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Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Page 23

  The female stood to one side and watched until the shift was complete. Head slightly lowered, she came forward, not quite sure of her welcome.

  Armand licked her muzzle and she licked his back. Then he playfully nipped her ear. She jumped back and yipped at him, sounding quite indignant. He gave her a wolfish smile and nudged her toward the woods.

  She turned her back on him, haughtily raised her tail and raced off into the brush.

  Anny wanted to laugh. What came out of her was a joyful yip. It had been easier to shift into her wolf this time. Of course, she wasn’t running for her life either, so that made a difference. Even more than that was her sense of acceptance. There was no going back, no turning back the clock on her life.

  And she wasn’t sure she would even if she could.

  Not when to do so meant giving up Armand.

  There were many problems left to deal with. She had no idea what she would do about her job or her house or what other changes she would have to face. But she wouldn’t face them alone. She knew that now. Armand would be by her side, helping where he could.

  She felt more than heard him running behind her. She knew he could easily overtake her but was letting her have the lead.

  Freedom. That was what she was experiencing for the first time in her life. The wolf wasn’t worried about the past or the future. The wolf was simply living in the moment, running through the woods with her mate by her side.

  Anny knew she had a lot to learn from her wolf.

  She stumbled to a halt, almost landing on her head as the momentum kept her body moving. She scrambled back a few steps, digging her claws into the dirt. Panic filled her. There were other wolves in the woods with them.

  Armand caught up to her and he stood beside her, totally at ease. That allowed her to calm herself and take a deep breath, pulling the various scents into her sensitive nose. If he wasn’t worried, then there was no need for her to be concerned.

  She recognized the scents immediately. She knew these wolves well. Gator broke through the brush first and raced to her side. The big black-furred devil licked her snout before she could stop him and danced away before Armand could bite him. His eyes glinted with humor and acceptance.

  Cole stalked from between two trees. There was no mistaking him. If the other wolves were big, he was gigantic. Yet he moved silently, almost a ghost. There were no playful licks, only a slight inclination of his head. That was positively effusive coming from the taciturn wolf.

  A wolf with brown fur and brown eyes joined them next. Louis was the wolf she’d spent the least time with, but he trotted forward and bumped Armand on the shoulder before doing the same to her, a kind of welcome to the pack that made her smile.

  But she knew none of this meant anything unless Jacque accepted her. He was alpha of the Salvation Pack and his word was law.

  She felt him before she saw him. Jacque exuded a sense of power that preceded him. No wonder he was alpha. Jacque was one scary dude. He stalked into the tiny clearing like he owned it, which of course, he did. He was big, his fur every shade of brown imaginable. He stared at her with golden-brown eyes that seemed to see all the way to her very soul.

  Anny was so struck with Jacque she almost didn’t notice the smaller wolf beside him. Light brown fur streaked with blonde and familiar blue eyes. Gwen was just as beautiful in her wolf form as she was in her human one.

  Jacque held back, but Gwen showed no such reservations. She trotted right up to Armand and touched noses with him before doing the same to Anny. Anny felt the other woman’s acceptance and it warmed her.

  But Anny still had to face the alpha of the pack. She left Armand’s side and slowly walked toward Jacque, instinctively knowing she had to go to him. He would not come to her. Armand was right beside her all the way. It gave her comfort to know she didn’t have to do this alone.

  Anny wished she understood wolf etiquette more. The last thing she wanted to do was offend the powerful alpha. She shouldn’t have worried. Her wolf knew what to do.

  Anny stretched out on the ground in front of Jacque and rolled over to expose her belly and neck. She began to pant in spite of her best efforts to control her fear. Even though her wolf was calm, the human part of her was finding it terrifyingly difficult to expose her throat to a wolf that could easily rip it out.

  Jacque leaned down and Anny froze. A low growl came from beside her. Armand was showing his teeth and warning his alpha. Jacque flicked what looked to be an annoyed glance at her mate and then turned his attention back to her.

  Gwen circled around her mate and sat next to Anny.

  Jacque heaved a huge sigh, leaned down and gently gripped Anny’s throat in his mouth. She didn’t dare move. She closed her eyes and awaited her fate. But no sharp teeth tore at her neck, no blood coated her fur. Instead, she felt the warm lap of a tongue against her fur before Jacque withdrew.

  She’d been accepted.

  Anny opened her eyes and rolled to her feet. Gwen and Armand flanked her. Cole, Gator and Louis were behind her and Jacque was in front of her. For the first time in her life, Anny felt as though she belonged somewhere. A sense of connection to the other wolves strengthened. Armand nudged her shoulder, a reminder that he was there with her and beside her, someone she could depend on, count on. Armand would never let her down. She vowed to do the same for him and the others.

  Jacque shifted then, so fast she would have missed it if she’d blinked. He stood, tall and naked before them. Then he smiled at her. “Welcome to the Salvation Pack, Anny.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Classic sixties rock played in the background, low enough so they could hear themselves talk. The entire pack was gathered at the main cabin, the alpha’s home, for a celebration. Anny was touched that they wanted to welcome her into the pack in such a way. Her formal acceptance yesterday was very different from the fun-loving party tonight.

  The most wonderful smells filled the air. Gator had been busy in the kitchen all afternoon. The man was truly a culinary god. She munched on a bite-sized golden-brown pastry that was filled with a spicy beef and cheese mixture. Anny closed her eyes and savored the taste. Heaven.

  A strong arm slipped around her waist and she found herself plastered against a hard, hot body. Armand. She opened her eyes and found him watching her.

  “Are you okay?” He’d asked her that about three dozen times this afternoon.

  “I’m fine.” She went up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Really I am.”

  He gave a low growl, eased his hand over her nape and tilted her head to one side before kissing her lips. She gave a hum of pleasure and lost herself in his kiss.

  “Enough of that.” Armand was jolted slightly and Anny pulled back just in time to see Gator pull his hand away from her mate. Gator had obviously thumped Armand on the back. Hard.

  “I’m a little busy here,” Armand pointed out.

  Gator snorted. “Not the time or place, mon ami.”

  Armand shook his head. “No, I suppose it’s not.” Still, he kept her close to him, which she didn’t mind in the least.

  This was a party to accept her into the pack. They were a small group but incredibly loyal. And now she was one of them.

  “What do you plan to do about your job?” Louis had wandered up to them while Gator and Armand had been verbally sparing.

  “My job?” she parroted. What did he mean?

  Louis shook his head and popped an hors d’oeuvre into his mouth and chewed. When he’d swallowed, he continued. “Just because Remy LaForge is dead doesn’t mean the danger is over. Our father is still out there and we have no idea what his plans are. Whatever they are, it won’t be good for us.” His brown eyes held a hint of pity that ruffled her fur, so to speak.

  Armand shot his cousin a dirty look. “We hadn’t discussed that yet. It’s too soon.”

  Jacque ambled over with Gwen at his side. “It’s as good a time as any. Decisions must be made.” He turned his laser gaze on Anny, and in spi
te of her best intentions, she took a step back. There was a feral quality in his eyes that made her nervous.

  She buried her fear and stood her ground. “What decisions?” Her entire life for the past few weeks had been one turmoil after another. What was one more?

  Jacque stood tall with his hands on his hips, exuding a combination of power and magnetism. “If you continue to work at the school library, you’ll put yourself and everyone there at risk.”

  Anny shook her head in denial. She loved her job.

  “I’m sorry, Anny.” And Jacque did look sorry. He also looked unmovable.

  “So I have to give up my job.”

  “And your home,” Jacque added. “No point in your keeping it now that you and Armand are mated.”

  Armand growled and stepped in front of her. “Enough.”

  Jacque returned the growl and glared at his cousin. Both men bristled and moved closer.

  Fearful of a fight, Anny stepped between them. “That’s enough.” She shot Gwen a help-me glance and the other woman stepped in.

  Gwen grabbed her mate’s arm. “Why don’t we get something to eat and let them talk things over?”

  “This must be finalized.” Jacque didn’t move from his position in spite of Gwen’s best effort to pull him away. “Armand knows this.”

  “Armand also needs to talk to Anny,” Gwen pointed out. “Without the audience or interference.”

  Jacque studied his mate, who cocked her eyebrow at him and frowned. He inclined his head. “We will get something to eat.”

  “Good idea.” Sarcasm dripped from Gwen’s voice, but Jacque obviously chose to ignore it as he led his mate toward the loaded buffet table.

  Anny watched the scene unfold and released the breath she’d been holding. Tension rolled off Armand. The muscles beneath her hands rippled. “Let’s go out back and talk.” She hadn’t even considered her job and her house, and she should have. But in her defense, she’d been a little busy, what with running for her life from a crazed wolf, yet again. And then there was the little matter of shifting to her wolf for the first time. And mating with Armand. Yeah, she’d been a little busy.

  Armand allowed her to tug him out the back door. Cole watched them, silent as always. One corner of his mouth turned up in a semblance of a smile. He inclined his head toward her as if giving her his approval.

  Why that made her feel better, she couldn’t say. But she did know all these men were important to Armand. They were his family, his friends.

  The door shut behind them and Armand turned to her. “I’m sorry for that. I had no idea they would bring those things up tonight. I thought I’d have more time to broach the subject with you.”

  Anny walked to the edge of the porch and placed her hands on the rail. The sky was so dark this far from town, but with her enhanced vision she could see quite well. Stars speckled the blackness, looking like a sprinkle of diamonds in the sky. The air was cool and she shivered in spite of wearing another one of Armand’s long-sleeved sweaters.

  Immediately, his arms banded around her, his body warming hers. “You’re cold. We should go inside.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’d rather talk.”

  He rested his chin on top of her head and sighed. “I’m sorry, chère.”

  “I’m really going to have to give up my job, aren’t I?” It made her sad to think about not seeing her students every day. She enjoyed her work, especially the interaction with the kids. But there was no way she was going to lead a werewolf war to their doorstep.

  “I wish there was another way.” He rubbed his chin over her hair. “It is too dangerous for you to be around other humans.” He kissed her temple.

  Anny swallowed hard. “What about Sue?” No way she was going to give up her best friend in all the world.

  “It might be better if you didn’t see her for a while. Tell her you’re going away for a few months.” Armand turned her so she was facing him. Sorrow filled his dark eyes. “I wish things could be different. You’re giving up so much for me.”

  “I could see her while she’s at work,” Anny protested.

  “And what if one another wolf sees you talking to her and decides to question Sue about how much she knows. No, better a clean break.” Armand hugged her to him. But even his closeness didn’t help quell the huge sense of loss welling up inside her.

  “She’s the only one who has ever been there for me.” Anny had always been able to depend on Sue.

  “And that’s why you have to walk away. Because you love her.” Armand rocked her from side-to-side. “It won’t be for forever. Just until we know we’re safe from our former alpha.”

  “Your uncle?”

  “Pierre LaForge is even worse than my father. The man craves power and will do anything it takes to keep it. We walked away from the pack without permission. He won’t let that go. Plus, his pack has suffered huge losses in our battles.”

  Anny pulled away from Armand and walked to the edge of the stairs. She stared out into the night, hearing the insects and small animals, scenting a deer about a hundred yards off to the right of the cabin.

  “What will I do with myself?” She’d always worked hard, knowing she had no choice if she wanted to survive, to support herself.

  “Whatever you want. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I can support you.”

  Anny whirled around and faced her mate. “I won’t be kept by anyone. I can earn my keep.”

  Armand growled, low and vicious, but she didn’t back down. She knew he’d never hurt her. “You do not need to earn your keep.” He grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her toward him until their noses were touching. “You are mine and it is my honor to care for you. Do you understand?”

  She did and she didn’t. Yes, they were mated, but she still needed a purpose and told him so. “I can’t just sit around all day. That’s not who I am.”

  “We will figure out something.”

  “And my house. I’m going to have to sell my home.” That hurt too. She’d worked so hard to carve out a life for herself, to build something. And now she was being asked to toss it all away.

  “This is your home.” Armand’s breath was warm on her face. “I am your home.” He kissed her then, not like he had inside. This kiss was designed to incite her passions, to leave her no doubt about who she belonged to. It was primitive and very, very effective.

  She clutched at his shirt, curling her fingers into the fabric. Armand pulled her tighter into his embrace until their fronts were plastered together. Her breasts were mashed against his unyielding chest and his solid cock pressed against her stomach.

  His tongue tangled, his lips possessed and their breath mingled. He roamed his hands all over her shoulders, down her arms and back up her spine. He left a trail of tingles wherever he touched her.

  She moaned into his mouth, knowing she’d lost the battle. Anny knew there was nothing she could do to change the course of her destiny. All she could do was strike forward and forge it into what she wanted it to be.

  And the one thing she knew she wanted was Armand by her side.

  They were both breathing heavily when he pulled away from her. He buried his face in her neck. “I want to fuck you so badly.”

  Anny moaned and rubbed her stomach against his erection.

  He groaned. “Stop that. We can’t.”

  “Why?” She let her hands roam across his chest, wishing she was touching hot skin instead of his cotton T-shirt. She tried to tug the fabric out of the waistband of his jeans, but he stopped her.

  “If we don’t go back inside soon, they’ll come looking for us.”

  That stopped Anny. She’d forgotten all about the others. Anyone could look out the window and see them. “Crap.”

  Armand laughed and hugged her lose. “I couldn’t have said it any better.” He kissed her temple, her forehead and both cheeks. “I’m truly sorry, Anny. You are losing your career, your friend and your house. I know I can’t make up for
that and I’m sorry.” He sighed and shook his head.

  Anny felt his pain. “It’s not your fault. You weren’t the one who bit me and turned me into a werewolf.”

  “But I am responsible for bringing you to Remy’s attention. If I’d left you alone that night in the roadhouse bar, none of this would have happened.”

  No, none of it would have happened and she’d still be getting up in the morning, going to work and coming home alone. She’d talk to Sue on the phone and maybe see her once or twice a week if they could manage it. She’d spend her nights with her cats either working or watching television.

  Anny looked at Armand and felt her heart swell with love. This might not be easy, but it was worth it. “I wouldn’t change anything.” And she wouldn’t. Not when the end result had brought her here.

  He pulled her close and hugged her tight. “I don’t deserve you, Anny. I know that. But I promise to spend every day for the rest of my life letting you know how much I love you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat and then began to race. She pushed away from Armand and stared up at him, studying him intently.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You love me?”

  A smile softened the hard lines of his lips. “Of course I do. You’re my mate. You’re my everything, Anny.”

  “You never said.” She felt slightly lightheaded and realized she was breathing too fast. She took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  “I thought you knew.”

  “FYI, a woman needs to be told something that big. You just don’t assume she knows.” Anny poked him in the stomach. “I told you I loved you.”

  He caught her hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the tips of her fingers. “So you did.” He cupped her face in his hands and his expression was so fierce her knees went weak. “I love you, Anny. Nothing will ever change that. I’ll always be there for you. Always.” It was a promise and a vow and it was everything she’d ever wanted.