Wolf at the Door: Salvation Pack, Book 1 Page 18
“Gwen’s fine. She turned in early, but she didn’t stay in bed. The light came on in the office a couple of hours ago.”
Jacque frowned. “Did anything happen to upset her?”
Louis leaned against a tree, tipped back his head and stared up at the black night sky. Only a few stars could be seen tonight as clouds dotted the sky. “Other than the obvious that her life is in danger from a pack of crazy-ass werewolves and she’s sleeping with a werewolf who will be alive long after she’s dead. No, not really.” Louis hesitated and sighed. “That’s not quite true. Gwen was asking about the housing situation, one thing lead to another and Gator mentioned that your house would be the seat of power when you mated and had children.”
“Fuck.” Jacque scrubbed his hand over his head. The cool night air circulated around him, but he didn’t feel the cold. His werewolf metabolism ensured he’d stay warm enough no matter what form he was in, but there was a solid block of ice in his chest. What must Gwen have thought? “I’m going to kill him.”
“He feels bad enough as it is.” Louis faced his brother, hands on his hips. “And it’s no more than the truth. You know it is. Gwen will live maybe four more decades. You’ll live three times that.”
For the first time in his life, Jacque wished he were human. He hated the idea of Gwen growing old without him, of living without her, of having a husband who wasn’t him and children who weren’t his.
But reality was what it was. None of them could change it. “I’m going inside.” He started to brush by Louis, but his brother put his hand on Jacque’s shoulder.
He paused. Louis’s eyes were filled with infinite sadness. “Keep her with you. Let her live out her life with you. You’ll still have time to mate and have children after she’s gone.”
Jacque closed his eyes as the truth of his brother’s words hit him like a sledgehammer to the gut. Once she was gone, he’d still have one hundred years left to live.
“Don’t let her go or you’ll regret it forever.”
“I know.” Jacque grabbed Louis by the shoulders and hugged him. They pounded on each other’s backs, the emotion between them palpable. Their father had done his best to pit brother against brother while they were growing up, but it had never worked. If anything, it had driven them to become closer. “Thank you.”
“I’ll protect her with my life,” Louis vowed. “And so will the others.”
Jacque nodded, almost overwhelmed with the love and support his friends gave him. Not friends, brothers. They were all brothers, pack, and nothing was stronger than that.
“Go to your woman. I’m going to patrol to the south.”
“Be careful, Louis.” Jacque couldn’t quite put his finger on what was bothering him tonight, but it was more than simply his concern about Gwen. The fine hairs on the back of his neck were stirring.
“I know. I feel it too. The front door is unlocked, but the back is secure.” Louis loped off, still in human form, and quickly disappeared from sight.
Jacque stared up at the sky, wishing the moon were more visible tonight. He kept his senses attuned to the night as he walked around his home. The log house was simple and basic, but it had been more than enough for him and Louis to share. Truthfully, in spite of what the others had told Gwen, he’d never envisioned having a mate living here. And children were nothing more than a dream.
Now that he had Gwen though, he wanted all that with her. He might as well ask for the moon. He wasn’t going to get it. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t love and cherish her for the next forty or fifty years.
Decision made, he hurried around to the front. The dry grass crunched slightly beneath his bare feet before he vaulted up onto the front deck. The deck was a nice size but it was empty. Maybe Gwen would like a porch swing or maybe some flowers. Women liked planting stuff, or at least he thought they did. His mother used to plant flowers in an old galvanized steel tub outside their home. His father had laughed at her, but she’d persevered, cultivating flowers that grew wild on the edge of the swamp.
Hell, if she’d agree to stay with him, he’d build her an entire house from the foundation up. Whatever she wanted.
Damn, he had it bad.
He paused, hand on the handle and looked around. The insects were buzzing and an owl hooted in the distance. Satisfied that all was safe for now, Jacque pushed open the door and went inside. He locked the panel behind him. They didn’t usually lock the doors. After all, they were werewolves and had little to fear from human intruders. Plus, the perimeter was now lined with sensors that would alert them if anyone stumbled onto their land. Armand had them wired to a control panel in the other cabin.
But Gwen was human and she was too precious to risk. The men would sleep in shifts at the other cabin. Two on patrol while two slept. It was the best they could do. He would stay with Gwen.
There was a pair of jeans folded on the edge of the sofa. Jacque sent a silent thanks to his brother and pulled them on. He didn’t know what kind of mood he might find Gwen in and figured it was best if he didn’t confront her bare-assed naked. Not that he minded, but he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
He could hear the continuous click of computer keys and knew she was working in the office. He liked the idea of her at her desk and him at his, both of them working side-by-side. Hell, he liked the idea of them taking a break even more.
His jeans grew tighter as he remembered their earlier interlude in the office. He’d taken her from behind, her pussy squeezing his dick so tight he’d thought he’d die from the pleasure. He hadn’t marked her, hadn’t scored her with his fangs, even though the primitive instinct had roared through him. A rumble began low in his chest but he managed to stifle it.
Jacque leaned against the doorjamb and watched Gwen work. Her hair looked almost golden in the lamplight and she was nibbling on her bottom lip, a sure sign she was concentrating hard on whatever she was working on. He hoped it wasn’t an article on werewolves for one of her magazine contacts.
She looked…rumpled. That was the only word that came to mind. She was wearing pajama bottoms and a plain white T-shirt. Not sexy in the least, but his body responded as though she was wearing the most alluring lingerie. His cock stood at attention and his balls drew up close to his body. Inside him, his wolf hummed with impatience.
He frowned when he noticed her feet were bare. She had them curled up behind her and tucked onto the base of the chair. She should be wearing slippers, or at the very least socks. He didn’t want her to catch cold and the cabin was cool. He only turned on the heat in the dead of winter, and that was only so the pipes wouldn’t freeze. The drop in temperature at night didn’t affect him. But Gwen was human and would find it cold. He’d have to remember to start turning on the heater.
There would be a lot of changes if Gwen stayed, and he was looking forward to every single one of them. He’d never thought he’d share his life with anyone. He didn’t care if she was fully human. She belonged to him, with him.
Her fingers were flying over the keyboard and whatever she’d just written made her frown. He wanted to kiss the dour expression from her face.
Silently, he made his way across the room and came to a halt directly behind her.
“You’re thinking too loudly,” she groused. “You’re messing with my flow.”
Jacque grinned. He was afraid of catching her off-guard and frightening her, but she’d known he was there all along. He leaned down and nibbled on her neck. “I can mess with more than that if you’d like.”
Gwen gave a quick laugh and tilted her head to one side, giving him better access. Jacque licked a line up to her ear. “What are you working on?” The screen was filled with her work. He glanced over at it and froze. He read the words twice before growling.
“‘His hands caressed her butt as he pulled her tight into his body. She responded to his closeness, her body heating, her heart pounding.’ What in the hell are you writing?” Jacque was aroused but outraged. Was she writing ab
out him? Or was it some other male?
Gwen threw back her head and laughed. It was the kind of laugh that came straight from her belly. She shook and he straightened, slightly disgruntled by his show of jealousy.
She started to speak, took one look at him and went off into peals of laughter again. He crossed his arms over his bare chest and glowered at her. Not that she seemed to notice or care. He was still painfully aroused and shifted his weight from one leg to the other to try to ease the pressure on his swollen cock. When he moved, he caught a glint just beyond the light from the lamp. The gun sat there at hand, ready if she needed it. Good. He wanted her protected at all times.
Now, if she’d only stop laughing at him, he might kiss her again. “Woman, you’re pushing your luck.”
“I’m sorry.” She swiped at the tears of mirth in her eyes and grinned. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, but she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Her smile was so genuine, her blue eyes sparkling with good humor, her lips moist and kissable.
“But you should have seen your face.” She chuckled again. “And you growled too.” When he didn’t say anything, she cleared her throat. “I’m working on a scene for my book. Remember, I told you about it. It’s a paranormal romance.”
“I could tell.” His dry reply made her grin widen. “What I want to know is, are you done for the night?”
Gwen spun around in her chair, saved her work and shut down her computer. “I’m done, for now.” She lowered the top of the computer and sighed. “I wrote the local realtor in Wayman’s Peak and asked him if he’d sell the house. I’ll need to make a quick trip back at some point to make sure I’m not missing anything, to clear out my mailbox and sign papers.”
He ached for her. She obviously didn’t want to give up her house or her independence, but he couldn’t deny that the more primal part of him was thrilled that she was going to be dependent on him.
She blew that thought out of the water with her next words.
“Once I sell the house, I can either buy another rural property somewhere or I’ll use the money to live on in some city. I won’t go back to Chicago or Tennessee. Not with those other werewolves looking for me.”
“You’ll stay here.” Jacque spun the chair around and put both hands on the arms, trapping her.
She frowned and shook her head. “I can’t stay indefinitely. You know that. You have your life to live and I have mine. What we have—” she waved her hand in front of her, “—is temporary at best.”
Jacque saw red. Literally. His vision narrowed and his wolf fought for release. His fingers morphed into claws and his jaw started to distend. “No.” His voice was little more than a guttural growl. “You’re mine, Gwen. For as long as we have.”
Her smile was sad, and when she pressed her hand against the side of his face, he thought his heart might break. “You know we don’t have that long. Not realistically. I’m aging much faster than you are. I’ll be getting wrinkles and gray hair in another fifteen to twenty years. And, you said yourself, we can’t have children together.”
“I don’t care.” His wolf receded once again as he gained control and Jacque dropped to his knees in front of her, burying his face against her soft breasts. “I want you with me for as long as you have. Let me take care of you.”
He felt some unnamed emotion go through her and he feared she was about to tell him no. He tightened his arms around her and pulled her down onto his lap. “Please, Gwen. Stay with me.”
Gwen was surprised her chest wasn’t split wide open with her heart ripped out. That’s what it felt like. The raw emotion in Jacque’s plea brought tears to her eyes. He was saying he wanted her to stay now, but what about ten years from now, or twenty? He’d still be young and vibrant and she’d be slowing down. Would he still want her then?
He’d said nothing about love, which troubled her. Oh, he wanted her. That was genuine. He truly did care for her, and she knew he felt a responsibility for her since her life had been disrupted. Maybe love would grow in time. Could she take the risk? Her heart already belonged to Jacque and she knew she couldn’t simply walk away from him.
He flexed his arms around her and beneath her cheek she could feel his heart beating hard and fast. Jacque was a proud man, one who’d defied his family, his pack and his very way of life. Yet he was pleading with her to stay with him.
She knew her battle was lost before it truly began. “I’ll stay.” His grip increased until she could barely breathe. He gave a long shudder and raised his head. His golden eyes were fathomless and filled with emotion she couldn’t quite identify. “For a while,” she qualified. “Let’s not jump into anything, but take it a day at a time.”
His lips thinned but he nodded. He didn’t like her putting limits on it, but he’d have to live with it. Gwen wanted their relationship to work, but she was also realistic. “I can support myself and contribute to the household.”
“Absolutely not.” Jacque was practically vibrating with anger. “I can take care of you.”
“I know you can.” She put her hand on the side of his jaw and felt the muscles contract as he ground his teeth together. She’d insulted his male pride, but she had to have some guidelines if she was going to feel comfortable staying. “But if I’m going to feel like I’m part of your pack, I need to do my part.”
“You will. You’ll keep me happy.” He surged to his feet with her locked in his arms as though she weighed nothing at all. She had no idea just how strong he was, but she no longer feared his strength and never would again. He bent down so she was close to the desk. “Turn off the light and grab the gun.”
Gwen flicked off the lamp and gingerly lifted the weapon, holding it carefully as he carried her into the bedroom and set her down on the side of the bed. She didn’t know whether she should be outraged or amused. Obviously, Jacque saw her role as a more basic one. Her job was to keep him happy in bed.
Not that she minded. Sex between the two of them was off the charts. But there had to be more to their relationship than that or they had nothing.
He took the gun from her and placed it on the bedside table. She expected him to jump on her and rip off her clothing. A part of her was hopeful, anticipating another round of spectacular sex, while the more sane part knew they still had to talk.
He surprised her by going down on his haunches in front of her and grabbing her feet in his hands. “Just as I thought. You should be wearing slippers or socks. You’re going to catch a cold.” He put the soles of her feet against his bare chest and rubbed the tops and sides to warm them.
The heat from his skin seeped into her chilled flesh and she shivered. Not because she was so cold, but because she knew her fate had just been sealed. Any man who would lecture her on not wearing slippers and take the time to warm her feet when he was obviously painfully aroused had to care for her on a very deep level. Maybe he didn’t know it was love, maybe he would never call it that, but Gwen felt it to her very soul.
Love wasn’t so much about words, but actions, and Jacque’s spoke very loudly.
He stopped rubbing and frowned. “And why are you wearing so many clothes to sleep in?”
“It was chilly.” One minute he was chiding her for not wearing enough clothing and the next for wearing too much. He was as confused as she was about what was happening between them, which made her feel slightly better about the situation.
“Well, you don’t need it now. I’ll warm you.” Jacque stripped off her shirt and then turned back the covers. “Get in.” When she was settled, he caught the waistband of her pajama bottoms and tugged them off. He gave a grunt of satisfaction, stripped off his jeans and climbed into bed beside her.
He rolled onto his side and pulled her back against his chest, tucking her head beneath his chin. She put her feet against his shins and sighed as his heat seeped into them. Would she ever understand this man? His erection pressed hard against her butt, yet he simply held her in his arms.
His lips brushed the t
op of her head. “Sleep, Gwen. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
He was right. Today had been both physically and emotionally draining. Feeling safe and warm in his embrace, Gwen drifted off to sleep, but not before she felt his hand cup one of her breasts and pull her even closer.
Chapter Eighteen
Jacque woke slowly, a sense of wellbeing filling him. Gwen was in his arms and she was willing to stay, at least for now. He didn’t like the qualifier she’d tacked on to the end, but he’d accept it for now. He’d love her so hard and well, she wouldn’t even think of leaving him.
He knew she worried about growing old and, while he understood her concerns, they didn’t bother him at all. He couldn’t imagine ever not loving Gwen. Her smile, her intelligence, the way she stood up to him and challenged him were all a turn on. He loved lying here in bed with her with the moonlight shining in through the window, simply watching her sleep.
If he had one regret, it was that there would be no children. The odds were simply too great given the differences in their biology. He tightened his hold on her, releasing it slightly when she made a grumbling sound. He would have liked a child with her.
He rubbed his chin over her head and listened to the sounds of the night. The cabin was quiet with only the low hum of electricity running through the refrigerator. Louis and the rest of the pack were out patrolling or sleeping. It was still dark outside and Jacque instinctively knew it was at least two hours until dawn.
Gwen squirmed in his arms, turning to face him. He knew from the sudden alertness surrounding her that she was awake.
“What are you thinking about?”
He didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to think about the insurmountable obstacles surrounding them, the least of which was the fact they were from different species. That wouldn’t even matter if they didn’t survive. His father and former pack were out to destroy Gwen and wouldn’t stop until she was dead.
His resolve hardened. He would kill them all first. He’d walked away from his family and the pack he’d been raised in, but they were challenging him, his chosen mate and his pack. He could not allow that kind of threat to stand. He was willing to live and let live, but if they brought the fight to his door he’d slay them all and burn their remains until nothing but ash remained.