing wounds. “Because I didn’t think they’d followed me to your home. Because I thought you’d be safer away from me.” He used his thumbs to tip her chin upward. “Because as much as I wanted you with me, I wanted you alive and happy, even if that meant you weren’t with me.”

  Anny wanted to believe him. She really did. But it wasn’t easy. And it was just a little too convenient for her liking.

  “So where do we go from here?” she asked.

  Armand stilled, and she sensed she’d disappointed him with her reaction to his confession. Too bad. She was dealing with a lot of emotions herself and wasn’t sure how she felt about him.

  That wasn’t quite true. Her wolf was agitated and angry with her. Okay, so she was in love with Armand. That didn’t mean she trusted him or understood what this whole mating thing was about. Wasn’t even certain she wanted it. After all, he was at war with another group of wolves. Did she want to be a part of that fight?

  She already was. They’d brought it to her whether she wanted it or not.

  Armand dropped his hands and took a step back. “Now you stay here and I protect you.”

  Anny bristled at his tone and the implication behind his words. “I’m nobody’s responsibility but my own. You don’t need to take care of me.” The last thing she wanted was for him to want her to stay around simply because she was in danger and he felt responsible. She wanted him to ask her to stay because he loved her and couldn’t live without her. Which was nuts. How could he love her when he didn’t really know her?

  She was an emotional mess. This entire situation was confusing. And in spite of her earlier burst of adrenaline and energy, she was quickly fading. She swayed and Armand immediately caught her in his arms.

  He frowned and lifted her into his arms. “You’re tired. You’re not fully recovered yet from your injuries or the conversion and you’re pushing yourself too hard.”

  Anny was amused by his scolding. That had to mean he truly cared about her, didn’t it?

  She wasn’t sure of anything anymore and was too exhausted to care.

  The room he carried her into was obviously his. She could smell him everywhere. Her newly enhanced senses allowed her to experience everything more deeply.

  He set her in the middle of a king-sized bed. He removed her shoes and socks and went for the fastening of her jeans, hesitating only a moment before lowering the zipper. He pulled her jeans off but left her panties in place. Neither of them spoke when he eased her cardigan off.

  Armand left the rest of her clothing in place and sat on the bed beside her. He fingered several strands of her hair that had come loose from her braid, letting them glide against his skin. The motion was erotic and she couldn’t look away.

  “No matter what you think or believe, Anny, I want you. I don’t want you to have any doubt about that.”

  Her stomach tightened and her breath grew shorter. No, she didn’t have any doubts about him wanting her. Everything else might be mired in confusion and misunderstanding, but she didn’t doubt Armand wanted her.

  Inside her, her wolf stretched, the movement sensual. Her pussy began to throb and her nipples tightened. This was crazy. She was exhausted, hadn’t fully recovered from her ordeal. She should be home in bed sleeping. But home wasn’t safe anymore.

  There wasn’t anywhere safe. Not from the creature that had attacked her.

  She should be frightened out of her mind. Instead, all she could think about was the night she and Armand had spent together. Had it been as good as she remembered?

  She’d almost died before she’d really had the chance to live. She’d been rethinking her life the morning she’d been attacked. Maybe it was her brush with death that made her want to reach out and grab life by the tail. And what better way to celebrate life than sex with a sexy man who really seemed to want her?

  Knowing she was being crazy and might regret her actions later, Anny opened her arms to Armand. “Then what are you waiting for.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Anny was in his bed. A very male, primitive sense of satisfaction flooded through him. Not that he thought he’d won her trust, not by a long shot. But she was here, with him.

  She was also still weak from her ordeal. She’d been bitten and gone through the conversion that should have killed her. But here she was. Alive. His.

  Armand wanted to strip her and kiss every inch of her body to reassure himself she was real. But she needed rest more than she needed loving. He wished he knew what was going on in her mind. She’d talk to him eventually. He’d make it happen.

  For now, he needed to take care of her, to make sure she rested and ate properly.

  Then she opened her arms to him and spoke the words that sent all rational thought from his brain. “Then what are you waiting for?”

  He’d told her he wanted her, and now she was offering herself to him. What should he do? As much as he wanted her, he wanted to take care of her as well.

  But she was looking at him with th
ose big blue eyes. Where they’d been open and giving only moments ago, they were now filled with hesitation and hurt.

  He’d hurt her enough. No way was he going to do so again. “Anny.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. She opened to him like a flower to the sun, seeking him. He groaned and deepened the kiss.

  She tasted sweet and warm and he wanted more. He drew his tongue across her bottom lip, then her top. The sexy moan she gave made his balls clench.

  He planted both hands on either side of her and touched her only with his mouth. He wanted to be gentle, to be everything she needed him to be. Anny had been through so much because of him.

  Anguish threatened to quench his desire. Then she slid her tongue into his mouth, teasing his. A fire started at the base of his spine and spread out through his body. Anny. There was nothing else, no one else but her.

  He kissed her with every ounce of pent-up passion simmering inside him. The muscles in his arms shook with the power of his need. She was every hope, every dream he’d ever had. Anny was a fucking miracle and she was his.

  Oh, he knew he had a long way to go to win her trust, but he could be patient when he wanted something. And he wanted Anny in his life more than he wanted his next breath. His wolf howled in agreement. Being with Anny was right. She filled the dark spaces of his soul with light and eased the unrelenting anger that drove him.

  He forced himself to ease back from the kiss. Her face was flushed and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled at him and he was lost.

  No, not lost. He was found.

  His hand was trembling when he stroked it over her hair and down her jaw. She sighed and moved into his touch. He knew she had no idea how beautiful she was to him, how much he wanted her.

  How could she? She didn’t know anything about being a werewolf, about the primal lure of mating. But he was more than willing to teach her.

  Armand removed the elastic from the end of her hair and unwound her braid. “Your hair is so lovely.” He sifted his fingers through the long strands, loving the sensual glide as it flowed over his skin. He swallowed hard and his cock strained for release from his jeans. Anny set him on edge quicker than any other female he’d ever known. But he wasn’t about to get sidetracked from his goal—making Anny feel wanted and cared for.


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