Bakra Bride Read online

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  Gasping for breath, she surged her hips upward to meet his fingers and came on the next stroke. Her entire body clenched tight as her body contracted around his fingers. She felt the warm gush of release as spasms shook her. She went limp in his arms as he slowly pulled his hand from her pajama pants.

  Exhaustion overtook her as Zaren pulled the edges of her tunic over her breasts and lifted her so she was cradled back in his arms. The hard ridge of his cock poked her hip. “You didn’t come.” His actions bewildered her slightly. She was obviously willing. Any other man would have tossed her onto the nearest patch of grass and enjoyed himself.

  “Later, Jane. When I get you home.” He nudged the horse and picked up the pace, which had slowed to a plodding walk.

  The sounds of the forest penetrated her senses again. On the back of a horse, no less. The man was incredible. As they passed Bador, he smiled at her. It was a smile filled with sensual promise. His blue eyes burned with lust as they devoured one of her pale breasts where the torn tunic had gaped open.

  She clutched the fabric closed, which was foolish, because both men had seen all of her. But still she felt exposed and slightly uncomfortable with the thought that he’d just watched her come and she hadn’t even known he was there.

  Zaren slowed his horse, stopping it when they reached Bador’s side. Bador ignored his brother, leaned over and kissed her. His tongue slid into her mouth for a quick taste before he withdrew. “You’re beautiful in your passion, Jane. Thank you.” Sitting back in his saddle, he wheeled his horse around and thundered ahead of them.

  Jane rubbed her temples. She just didn’t understand these men who wanted to claim her. Even the word “claim” no longer seemed as foreign as it did only two days ago. The longer she was in this world, the more she was changing until she wasn’t sure she even knew herself any longer.

  Zaren kissed the top of her head before murmuring in her ear. “Sleep. I’ll keep you safe on the journey home.”

  Sleep. With everything on her mind, there was no way she could sleep. But as the horse’s gait rocked her and his arms cradled her, Jane felt her eyes drooping shut.

  She didn’t even see when the brothers’ eyes met as they picked up the pace towards home. Two pairs of lust-filled blue eyes narrowed with determination. The warriors were preparing for battle.

  Chapter Twelve

  Bador stared at the door to the bathing chamber, his eyes practically burning a hole through the door. He would have loved to join Jane in her bath, but she’d let them know in no uncertain terms that she wanted to be alone. Both of them had given in to her wishes. There would be time to share her bath later. At least he hoped there would be time. The passage of time was quick and they had only until tomorrow night to convince her to stay with them.

  Propping some pillows behind his back, Bador leaned back and tried to relax. Reaching down, he gripped his swollen cock in his hand and stroked it slowly up and down. He’d been as hard as a lance since he’d watched Zaren pleasure her on the trip home. When she’d finally fallen asleep, he’d breathed a sigh of relief. It had allowed them both to gain some much-needed control for tonight and to quicken the pace for home.

  He smiled as he remembered her disgruntled expression when she’d told them she wanted to get back to the castle and soak her bruised behind. Even though she was clearly embarrassed, she hadn’t backed down from either of them. She had courage and determination, his Jane. That was how he thought of her in his own mind. His. He expected that Zaren had similar thoughts. Time would tell. Right now they were both bound in the common goal of keeping her here with them. Whoever she chose, as long as she was with them, he could live with the choice.

  In fact, he suspected that Zaren needed Jane even more than he did. And that was saying something, because Bador wanted her with an intensity that burned straight to his soul. But Zaren was the eldest and when their father had died, he had assumed the mantle of responsibility, taking care of the castle and all its inhabitants. Bador had been his right hand, but the brunt had fallen to Zaren. And he had taken his duties like the sacred trust they were.

  But it had taken a toll on him. And Bador had watched helplessly as the solemn warrior who now ruled their land replaced, year by year, the young man who had been his brother.

  Jarmon’s injury had struck them hard and Bador knew that Zaren held himself responsible. He understood, because he felt the same. As the older brothers it was their duty to protect the younger and they had both failed.

  The sound of a door opening pushed aside all thoughts of the past. He released his hold on his cock, stacked his hands behind his head and watched as Jane walked towards the bed. She didn’t see him at first as he was deep in the shadows made by the curtains hanging around the bed and the darkness of the night. Only the flickering flames of the fire in the grate lit the room.

  She yawned and stretched, grabbing the towel that was wrapped around her when it started to slip. “Did you enjoy your bath?” The towel started to fall again as she jumped at the sound of his voice. But she quickly secured it, tucking the tail in between her breasts.

  “Yes, thank you. I feel much better.” She stood next to the bed now but made no move to climb onto it. As he watched a bead of water slipped down her throat and over the curve of her breast just visible above the towel. Bador had the sudden urge to lick the droplet from her skin. Her hair was still damp and her skin fairly glowed in the firelight.

  “Come to bed, Jane.” Bador was tired of waiting. He wanted, needed to hold her in his arms.

  “Umm…do you think that’s a good idea? Maybe we should talk.” She shuffled her weight from foot to foot but refused to look at him.

  “We’ll talk tomorrow. Tonight is all about pleasure. Yours. Mine. Ours.” Her head jerked up and he could see that her eyes were slightly glazed with desire. Good. That would make the night go easier for all of them.

  Holding out his hand to her, he softened his voice. “Let me hold you.” She took a deep breath, dropped the towel and climbed onto the bed, kneeling just beyond his reach.

  The main door swung open and Zaren stalked into the room. He pushed the door firmly closed behind him. Naked from the waist up, he walked straight to the side of the bed towards Jane. Gripping her shoulders in his hands, he pulled her up onto her knees so that her breasts were pressed against his chest. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

  Jane relaxed slightly as soon as Zaren’s lips touched hers. Deep in her heart, she knew that she’d been waiting for him. Yes, she felt an emotional connection to Bador, but there was something about Zaren that drew her to him in a deep elemental way that she could not explain.

  Her tight nipples stabbed at his chest as she squirmed to get even closer to him. His erection strained through his leather pants and pushed against her soft belly. He tangled his fingers in her hair as he sealed their mouths together. Angling her head so he could thrust his tongue deeper, he continued to plunder her mouth, tongue and lips.

  The bed covers rustled as Bador knelt behind her and began to kiss the long curve of her spine. He started at the nape of her neck and continued down until his lips touched the top of the cleft of her behind. Then he started back up again, leaving no part of her untouched.

  With Bador behind her and Zaren in front of her, she felt surrounded by them. Two strong warriors, their desire for her abundantly evident with their erections pressing into her on both sides. They were both heavily muscled and so much larger than she was. She should have been afraid.

  Instead, desire surged through her. She wanted them. Wanted this to happen. She knew what was coming and her body responded. Her breasts tightened and she could feel a trickle of moisture trailing down the inside of her thigh as her pussy softened and moistened in anticipation of penetration. Tonight she would take the both of them.

  Zaren broke their kiss and lowered his forehead to hers. She sensed him struggling for control. Sifting her fingers through his long blond hair, she pushed it away from hi
s face as she pulled back slightly so she could see him. She stared into his pale blue eyes, looking, but not quite sure what she was hoping to find there. But they gave away none of his emotions.

  This was not an easy decision for her to make and she wanted to be sure they understood just how much they both meant to her, for her to be able to consider taking them both at once.

  She opened her mouth to speak, trying to find the words, but closed it again, unable to put her feelings into words. “If you’re not ready yet, it’s all right.” Bador whispered in her ear as he rimmed the outer edge with his tongue.

  Always it was Bador who seemed to understand her emotions. She wished Zaren would say something. Anything. But he just stood stoically by the bed, waiting for her decision.

  There was no going back. Something like this would change her forever. But then, she was already changed. She was not the same woman she was a few days before. Now things that seemed beyond the realm of possibility were reality.

  Shifting sideways, she looked from one brother to the other. Reaching out, she placed a hand in the middle of each of their chests. The pounding rhythm of their hearts matched her own. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. Then she lowered her hands and grasped one of Zaren’s hands and one of Bador’s in a firm grip, and placed them over her breasts, holding them to her.

  Zaren sucked in a deep breath and raised her hand to his lips and kissed each of her fingers in turn before releasing her. Sitting on the side of the bed, he yanked off his boots one at a time, dropping them to the floor. Standing, he shucked his pants and climbed onto the bed.

  Bador shifted her out of the way as Zaren stretched out in the center of the bed and opened his arms to her. With Bador’s help, she straddled Zaren’s stomach. Her knees didn’t touch the bed as her sex was spread wide across his abdomen. She squirmed to try and get comfortable, the action pushing her swollen clit against his hard muscles. Her fingers dug into his side as she bit back a moan.

  Zaren’s hands were large and the pads of his fingers were rough. But his touch was incredibly gentle as he cupped both her breasts and circled her nipples with his thumbs. As if an invisible thread connected her breasts and pussy, she felt that caress deep in her core. Her juices flowed freely, coating his stomach beneath her.

  Bador climbed off the bed but was back before she could wonder where he was gone. He settled behind her and stroked the globes of her behind. “Lean forward, Jane.” She didn’t hesitate but bent down towards Zaren.

  The finger gently probing the opening of her ass made her jump slightly. The intrusion was unfamiliar and disconcerting at first. “Relax. It will feel so good.” Jane did her best to do just that as the finger pushed deeper. She was surprised by how easily it slipped inside. Bador seemed to have coated his finger with some slick cream or jelly-like substance.

  His teeth nipped at the nape of her neck sending chills down her spine. “The herbal mixture on my fingers and cock will help ease the pain for penetration. But more than that, it will make all the sensitive tissues of your ass, and even pussy, more receptive to sensation as it is absorbed into your body. It will make you hotter. Bring you even more pleasure.”

  Withdrawing his finger, he rimmed the tight muscles around the opening before pushing in again. This time she hissed and arched at the slightly painful intrusion. Two thick fingers stretched her past pleasure and into the realm of pleasurable pain. As he continued to ease his fingers in and out of her tight channel, the pain began to subside. An unfamiliar sensation made her want to move against his fingers. Her ass and pussy seemed to be getting warmer and more responsive with each stroke.

  Zaren pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, drawing a moan from her. Even with Bador’s fingers inside her, she felt empty and needy. She wanted both their cocks inside her, filling her, pumping in and out of her body until she screamed with pleasure.

  Her head rolled forward on her shoulders, almost too heavy for her neck to support any longer. She cried out when Zaren slid one of his hands down her torso and worked it between their bodies until he was touching her clit. Her pussy and ass felt like they were on fire. She wanted them both. Now.

  “Fuck me,” she hissed between her clenched teeth. “Now. I need you both now.”

  As if her permission had been all they were waiting for, Bador slipped his fingers from her body and all but lifted her off his brother’s stomach. Zaren guided his swollen cock to her opening and plunged deep as Bador lowered her. Zaren pulled her down onto his chest, reached behind her and grabbed her ass in his hands. Spreading the cheeks of her behind wide, he held her still as Bador inserted the tip of his cock just inside the tight opening.

  Jane sucked in a breath in anticipation of the pain, but it wasn’t as bad as she feared as Bador slowly but steadily pushed his cock as far as he could. The herbal salve was definitely making the penetration easier. Her pussy and ass were both pulsing with a need that was almost painful. She was surprised that she hadn’t already come, she was so primed.

  Zaren gripped her hips and Bador wrapped his fingers around her waist as they rocked her slowly against them. With each motion, Bador’s erection sank a bit deeper. She did her best to relax, but it was hard. Her body was screaming for release.

  “Harder,” she moaned. “I can’t wait. Please.”

  “Fuck yes.”

  She didn’t know which of them had spoken and didn’t care. In perfect rhythm they moved her over their swollen cocks. She felt so full it bordered on pain, but the pleasure—the pleasure was beyond explanation. Her clit brushed against Zaren with every stroke as they filled her over and over again.

  Finally, her body could take it no longer. Screaming, she came. Her body exploded and spasms shook her as they continued to thrust. Bador came first. She felt him stiffen behind her, felt his cock pulse and then the spurt of hot liquid that signaled his release.

  “Jane.” Zaren captured her attention as she stared almost blindly into his eyes. His face was tight and his eyes smoldered. “Look at me,” he commanded as he drove deep and came. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock as he came. She wouldn’t have thought it possible, but his release set off another round of contractions within her.

  Collapsing onto his chest, she shivered and shook as she came again. Burying her face against him, she gasped for breath, unable to get enough air into her lungs. Totally overwhelmed and shattered by the experience, she began to cry.

  She felt Bador withdraw from her and then Zaren lifted her off him. A sob broke from her chest at the loss of intimate contact and her body contracted around them both, desperately trying to keep them inside her.

  “Shhh, everything will be all right.” She didn’t believe Zaren. Didn’t know how she could make sense out of any of this, but right now she didn’t care. All she wanted at this moment was comfort.

  And they willingly provided it. Zaren tucked her into the crook of his arm so that her head was pillowed on his chest. Bador scooted in behind her so that his front covered her back and wrapped his hand around her hip. Once again, her warriors surrounded her, but this time she felt cosseted and protected as they petted her gently and whispered reassurances.

  “Poor Jane,” Bador stroked her arm. “The last two days have been exhausting for you. We haven’t taken care of you very well. We’ve pushed too hard. Wanted too much.” She felt his lips on her back. “Forgive us.”

  She nodded, unable to speak. Zaren said nothing, but his arms tightened around her. His fingers sifted though her hair and his lips occasionally brushed the top of her head. She accepted his silent comfort, even as Bador’s words soothed her. She wasn’t normally this emotional, but the past two days had indeed been mentally and physically draining.

  If the legend was to be believed, then tomorrow might be her last day here. It was time to take charge of the situation and learn as much as she could about this place before she had to make a decision that would affect the outcome of the rest of her life.

  Her t
ears dried up until only the occasional hiccup could be heard in the quiet of the room. Used to the sounds of traffic and city life, Jane was lulled by the almost silent sounds of both men breathing and the crackle of the fire. Comforted and held securely in their arms, she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jane hurried down the stairs to the main floor of the castle, determination in every step. If she was even going to contemplate living here, she needed to know more about Bakra Castle. Olena had been a font of information, but there was nothing like observing something first hand, especially with so much at stake.

  Stopping at the bottom of the stairs she looked around with interest. There was a handful of people in the great hall, all of them women. They chatted as they cleared tables and swept the floor.

  Jane’s stomach growled, reminding her that she’d missed breakfast. The sun had already been high in the sky when she’d awakened alone in the big bed. The sheets beside her were cool, telling her that both men had been gone for some time.

  It would have been wonderful to wake up next to Bador and Zaren, but then again, she wasn’t sure she was ready to face them after last night. Thoughtfully, they’d left her to sleep. She couldn’t put off the meeting indefinitely, but she felt the need to fortify her emotional defenses and put herself back on an even keel first.

  She’d put the time alone to good use. Someone had filled the tub with hot water yet again, so she’d taken advantage of it, soaking her still-aching body. After last night’s activities, she had even more aches and in places she hadn’t even known she could have them.

  Clothing choices were limited, so she pulled on her wrinkled pajama bottoms that she’d washed after her bath the night before. Thankfully, someone had left her another tunic to wear as Zaren had torn the other one beyond repair. The soft brown leather boots completed her ensemble.


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