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Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Page 4

  She grabbed the sides of his head and yanked him down so she could kiss him. She knew she’d be sorry when she was all alone again. Knew she’d replay this night over and over. But that was for tomorrow. Tonight, Armand was here with her and Anny wanted to make the most of it.

  His lips were soft when the rest of him was hard muscle and sinew. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on the man anywhere that she’d seen, and she’d seen every inch of him. Whatever he did for a living, he certainly kept in excellent shape.

  He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue. When she parted them, Armand wasted no time in sliding his tongue inside her mouth. The kiss was even better than the one earlier tonight, because she knew this one was leading somewhere.

  She threaded her fingers through his thick hair, anchoring his mouth to hers. He didn’t just kiss her, he devoured her, stole her breath and her ability to think. Their tongues tangled and he turned his head to deepen the contact.

  Heat started at the soles of her feet and rose through her entire body until she felt as though her skin could burst into flames. And the only place he was touching her was on the lips. What would happen when he touched her body?

  Armand traced the lacy neckline of her gown before he settled both hands over the fabric. A loud rending noise shocked her. She pulled away from the kiss and stared down at what was left of her nightgown. Armand had ripped it from neck to hem, leaving her front entirely naked.

  “Beautiful.” He cupped her breasts in his hands and rubbed his thumbs over her distended nipples. “And so responsive to my touch.”

  Anny couldn’t breathe, not with Armand touching her so intimately. He seemed fascinated by her breasts. She clutched at his biceps when her knees went weak. Ribbons of heat raced from her nipples to her pussy. She could feel the slick folds between her legs getting wetter. She ached for him to touch her there.

  Armand kissed a path across her collarbone and down to her breasts. Anny moaned when he captured one pert nipple between his lips and gently tugged. Ripples of pleasure shot through her and her hips undulated.

  His dark hair lying against her pale skin turned her on. He was so masculine, he made her really feel her femininity.

  He worked his way over to her other breast and gave it the same attention he’d given the first. Anny didn’t even know her own body anymore. It always took a lot of stimulation for her to have an orgasm during sex, but she was on the verge of one now.

  “Armand.” She didn’t know what she wanted, what she needed. All she knew was she had to have more of his touch.

  He kissed a path down her stomach, twirling his tongue around her bellybutton. He dropped to his knees and ran his hands up her legs from her ankles to her knees. “I’m going to eat you until you scream.”

  Anny couldn’t catch her breath. She wanted that too. Oh, how she wanted it.

  His large hands stroked her inner thighs, parting them. She followed his unspoken directions, widening her stance.

  It suddenly occurred to her they were standing just inside her front door. There was a perfectly good bed only feet away. “We should—” That was as far as she got. Armand parted her pussy with his thumbs and dragged his tongue over the slick folds.

  The noises she made surprised her. They were more sounds than actual words. She moaned and whimpered when he thrust his tongue into her opening. The wall behind her and Armand in front of her kept her from collapsing in a heap. Every nerve ending in her body was perched on the edge of a nuclear meltdown, and it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge.

  Then he touched his tongue to her clit. Anny groaned, long and loud. She thrust her hands into his hair and held him against her. She thought he might have laughed, but she couldn’t be sure. All she knew was that if he left her before she came, she’d die. She wanted this so bad, and she was so close.

  But he didn’t let her go, didn’t try to move away from her. If anything, he gave more, pushed her higher. He licked and sucked her clit, stimulating it until it almost hurt. And his fingers, his clever fingers eased into her pussy, pushing deep into her core.

  Anny threw back her head and screamed her release. Her entire body jerked as she convulsed. Pleasure crashed through her, leaving her breathless and entirely senseless. All she could do was stand there and feel the erotic sensations pummeling her.

  She whimpered when Armand withdrew his fingers and kissed her pussy one final time. He stood and captured her face in his hands. “Look at me, chère.”

  She managed to focus her eyes on him. He was big and powerful and oh so serious. His eyes almost seemed black in the dim light. For a moment, they almost looked as though they glowed, much like her cats’ eyes.

  “If you want me to stop, now is your last chance.”

  Anny was once again reminded that Armand was different from other men she’d known. No other man in her acquaintance would offer to stop at a time like this. If anything, they’d be rushing her into bed so she didn’t change her mind.

  She licked her lips and was enthralled by the way his eyes narrowed as he watched.

  “Don’t stop.” No way did she want him to stop now.

  He seemed to grow larger before her very eyes and a low rumbling sound came from deep within him. It sounded like a growl.

  He eased the tattered remains of her nightgown from her body and kissed her gently on the lips. Then he spun her around so her hands were braced against the wall. He moved her so quickly it made her head spin, and she was glad for the support the wall gave her. Anny knew what he was going to do and was both excited and a little frightened.

  Armand didn’t know how he’d managed to keep from throwing Anny to the floor and fucking her until they were both blind with pleasure. He deserved a goddamn medal for his restraint.

  He could taste her on his lips and tongue, sweet and spicy. Smell her on his fingers. He growled, remembering how her cream had coated his fingers when she’d come. Her breathy sighs and little noises of pleasure were music to his sensitive ears. Her skin was soft and pale, making his skin look even darker.

  Her dark-brown hair flowed over her back, and he ran his fingers through the thick mass before easing it over her left shoulder. Her body was slender, her curves subtle, but Anny was all woman.

  He drew his finger down her spine and watched as goose bumps rose on her flesh. Her ass was full and he palmed both cheeks, squeezing.

  He inhaled the scent of her arousal, of her orgasm. His cock throbbed and liquid seeped from the tip. He was more than ready for this.

  Then he caught a whiff of something he didn’t like, not at all. Fear.

  He leaned inward, blanketing her with his whole body. His cock nestled against her back and he covered her hands with his. Armand swallowed hard, knowing he’d rather cut off his hand than frighten any woman, but especially Anny.

  “What is it, ma petite, my little one? What are you afraid of?”

  She shivered and shrugged slightly. “I’m not afraid. Not really.”

  “Your body says you are.” He wasn’t wrong about this. He wished like hell he was, but there was no mistaking the acrid stench of fear. It was slight, but it was there, tainting the rich scent of her arousal.

  “You can tell?” She seemed surprised. She’d be shocked if she knew just how much he could tell with his enhanced senses.

  “I can tell.” He kissed the curve of her neck and licked at the pulse point throbbing there.

  “It’s just, I’ve never done it this way before and you’re so big.” The words came out of her in a rush, and with them came utter relief. She wasn’t afraid of him but of the unknown.

  “I’ll take it slow.” He kissed her shoulder and lightly nipped at her upper arm. She jerked but didn’t pull away. He smiled when he smelled an increase in her arousal. “I won’t hurt you, Anny. I promise you nothing but pleasure.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Armand wanted to throw back his head and howl his victory. He lightly clamped his teeth around her nape, hol
ding her steady. He wanted to take his time but understood that her fear of the unknown would only grow if he waited.

  He held his cock with one hand and eased it between her thighs. He rubbed it over her slick pussy, letting her juices lubricate him. It also stimulated her clit. Anny moaned and rocked her hips slightly.

  Good, she was with him.

  He aligned the head of his cock to her opening and pushed. Her inner muscles were tight and he met with resistance. He kept up a steady pressure until the tip of his shaft was lodged inside her. Anny tensed, but then he felt her forcing herself to try to relax.

  He licked at the small mark he’d left on her neck, not quite the brand he wanted to leave, but it was all he would allow himself. “Relax.” He worked the top three inches of his cock in and out of her pussy, and gradually her muscles eased and he pushed a little deeper.

  “How does it feel to have my cock inside you?”

  She curled her fingers against the wall and shoved her ass back against him. “Good. It feels so good.”

  Armand slapped one of his hands on the wall and placed the other one on her stomach. He’d go slow even if it killed him. The stench of her fear was gone, replaced by the perfume of fresh arousal. He wanted to lose himself in her delectable body.

  “Take all of me, Anny.” He needed her to want him as much as he wanted her. He rocked harder against her, pushing deeper with each thrust. Her pussy tightened around his shaft and then relaxed. He kept up the steady pace until the full length of his cock was inside her.

  Sweat beaded on his shoulders, and his entire body was tense. His balls were heavy and actually hurt they were so full. Armand rested against Anny and took a deep breath. “Still with me?”

  “Yes.” She wiggled her butt and he thought he saw stars burst behind his eyes.

  Armand cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. They were already tight buds. “Then hold on.”

  He fucked her then like he’d wanted to since the moment he’d first laid eyes on her. Hard and fast, he powered in and out of her body. Her pussy squeezed and clutched at his cock, desperately trying to keep him inside her.

  There was no way he could last long. Already, he could feel his balls pull up tight against his body. His orgasm started low and blasted upward through the base of his cock, up the shaft and out the tip. Anny cried out his name and her pussy gripped him hard.

  She was coming again.

  He slid one of his hands between her thighs and rubbed her clit, sending her off into another round of spasms. He swore as his cock swelled at the base, locking him inside her. Her wet heat bathed him, mixed with his semen. The room smelled like pure sex, a mixture of him and her that was elementally right. He relaxed and simply enjoyed himself, something he hadn’t done in a long, long time.

  Anny leaned heavily against the wall, but he held her upright so she wouldn’t fall. Of course, he was using the wall to prop himself up too. His limbs were a little shaky after such a powerful release.

  Finally, after several minutes, his cock softened enough for him to be able to disengage, although it still wasn’t easy. She gave a small cry of distress and he was sorry for that small discomfort.

  He lifted her into his arms, ignoring his inner voice that gloated about how right she felt there. He stopped long enough to turn off the living room light before he started down the small hallway. It wasn’t hard to find her bedroom. Two cats stared at him from the bed. One of them yowled, but both jumped off the mattress and hurried past him. He kicked the door shut behind him.

  Chapter Four

  Anny drifted, content, only partially aware of Armand carrying her into the bedroom and closing the door behind them. A part of her was surprised he hadn’t already made some excuse to leave. Another part of her was glad they weren’t done yet. She liked the feel of his arms around her. Liked it a little too much.

  She had to remind herself this was just one night of two consenting adults having sex. But boy, what sex it was. She’d never experienced anything like that. Wild and wanton and two, count them, two orgasms. She was exhausted but strangely revved up at the same time.

  Armand placed her on top of the covers and stretched out beside her. Maybe she should feel self-conscious being naked around him. She wasn’t exactly centerfold material. Naturally slender, she had full, firm breasts, not large, but they were well shaped. But Armand was so natural about being naked himself, she just couldn’t work up the usual concern she had when she was naked around previous boyfriends.

  Maybe that was it. Armand wasn’t a boyfriend. He was a one-night stand, a birthday gift to herself.

  He brushed back her hair and tapped the center of her forehead. “What is going on in here, ma petite.” She loved the slight accent in his voice and the way he called her little one. He probably called all the women he slept with by that pet name, but it still made her feel special.

  “Not much. I can’t think.” Not quite a lie. Her body felt totally boneless.

  He frowned but didn’t push her.

  She rubbed her hand over his chest. “Did I thank you for stopping by?”

  He grinned. It was fast and gone before she could blink. It made him look younger, not quite so hard. “No, you didn’t.”

  Anny wanted to keep things light between them. She wasn’t going to ruin the night by analyzing it. She’d do that tomorrow when she was alone. “How remiss of me.” She pushed and he rolled onto his back. She knelt next to him and placed her hands on his chest. “Allow me to rectify that right now.”

  He sprawled across her double bed, making it look small. It usually felt too big for one, which was why she allowed the cats to share it with her. But seeing Armand taking up most of the space was another reminder of his size.

  And he was all hers. At least for tonight.

  She ran her fingers over the tightly corded muscles of his torso. Really, the man was almost too good to be true. He was hotter than any professional athlete or underwear model she’d ever seen on television or in magazines.

  There was something about him, something untamed, as though civilization was a veneer he wore but wasn’t the real him.

  Perhaps she’d been reading a few too many romance novels lately.

  She grazed his flat nipples with her thumbs and he groaned. His cock was already erect again. No recovery time needed for him. He really was something special.

  “Anny, you’re killing me here.” He reached for her, but she reared back.

  “You’ll live.” No man had ever died from sexual frustration no matter what they might say or do to convince a woman otherwise. “I want to have my turn.” If tonight was her one shot at him, she wanted to touch every hard inch of him.

  Armand frowned, but he tucked his hands under his head. The movement made his biceps bulge and she licked her lips in anticipation. His cock jerked, drawing her attention.

  He really was magnificent. His erection was long and thick. If he hadn’t already been inside her once, she’d worry he wouldn’t fit.

  She leaned down and touched her lips to his biceps and then worked her way up his arm and over his shoulder. Every muscle in his body tensed, but he didn’t move. It was a heady feeling to have this much power under her control.

  What would it take to make him snap?

  She set out to find out. Maybe it was dangerous to bait him, but Anny couldn’t resist.

  Curling her fingers into his chest, she massaged his skin. The muscles jumped and flexed beneath her hands. She worked her way down his body, purposely avoiding his erection.

  A low growl rolled up from deep within him. She noticed he’d done that a few times now. It was both sexy and a little scary how much it sounded like the growl of an animal.

  “Anny.” There was a wealth of warning in that one word, and she knew his control was close to snapping. Thing was, she didn’t want it to happen until she’d had the chance to touch and taste his cock.

  She captured the thick shaft in her hand and squeezed. Armand groaned and p
ulled his hands out from beneath his head. He started to reach for her but stopped. He crossed his arms over his face instead.

  His cock was as impressive as the rest of him. The crown was wide and deep red in color. A bead of liquid seeped from the tip and she bent down and lapped at it with her tongue.

  “Fuck.” Armand’s hips jerked upward.

  Pleased with his reaction, she swirled her tongue around the bulbous head, taking care to lick every part of it. He tasted musky and hot and a little salty. She swiped the tip of her tongue over the slit at the top and he jerked again.

  “More, Anny. Give me more.”

  She loved the way he said her name and rewarded him by opening her mouth and taking him in. There was no way she could take all of him, but she took as much as she could.

  He was swearing again, but in French so she couldn’t understand all the words, just enough to know he was on edge.

  Anny hollowed her cheeks and sucked. Hard.

  Armand tangled his fingers in her hair, keeping her where she was. As if she’d leave now. Things were just getting interesting. She’d never minded giving her past boyfriends blowjobs before, but she’d never enjoyed it quite as much as she did with Armand.

  She cupped his heavy testicles in one hand and gently massaged his balls. She stroked her other hand up and down his shaft even as she continued to suck it.

  He chanted her name over and over. His balls constricted and she knew he was close. His genuine pleasure was firing up her arousal again. Her skin tingled and her pussy throbbed.

  Armand suddenly exploded upward and grabbed her, forcing her to release her hold on him. His lips were curled back to expose his teeth. They were perfectly white. And were they sharper than they’d been? Impossible.

  He closed his mouth and lifted her over him. “Put me inside you,” he ordered.

  She put her hands on his chest to steady herself as she rose up on her knees. There was no hesitation on her part. She wanted him to fuck her again and again and again. She might be sore tomorrow, but it would be worth it.

  She wrapped her hand around his shaft and guided his cock head to her opening. He arched upward and pushed his way inside. She cried out as he forged his way inward. His cock stretched her sheath. She knew she could accept him, already had, but her pussy was still swollen and tender from her two earlier orgasms.