Salvaging Abby (Marks Mercenaries Book 4) Page 8
“That’s splitting hairs.”
He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I am a diplomat as well as a warrior. I know the value of words.”
He seemed so pleased with himself she had to smile. “Vaden, you know little about me. I know little about you.”
“I will protect you and care for you. That is all you need to know.”
She wanted to scream her frustration but managed to rein it in. “You know little about me. I have nothing.” And what family was going to welcome a homeless, completely destitute person? “I put you in danger. Your family won’t like that,” she pointed out.
Why was she doing this? Why was she fighting with him at a time like this?
Because she was scared out of her mind and didn’t want to admit it. Part of her feared he’d turn her over to Jasper. Another part feared he wouldn’t and would be hurt or killed because of her.
Then there was the fact she’d just talked to her brother. It was a shock to see him again, to know he was alive. They all were. It was one thing for Vaden to tell her, quite another to see it with her own eyes.
“You are courageous and brave, resilient and kind. This I know. My family will adore you. It is your family you should be concerned about.”
“Would Flynn really hurt you? I thought you were friends.”
“He might try. I would not want to hurt him. It would upset you.”
She leaned her head back and banged it against the headrest.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to knock some sense into myself,” she informed him. “It’s not working.”
“Do you not want to be with me?”
It was only because she’d come to know him so well that she heard the thread of hurt. “You know I do,” she began.
“It is settled,” he stated. “You are mine. We will complete the official ceremony back on Gravas.”
Excitement and fear warred inside her. “I’m an outsider,” she gently reminded him. “Your people do not like outsiders.”
“You will be mine. You will be Gravasian.” There was no room for argument.
Vaden jerked the ship to the port side. “The gunner has figured out that I am protecting a vulnerability.”
Her stomach dropped. “What do we do?” The future wasn’t yet assured.
“We run and we hide, at least until your brothers arrive.”
“I don’t want them hurt.”
“Trust me, my kismara, they can handle anything the Simplistics One throws at them and return it twofold.”
“Really?” She had to trust Vaden’s judgment on that, considering she had no idea what her brothers’ lives had been like these past ten years.
That made her settle a little easier knowing her brothers would be safe. Now all she had to do was live long enough to meet them again.
“What does kismara mean?” she asked.
Vaden’s shoulders stiffened. “Heart. It means heart.”
He’d called her his heart. She knew she should have a hundred objections to his plans for their future, but right now, she couldn’t think of a single one. Life was short, as she well knew. Change happened in a heartbeat, a split second of time.
It might be too soon, but she loved Vaden. The big warrior had come into her life in the most unexpected way. He made her laugh and smile. He frustrated and angered her. He brought her pleasure and was reuniting her with her family. Even more, he was offering her a future. Life with him would never be dull.
“I like being your kismara,” she told him, knowing she had to give him something in return.
He grunted and gave her a hard nod before turning his attention to the control panel. “Are you strapped in tight?”
“Then hold on and trust me.” The ship dropped, along with her stomach, and they were off like a shot through the inky darkness of space.
Chapter Eight
A Gravasian male prided himself on his control, but right now he wanted to ram his fist down Freeman’s throat, rip out his heart, and crush it between his fingers. He didn’t think that was excessive. He’d told the man that Abby belonged to him and still Freeman insisted he give her back.
Never going to happen.
His instinct was to turn and fight, to fire on the other ship. But that would be a waste, as his lasers would not penetrate the heavy shields. Freeman had the best protection Alliance credits could buy. If Vaden had been in a Gravasian warship, he’d have gone through them like they weren’t even there. But his ship was not so well equipped, didn’t have the engine or firepower necessary.
An oversight he’d fix as soon as he was back home.
He also had valuable cargo. Any warrior knew the value of a strategic retreat. If it meant protecting Abby, he’d turn tail and run.
His communications console blinked, a sign of an incoming message, which he blocked. He wasn’t ready to speak with his father yet. Not that he’d be worried about Vaden. He’d know his son could handle the situation until help arrived, but he would be curious as to why Vaden had called for assistance.
That was totally out of character.
Right now, he had more pressing matters to attend to. Saving Abby was his priority. All else could wait.
He knew she was feeling uncertain. Her suggestion that he give her over to Freeman was proof enough of that. The woman was trying to protect him and her brothers.
Both he and Flynn could agree on one thing—it was their job to protect Abby.
He hadn’t lied when he’d told her she was his kismara. He’d never said the Gravasian term of endearment in his entire life. It was personal, between couples, rarely spoken in the presence of others. He’d heard his father use the term once when he was a boy and had asked him about it. Agman el Gravaso was a famed warrior, a legend among his people. Unlike leaders from many worlds, the leader of Gravas was expected to be fierce as well as smart. No man would follow an unintelligent leader who’d never seen battle, who would not be able to understand the realities of war.
Abby reminded him somewhat of his mother. They both had the same courage. Steffa el Gravaso stood toe to toe with her husband when she thought he was in the wrong. Even more telling was the fact his father listened to her and often sought her counsel.
He wanted that kind of partnership for himself. And he could have it with Abby.
Let Freeman take her? Not while there was a breath in his body.
He guided his small ship, pushing the newly repaired engine as hard as he could.
“Ah, Vaden. You might want to check the engine temperature.”
He might have known Abby would notice. She’d captained her own ship and was more than capable of making repairs. She really was remarkable. Her entire ship had blown, and she hadn’t even flinched. But he’d seen the sorrow in her eyes, even though she’d tried to hide it.
“The repair will not hold for much longer.” The part was not truly compatible with his ship, was improvised. It would have gotten him home with no problems, but he was pushing it beyond its limits.
“Yeah, I know. You might want to ease up there.”
He almost smiled. Even on the run for their lives she was lecturing him. “We need to get away.” Freeman’s ship was on their tail. Vaden zigzagged to keep from taking a direct laser hit to the damaged area, but every now and then the gunner would get lucky and the ship would buck and momentarily falter before he was able to get it back under control.
“You keep this up and we’ll be dead in the sky.”
“We only have to make it to the asteroid field up ahead.”
“Shit.” She leaned forward and stared at the viewing screen. “We’re going in there?”
“Freeman’s ship is larger, and they likely don’t know the area. I can lose them there.”
“Or we could explode into tiny little pieces when we slam into one of them,” she muttered.
“Trust me, my kismara, the shields will hold.”
��re actually enjoying this, aren’t you?”
It might be more prudent to lie, but that was something he would not do with her. He shrugged. “It is good to test my skills against another.”
“All men are insane,” she informed him, yet her eyes were twinkling.
“You are happy?”
“I’m glad to be here with you.” At her words, his chest expanded, and his heart began to race. He ignored his cock, which was still reminding him of what he didn’t get to finish earlier. “But I want you to remember one thing,” she continued.
“What is that?” They were almost at the asteroid belt. The engine glitched, and the ship jerked almost to a halt. He tried to divert other systems while keeping out of firing range of Freeman.
Abby was suddenly out of her chair and beside him. “I’ve got this,” she told him. “Keep Jasper off our ass.” Her fingers flew over the console as she diverted all unnecessary resources to the engine. The lights dimmed, and he knew the oxygen capabilities and gravity had been shut down in all other areas of the ship.
Satisfied she knew what she was doing, Vaden concentrated on navigation. He had to hit the asteroid field just right. They took another laser strike to the weakened shield. It winked out of existence. “Shield is down at the hatch area,” he told her. “You need to strap back in.”
“In a second,” she said as she continued doing everything possible to power the engine.
“Now!” There was no time. Vaden grabbed her with one arm and yanked her onto his lap. This time, when the laser slammed into them, it rocked the ship. It tilted to one side and then the other before he managed to straighten it. The asteroid field was just ahead. He veered off suddenly. “Hold on.”
Abby grabbed the arms of his chair, her knuckles white. “Do it!”
He slammed between two asteroids, barely avoiding a direct collision with the larger one. The shields were still up over most of the ship, but he would have to be careful of the vulnerable section.
“Where are they?” she asked. Not waiting for him to answer, she reached forward and brought up the rear radar. “They’re coming after us. He’s lost his mind. The ship is too big.”
Jasper, or at least his navigator, seemed to come to that conclusion a moment later, and they withdrew.
“Will they blast their way through?”
He thought about it. “Likely, but it will take them some time. They’ll have to be careful they don’t get hit by debris. Even with shields a large asteroid could be trouble.”
“What will we do?”
Vaden guided the ship through two smaller asteroids and brought it around so he was positioned behind one of them. “Set pulse,” he told the computer. “And monitor the Simplistics One. Alert if they get close.”
“Pulse set. Monitoring other vessel.”
“What will that do?” she asked.
“The pulse will keep us hidden but also deflect any other asteroid that gets too close. The pulse is not quite a laser. It will gently guide the danger away without alerting the other ship with a power surge.”
“Engine status?” he asked.
“Engine at ten percent, captain,” the computer replied. “Repairs necessary.”
“Only we don’t have what we need. It was blown up with my ship.”
“I’m sorry for that,” he told her. While it might solve the problem of her leaving him, he would never have hurt her in that way.
She shrugged. “Couldn’t be helped. You did what needed to be done.”
Satisfied they were safe for now, he was suddenly very aware that she was sitting on his lap, her rounded bottom pressing against his groin.
The excitement of the fight and subsequent flight had his blood pumping through his veins. Coupled with the sexy woman in his arms, there was only one thing he wanted to do right now.
Vaden lifted her and turned her so she was sitting on his lap facing him.
“What in the name of the two sun gods of Brenam are you doing?” She glanced down at his lap and then back to his face. “You can’t be serious?”
“Deadly.” He undid the fastener of her flightsuit faster than he thought possible.
“Jasper and his ship are blasting their way toward us.” She groaned when Vaden buried his face in the curve of her neck and inhaled.
“It will take them some time, and the computer will alert us.” He shoved the flightsuit down to her waist and palmed her breasts. He loved that they were full and firm, not too big or small. Already her nipples were puckered into hard buds. He ran his thumbs over them, loving the way she gasped and sucked in her stomach. Her eyes were glassy, and while he watched, she licked her lips.
His cock went from ache to pain with a swipe of her tongue.
He kissed her, tasting the sweetness, the tartness, everything that made Abby the woman for him. Protecting her, loving her, claiming her was now his mission in life.
“This is insane,” she managed to gasp out between kisses.
“I thought you’d decided all men were insane,” he teased.
“I’m supposed to be smarter. Look what you’ve done to me,” she wailed as he tugged on her earlobe with his tongue.
“What have I done?” he whispered.
“Made me as crazy as you.” She grabbed his face in her hands. “Made me want you to the point of madness.”
“That is only fair, because I want you the same.” He managed to get his battlesuit peeled down to his waist and then pulled her against him so her breasts were pillowed against his chest. He needed her worse than a man walking through the deserts of Kalaman needed water. Abby was essential to him. If she left, he would never be the same.
Until she was bound to him by Gravasian law and custom, she could walk away.
He kissed her, pouring all his need into the caress, wanting her to know just how much she meant to him.
This wasn’t smart. Jasper was still out there. He wouldn’t stop just because he lost sight of them. The man was obsessed. Had to be to spend seven years searching for her. And even before that, he’d caused an explosion on her home planet, killing innocent people and harming her brothers—all so he could take her.
She and Vaden could have been killed. If she hadn’t come across him and made the decision to investigate his ship, she’d likely have been taken. She owed Vaden so much. More than she could ever repay.
“Stop thinking,” he whispered. “Feel.” He slid his hands down her sides and pushed her flightsuit as low as it could go, which wasn’t far enough. He managed to wedge one hand between her thighs and cupped her mound. She was already wet for him.
Jasper still might find them and take her. She was a realist because she’d had to be. They were safe, for the moment, but that could change. She would never leave Vaden’s ship. Jasper would destroy it the second she disembarked. So if she was going to die, she was going to live as much as she could in the interim.
She might never see her brothers. They were on their way, but they might not be fast enough.
She and Vaden were here, and they were alive.
Decision made, she pushed against his chest. When he released her, his expression went from hot to stoic. Rather than try to find words, she shoved her flightsuit down and managed to kick it off without removing her boots. She raised one eyebrow. “Well?”
He shoved his battlesuit down until his cock popped free. She licked her lips and reached for him. He was thick and hard and hot in her palm. His groan was deep, guttural, as though he was in pain. She’d come earlier, but he hadn’t.
Releasing him, she shoved his legs open and knelt in front of him. “Abby, kismara—” He broke off when she leaned forward and licked the top of his cock. His hips jerked forward, and he gripped the arms of his chair so tight they began to crack.
A sense of power flooded her. She gripped his shaft and slowly pumped her hand up and down. A deep groan vibrated in his chest. His erection was i
mpressive with veins of blue roped up and down the hard length. The flared head was darker in color, and moisture seeped from the tip.
Leaning forward, she ran her tongue over the slit, tasting him.
He gripped her head in his hands and guided her lower. She opened her mouth and took him in. Tension radiated from his large body. She wasn’t immune to his arousal. Her skin tingled. Her breasts ached, her nipples tight. She was glad she wasn’t wearing underwear. It had saved time, and with it running out, they needed every second.
She decided she liked the taste of him—musky and warm. She raised her head and lowered it, taking him deeper this time. It was difficult to learn what he liked since he seemed to enjoy whatever she did to him. She ran her tongue up and down his hard length and then alternated with her teeth, lightly scoring him.
The hands gripping her head tightened, but as always, he tempered his strength. With her free hand, she cupped his heavy sac, rolling it carefully in her palm.
“I’m close,” he warned.
She ignored him and continued to enjoy herself. She sucked and licked and fondled, loving the way he responded to her every touch.
His balls tightened, the tension around him increasing.
Vaden released a roar, plucked her from the floor, and slammed her down on his lap. She barely had time to grab his shoulders before the head of his shaft was pushing into her.
Moaning, she arched toward him. “Yes.”
Growling—and wasn’t that a turn-on—he gripped her waist and pulled her down so his shaft was buried to the hilt inside her. Her inner muscles squeezed him. She was wet, but he was big so her body had to adjust, no matter how much she wanted him.
They both sat there, staring at each other.
Then he leaned forward and kissed her. After the desperate, almost violent action of seconds before, the gentleness of the caress was shocking. He advanced and retreated, tasting and sipping at her lips. Inside her, his cock pulsed heavily. Her inner sheath responded, clutching and releasing in rhythm.
“Stay with me.”
“I’m right here,” she told him.
He shook his head. “Forever.”