Wolf at the Door: Salvation Pack, Book 1 Page 24
She didn’t quite know what to do so she licked his face. He raised his head and let her see the tears in his eyes. She whined, hurting for him, feeling his pain.
“I never thought. Never hoped.” He didn’t continue, but he didn’t have to. They both knew what the outcome should have been except for the miracle they’d gotten. He swiped his forearm over his eyes and stood. “Let’s go outside and run.”
He quickly shed his jeans, walked to the backdoor and opened it. Gwen trotted out, wanting to experience the outdoors. The air was chilly but she didn’t feel the cold. Well, why should she? She was wearing a fur coat after all.
Jacque joined her and she watched as he shifted into his wolf, the process smooth and beautiful. She knew what that felt like now. She gave a small yip and started to run. Jacque growled and raced after her.
Inwardly, she laughed and led him on a merry chase through the woods. She was amazed by how much information flooded her senses. She had a much better sense of direction, knew there was a small creek off to her left and a hive of wasps in a tree to the right.
Jacque howled and minutes later four wolves coalesced from the shadows, surrounding her. She recognized them all and skidded to a halt, not the least bit afraid. Gator trotted toward her first, his tongue hanging out and his mouth open on a wolfish grin. He stopped in front of her, glanced at Jacque and then licked her muzzle. Jacque growled and Gator jumped back.
Louis was next. His eyes were sad as he leaned in and nuzzled her. She felt his sadness and his acceptance that she would never be his. Armand rubbed against her side and she felt his easy acceptance.
As always, Cole stood back from the rest. She went to him, knowing he’d never come to her. She stopped in front of him, leaned in and touched his nose with hers. He gave a snort but didn’t move. That was acceptance enough for her.
Jacque crowded beside her and nudged her back toward the house. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she was ready to go. She was starving. Plus, she was ready to return to her human form, the one she knew best.
Her wolf gave a low rumble of acceptance inside her and she trotted off next to Jacque. She worried about shifting back but decided it would probably be easier than turning into a wolf had been. Only made sense to her that her dominant form would be human.
They all followed her back to the house. Jacque shifted and opened the door, letting her in, but Gwen didn’t linger in the kitchen area where their clothing was still strewn. She could also smell the lingering scent of sex in the air and knew the others could as well. She didn’t know if wolves could blush, but she certainly felt as though she was.
She hurried down the hallway and into the bedroom. There was no mirror and she huffed in frustration. She wanted to see what she looked like as a wolf.
Jacque entered the room with their clothing draped over his arm. He dumped it on the bed. “What’s wrong?” He’d automatically sensed her frustration. Interesting. The whole wolf thing might make for better male/female understanding. Or not. Men were men no matter what the species.
She padded to the bathroom, looked up at the mirror and whined.
Jacque laughed. “Want to see what you look like, do you?” She thought about nipping his ass but decided against it when he picked up a hand mirror and held it out so she could have a better view. “You’re gorgeous.”
There was no doubting the sincerity in his voice, but she wanted to see for herself. She stared at the image in the glass and blinked. It was exactly the same as she’d seen in her mind. She and the wolf were truly one.
She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and pictured herself. The shift began slowly but picked up speed. Her bones reformed, her jaw reshaped. Fur became skin and paws morphed into hands and feet. Gwen was kneeling naked on the floor. The cold seeped into her skin and she shivered.
“Wow. That was something.” She started to get up but swayed, slightly lightheaded.
Jacque caught her, lifting her easily and carried her to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed with her in his lap. “Give yourself a minute. It’s always a bit disconcerting when you make the change. The more you do it, the easier it will be. Are you hungry?”
Her stomach growled on cue. “Yes, I am. Starving, in fact.”
He kissed her nose and then her lips. “I’ll fix you something in a minute.”
“Maybe I’ll make you something.” She could cook but hadn’t had the opportunity since she’d arrived here.
He rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “How do you feel about the whole thing? About being a werewolf now?”
“It is what it is.” There wasn’t much point moaning about what she’d lost. She’d gained a whole heck of a lot. Sure, she had worries and concerns, but she’d deal like she always had.
He frowned. “Do you hate it?”
Gwen sat up straight and took his face in her hands. “No, I don’t hate it. How can I? The wolf saved me and changed my life.”
He squeezed her hip and let his hand slip down to rest on her butt cheek. “I want to mate with you, Gwen. I want you to be mine for as long as we have.”
“Yes, why? Why do you want to mate with me?” Gwen knew the answer but needed to hear the words now that they weren’t under the stress of her dying. She wanted to hear him say he loved her when he knew she was going to live, hopefully a very long time.
He kissed her, stealing her breath. She clung to his shoulders, digging her nails in for support. He was relentless, his tongue stroking, his teeth nipping her lips, until she was mindless with desire. Only then did he break the embrace.
“Why? Because I don’t want to see a sunrise without you, because I want you in my bed each night.” He stroked her face and rubbed his finger over her swollen lips. It was strange but somehow natural to be sitting on the bed naked with Jacque, talking of such things. Everything was different with him.
“I love you, chère. I never thought I’d find someone to share my life with. You’re my miracle.”
Her heart melted and she threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “I love you too. Even when I thought you were a nasty kidnapper I was attracted to you.”
Jacque gave a snort of laughter. “So, that’s a yes then?”
“Yes.” She gave a yelp when she heard a cheer from the doorway and practically burrowed into Jacque. She was naked for crying out loud. Jacque grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her. She turned and scowled at the men crowding around the doorway.
One by one, they filed into the room and went to one knee in front of her and bowed their heads. The solemnity of the moment filled her with emotion and she knew she’d never be alone again. These men were her family, her pack.
She paused for a moment and asked a question that had been bothering her. “Why doesn’t your pack have a name?”
Jacque smiled at her and hooked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “It does. We just didn’t tell you at first.”
She frowned at him and at the others, who were still on one knee in front of them. “What is it?”
“The town of Salvation is not far from here. It seemed like a sign all those years ago when I bought the land here. And I was right.” Jacque leaned down and kissed her nose. “Because we moved here and I found you, and you’re my salvation.”
“The Salvation Pack.” Gwen paused, letting the words roll around in her head. “I like that. It fits.”
The men all stood and Gator broke the seriousness of the moment with a smile. “How about I whip us up some lunch?”
“How about I help you?” she countered.
Gator’s smile widened. “Sure. I’ll bet you’re better than these lug heads.” He frowned and ran his gaze over her. “But you better change first.”
She grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him. He caught it and tossed it back on the bed, laughing as he left the room. They all followed Gator, leaving her and Jacque alone again.
“Welcome to the Salvation Pa
ck.” He fell back on the bed, taking her with him. “Welcome home.” He kissed her then, and she decided Gator would have to get lunch by himself. She had something more important to do.
“Are you ready?”
Jacque’s voice washed over her like a physical caress. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat and her heart was racing. If Gwen was any more ready her body would burst into flames. She was lying flat on her back in bed with Jacque looming over her. His hair was tousled, his lips moist. She knew if she kissed him she’d taste herself on his lips.
After the attack by Jacque’s father, Gwen never thought she’d be eager to be bitten by a wolf again. But this was different. This was a mating mark, a symbol of their commitment to one another. It was more binding than a marriage ceremony and more permanent than a ring.
“Gwen? We don’t have to do this.” He slid his hands over her torso, caressing her bare skin. Her breasts were swollen, her nipples puckered nubs. She’d already orgasmed once and could feel the passion building inside her once again.
She didn’t think she’d ever get enough of him.
“I want to.” She kneaded the heavy muscles in his chest, purring with pleasure as they rippled beneath her palms. Every aspect of their lovemaking was more vivid now that her senses were enhanced.
Jacque leaned down until their noses were touching. “I don’t want to do anything that might bring back bad memories.”
She knew he worried about her. She’d had a few nightmares since the incident, which wasn’t surprising. But this was different. “This isn’t the same thing at all.”
They’d talked about his claiming her at length, but she sensed he was still hesitant. It was up to her to show him she was ready. She put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a little shove. He reluctantly moved off her. Gwen rolled onto her stomach and came up on her hands and knees. Inside her, she could feel her wolf rolling around on her back, more than ready for what was to come.
Jacque put his hands on her hips and slid them up her sides. “Tell me if you get uncomfortable or scared.”
She glanced over her shoulder. He was so big and strong, and his eyes were filled with lust. He was one badass dude, but she knew he’d cut off his hand before he’d ever hurt her. “Just do it.” The waiting was hard. She wanted this done so they could move on with their life.
He positioned himself between her legs. Gwen curled her fingers into the sheets and waited.
Jacque pressed the head of his cock against Gwen’s pussy. Her slick folds were a deep pink and swollen from the orgasm he’d already given her. Her cream coated the tip of his shaft. That she was willingly on her hands and knees in front of him almost pushed him over the edge. He’d hung on, but barely. That she would make herself so vulnerable to him blew his mind. If he wasn’t already on his knees, she’d have put him there.
Gwen looked delicate, but he knew just how strong she was and was awed by her. And she was his.
He slowly pushed inward, gritting his teeth as her sheath rippled and tightened around him—wet, hot and inviting. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he worked to keep from thrusting in all the way at once. He needed to take his time and do this right.
Hands on her hips, he pushed forward one inch at a time. They were both panting hard, and he was sweating with the effort it took to keep from plunging hard and fast. He released a low growl when he finally seated himself totally inside Gwen.
“Okay?” he asked. If she needed him to stop, he would, even if it killed him.
She wiggled her sweet ass against him in response. Then she flexed her inner muscles, clamping down hard on his shaft. He growled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
She laughed and then moaned. “Do it.”
He leaned over her, covering her smaller frame with his much larger one. Jacque planted his hands on the bed beside hers and began to thrust. He withdrew only an inch or two before shoving back inside her heat.
Gwen. There was nothing or no one in this world more important to him than she was. She was his world. And soon everyone else would know that too.
He couldn’t wait for her to wear his mark, even as he hated the fact that his father had scarred her for life, putting his own mark on her. But there was no place for Jacque’s anger, not here, not now. This was all about Gwen, about their future.
Jacque carefully pushed the damp hair away from her nape, exposing the sexy curve of her neck and shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the tender spot. Gwen tensed beneath him but didn’t speak.
“Last chance,” he murmured, knowing it would hurt him like nothing else ever had if she stopped him now.
“I love you.” Gwen’s declaration pushed him over the edge. Jacque’s fangs exploded from his gums and he lowered his head.
Go slow. Go slow. He repeated the mantra. He opened his mouth over the spot and carefully slid his fangs into her skin. He tasted the salt from her skin and the coppery flavor of her blood. His cock swelled as blood thundered through his veins.
Gwen moaned, and he pumped his hips, gaining speed with each inward thrust. She called his name, and he could hear the passion, the need.
Jacque let go of all restraint and began to fuck his mate. The bed rocked beneath his hard thrusts. The headboard beat against the wall in a pounding rhythm. Gwen’s sighs and moans made his cock swell.
He reached around her and found her clit, tweaking the sensitive nub. Her entire body tightened and her pussy spasmed around him. His orgasm shot up from his balls and flooded out through the tip of his cock.
He held on tight and pounded into her until they were both spent. Gwen was his now. She belonged to him forever. His shaft jerked inside her as if in agreement. His wolf howled in satisfaction.
Jacque withdrew his fangs and licked the puncture wounds with his tongue. Gwen moaned again, and he kissed the mark. She would wear it forever, and it warned other males that she was taken, was his female. His cock was still swollen inside her, but he lowered her to the bed, rolling them so they were on their sides.
“Thank you.” There were no words that could adequately express what he was feeling. No way to acknowledge just how much her gift meant to him. Gwen had given him her trust and joined her life to his. She had his love, loyalty and protection forever.
Gwen made a content little noise that made him smile. He nuzzled her neck and kissed his mark. When the swelling in his cock finally subsided enough, he withdrew from her heated depths and turned her so she was facing him.
She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled. She was tousled and rosy and so incredibly beautiful. “I’m so glad you came knocking at my door.”
Jacque’s heart swelled with love and pride. “I’m glad too.”
About the Author
N.J. Walters has always been a voracious reader of romance novels and decided one day that she could write one as well. The contemporary story, Discovering Dani, was the very first novel she wrote while living in a little town much like the one Dani O’Rourke lives in, though all other similarities to Dani’s life pretty much end there. Then she wrote another one that followed up on Dani’s friends and neighbors. But she didn’t consider herself a “real” writer yet.
Just a few years later N. J. had a mid-life crisis at a fairly young age, gave notice after ten years at her job on a Friday and received a tentative acceptance for her first published novel (an erotic romance) from a publisher on the following Sunday.
Happily married to the love of her life, with his encouragement and support she gave up the job of selling books for the more pleasurable job of writing them. She now spends her days writing novels of her own. Werewolves, vampires, time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to do it. And some days she actually feels like a “real” writer.
N.J. enjoys hearing from readers, and she can be reached at njwalters22@yahoo.ca. You can check out her web site at www.njwalters.com.
Look for these titles by N.J. Walters
Now Available:
Discovering Dani
The Way Home
The Return of Patrick O’Rourke
The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke
A Legal Affair
By the Book
Past Promises
Alexandra’s Legacy
Isaiah’s Haven
Legacy Found
Quinn’s Quest
Finding Chrissten
Damek’s Redemption
Craig’s Heart
Spells, Secrets and Seduction
A Touch of Magick
Dreams of Seduction
Love in Flames
Hades’ Carnival
Night of the Tiger
Mark of the Bear
Pride of the Lion
Howl of the Wolf
Coming Soon:
Salvation Pack
Wolf in her Bed
Wolf on the Run
The truth will set her free…or get her killed.
Alexandra’s Legacy
© 2009 N.J. Walters
Alexandra Riley’s day starts out like any other in her normal, predictable world. Then a tall, dark stranger bursts into her father’s garage and shatters the illusion. In one shocking moment, she discovers why she’s been feeling hot, restless—she’s the half-breed daughter of a legendary werewolf and is a much-sought-after prize.
Joshua Striker, enforcer in charge of protecting the alphas of the Wolf Creek pack, has come to take Alex home. Nothing more, nothing less. From the first moment he sees her, she becomes the one thing he can’t afford—a distraction from his duty. A weakness he doesn’t want—but can’t resist needing.
If only keeping her safe was as simple as fending off males on the hunt for a mate. Through city streets to the mountains of North Carolina, Alex and Joshua have to evade those who don’t want their pure bloodlines tainted with human DNA, as well as bounty hunters who think the only good werewolf is a dead one.