Wolf in Her Bed: Salvation Pack, Book 2 Page 10
Anny grabbed her bottle of shampoo and began to wash her hair. It was slow going, but she managed. When she was done, she leaned against the tiles for a moment to rest. “You can do this.” The small pep talk worked and she managed to wash from head to toe. She rinsed one final time, turned off the water and stood dripping in the shower.
She shivered and stepped out, grabbing a towel from the nearby rod. She dried off quickly and slipped on her bathrobe that was hung on a hook on the back of the bathroom door. Then she dried her hair. She brushed and braided it and then slumped against the vanity when she was finished.
She felt more like herself than she had in days. But she was also exhausted. Her stomach chose that moment to growl. Hungry too.
Anny shuffled to the kitchen, not bothering to pick up her soiled clothing off the bathroom floor or detour to the bedroom to dress. She needed food.
Both cats ran alongside her on the way to the kitchen. They were probably hungry too. “What will we have this morning?” she asked them.
Seymour gave a very vocal meow, while Tigger chirped.
Anny chuckled and opened the cupboard. “Fancy Feast it is.” She opened the can, filled both their bowls and set them on the floor. She had to grab the edge of the counter when she felt lightheaded. “Definitely time to eat.”
In the hospital, she hadn’t wanted to eat much at all. Now she was ravenous.
The cupboards didn’t yield much that appealed to her. But she hit the jackpot in the refrigerator. “Looks like Sue brought over a few things. Eggs and bacon. Quick and easy. What do you think?” she asked the cats. Seymour raised his head and gave a meow that sounded like agreement to her. Tigger didn’t bother to stop eating.
Anny put everything she needed on the counter and then began to cook. In one skillet, she set bacon frying. In the other, she cracked several eggs and let them bubble, moving them around with a spatula to scramble them. Her stomach growled again and she absently rubbed it.
The bacon smelled so good, like ambrosia. She could almost taste it. She tapped her toes, impatiently waiting for everything to finish cooking. The eggs were done first. She dumped them onto a plate, grabbed a fork and began eating, standing at the counter.
She had all three eggs polished off before she knew it. As tempted as she was to pick up her plate and lick it, she refrained. Barely.
Thankfully, the bacon was done. She piled it onto her plate and began to eat it one strip at a time. Flavor exploded on her tongue. So good.
Then the bacon was gone.
Anny stared at the empty plate and the two pans. She’d never eaten an entire skillet of bacon and one filled with eggs in her life. Her usual would be three strips of bacon and one, maybe two eggs if she was really hungry. She’d just eaten three eggs and eight slices of bacon. And she was still hungry.
Shrugging, Anny loaded both pans again. She didn’t bother to sit at the table to eat. She shoveled in the food as soon as it was cooked. This time when she was done, she felt replete.
Both cats were perched on the counter watching her. “What?” she asked them. She shrugged and dumped the pans and dishes into the sink, running enough water to cover them.
“I need to get dressed.” Just saying it aloud gave her a goal. She’d allowed herself to simply exist these past days, drifting in a fog.
You needed to heal.
Anny ignored the voice in her head. She’d pass it off as intuition or her inner voice, but it didn’t sound anything like her. That could become a problem if she didn’t figure out what the heck was going on.
Now that she’d eaten, she felt stronger than she had in days. She detoured to the bathroom to brush her teeth. While she was there, she stuffed her dirty clothing in the hamper and hung the damp towel over the rod to dry.
Then she continued on to the bedroom. She made the bed first and then picked up the clothing she’d dropped onto the floor last night. She set the clothing in a pile to dump in the hamper.
“What to wear?” No contest really. Comfort was king. She pulled on underwear and even managed a bra since the straps didn’t hit the wounds on her neck or her stomach. She followed that with a pair of well-worn jeans and a long-sleeved, cotton shirt. Socks and sneakers were next. Anny wasn’t cold, but she pulled on a thick cardigan the color of oatmeal, more for comfort than warmth. She added a small pair of gold hoops to her ears just to make herself feel better.
Her cell phone sat on her nightstand and she picked it up. Three missed calls. All from Sue. Knowing Sue would most likely be at work by now if she was on the morning shift, Anny sent her friend a quick text to let her know she was okay and then tucked the phone in her pocket.
She carried the bundle of dirty clothes to the bathroom and deposited them in the hamper. She turned to leave the bathroom and noticed the supplies the hospital had sent home with her. Sue had placed them on the corner of the vanity.
Anny took the time to replace the bandage she’d removed from her neck before her shower. She wasn’t sure she needed it since the stitches had fallen out and the wound was healing nicely, but she decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Plus, this way she didn’t have to see the scars every time she walked by a mirror. She also dutifully took the pills the doctor had prescribed, feeling guilty for not doing so yesterday. In truth, she’d forgotten all about her medication.
With those chores done, she left the bathroom and wandered into the living room. She’d washed, eaten, tidied up and dressed. Now what?
Anny slumped down into her big cozy chair and contemplated her options. When questioned by the police, she’d told them she was attacked by a wolf. She didn’t mention anything about the wolf becoming a naked man and then changing back into a wolf again.
Yeah, that would have only gained her entry into the psych ward.
No, she had to figure this out for herself.
Her phone rang and she pulled it out, knowing she had to answer it even though she’d rather not. “Hello.”
“Are you okay? You didn’t answer at all last night. I almost drove out there, but mom and dad were out and I couldn’t find anyone to watch Billy for me. I almost called the sheriff.”
That was the last thing Anny wanted. “I’m so sorry, Sue. I only meant to lie down for a few minutes. Next thing I knew it was morning.” She felt so bad for worrying her friend. Sue had been nothing but good to her since the attack.
“I guess your body needed to rest. Are you hungry? Have you eaten?”
“Yes, Mother,” Anny teased. “I just had bacon and eggs. Thanks for making sure I had some food in the refrigerator.”
Sue laughed. “I can’t help myself. Bet you were hungry.”
“Starving.” That was an understatement. “Guess hospital food just didn’t appeal to me.”
“I’ll be out later today,” Sue told her.
Anny shifted in her chair and rested her head against the back. “No, why don’t you give yourself a break. You’ve been working full-time and making the long drive to the hospital every day. I’m home and I’m fine. All I’m going to do is sleep and eat.”
“Are you sure?” She could hear the concern in Sue’s voice and hurried to dispel it.
“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s what I need to heal. I promise I’ll call or text you this evening, sooner if you want.” Anny wanted to be alone. She needed to think.
“That might be best. I’m already at work. Margaret called in sick so I’m covering. Then I have to work my shift.”
Anny winced, knowing that meant long hours. “You don’t need to come out here today. I’m fine on my own and I have my phone if I feel sick. You work and then you go home to your family.”
“If you’re sure.”
“Positive. And thanks again for everything.” How did you thank a woman for saving your life? Nothing seemed adequate.
“I’m just so glad I found you in time.” Anny could hear the tears in Sue’s voice and choked up a bit herself.
“Me too.” Anny cleared her throat. �
�I’ll talk to you later.” She ended the call and tucked her phone back into her pocket.
Seymour jumped onto the arm of the chair and studied her. Her cats could tell there was something different about her even if no one else could.
“Okay, boys, what do I do?”
Tigger watched her from the sofa when usually he’d go straight for her lap. What did they sense was different about her?
Anny swallowed hard. They could smell the wolf.
That was what she was afraid of. The increase in her vision and hearing, her rapid healing. None of it was normal. The wolf or man or whatever he was who’d attacked her. That was real. There hadn’t been a wolf and a man, but only one.
The creature had said she smelled of him—Armand. Had to be. That meant if she wanted answers there was somewhere she had to go.
Armand might have walked away from her the night they’d spent together, but he owed her answers. If he’d involved her in whatever this was, she deserved to know exactly what it was.
Did she really want to know?
Did she really have a choice?
The creature who’d attacked her might be back once he realized she wasn’t dead. Because there was no doubt in her mind that he’d meant to kill her, not just maim or hurt her.
Just the idea of believing in such a creature was preposterous. Yet what other choice did she have.
Go to him.
Anny ignored the voice in her head, or tried to. It wasn’t easy. She wanted to ask the voice for answers, but was half-afraid she might get them. She wasn’t sure she trusted herself at the moment. She needed to talk to someone about the attack and that someone was going to be Armand.
She pushed out of her chair and grabbed her purse. “I’m going out for a bit,” she told the cats. They both trotted to the door and meowed as if telling her not to go. But she had no choice. “I’ll be back soon,” she promised them. “You both have water and you just ate. You’ll be fine.”
Anny locked up behind her and slowly walked to her car. She felt nervous being outside alone now when she never had before. She glanced all around, searching for hidden danger. There was a squirrel in the nearest tree and a fox hiding in the bushes.
Anny froze as she put the key in her car door to unlock it. How did she know there was a fox nearby? Because she could smell him and instinctually knew.
She all but jumped in the driver’s seat and locked the door behind her. She gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white.
She needed answers and she needed them now.
Anny wasn’t quite sure where Armand lived, but everyone in town knew the land he and his friends owned. There had to be an access road of some kind off the main one. All she had to do was find it and follow it.
She released her death grip on the steering wheel and started the car.
Chapter Ten
“Someone’s coming.” Armand glanced up from the book he was reading when Cole spoke. His friend was studying the computer screen in front of him. Now that he was aware of it, Armand could hear the computer beeping lightly, a sign that one of their sensors had gone off.
“Where?” Armand asked.
“The main road.” Cole flicked a few keys with his large fingers. Armand wasn’t sure how his friend was able to type on the small keyboard. “Whoever it is, they’re not trying to hide.”
“I’ll go have a look.” Armand set down his book and stood, stretching his arms over his head. “Maybe a lost tourist or something.”
“I’ll go with you.” Cole pushed out of his chair. “Just in case.”
They were all on high alert these days, moving in pairs, constantly having one of them with Gwen at all times.
The two men left the house and walked out to the main road, hoping to reach the car before the cabin came into view. No one from town had ever been to their homes and they preferred to keep it that way.
The sensible sedan came around the corner and Armand swore. Cole shot him a glance. “Who is it?” Cole asked.
“I’ll handle this. You can go back to the house.” Armand knew the second Anny saw him. The car rolled to a halt.
“Nope. Not going to happen.” Cole crossed his arms over his chest and looked as unmovable as a boulder. “We stay together in pairs. This could be a trap.”
“It’s no trap,” Armand muttered. Anny stared at him through the windshield. Even from a distance, he could sense her nervousness. She looked so damn good. All he wanted to do was drag her out of the car and into his bed. Why had she come here? Why now when they were all on alert, expecting an attack. He had to get rid of her. Fast.
“Then wait here.” Armand ordered Cole before he strode to the car. Anny undid her seat belt, opened the door and slid out. He didn’t wait for her to speak, but went immediately on the offensive. “Why are you here? You have to go.”
Her scent hit him, the light floral of her soap mixed with the pure essence of woman. He was immediately hard, his cock swelling, his body aching to touch her, to hold her. His wolf was howling inside him, aggressively wanting to get to Anny, to claim her.
Armand held himself totally still a few feet away from her. She winced at his words and started to get back in the car. It was then he noticed the bandage on her neck.
He placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “Anny.” He kept his voice low and steady. Nonthreatening. When inside he felt as though he were a nuclear bomb waiting to explode. Someone had hurt her. “What happened?”
“What do you care?” she fired back. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have come.” She tried to climb back into her car, but he pulled her away from the vehicle and slammed the door.
“Well, you’re here now and you need to tell me what happened.” Anny’s eyes widened as she peered over his shoulder.
Armand swore under his breath. He’d forgotten about Cole. “Anny, that’s Cole Blanchard. Cole, this is Anny.”
Anny stepped to the side and held out her hand. “Anny Conrad.”
Cole moved closer but didn’t take her hand right away. Instead, he inhaled deeply and gave Armand a knowing look. “It’s the woman from the bar.”
Anny’s hand fell back to her side and color exploded in her cheeks. Cole had embarrassed her.
“Shut up, Cole.”
Cole moved closer, but Armand stepped in front of him, stopping him from getting any nearer. The thought of having another male near his Anny was unthinkable. She was his.
“This is not good, mon ami.” Cole held his open hands out by his sides, but Armand wasn’t about to be placated. His wolf was on the prowl, ready and willing to protect Anny at all costs.
“Going somewhere?”
Armand heard Gator’s voice and Anny’s gasp. He whirled around, forgetting all about Cole. Anny had one hand on the handle of her car door and Gator had his hand over hers.
Armand pounced, pulling Anny away from Gator. He snarled at both his friends, knowing he was being an ass but unable to stop himself. His instinct to protect her overrode all else.
She was trembling and her breath was coming fast. Armand wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest. He shut his eyes and swallowed hard, feeling as though all was right in his world for the first time in weeks. “Everything is okay, ma petite.” He rubbed his hand up and down her spine to soothe her. “I’ve got you. No one will hurt you.” He kissed the top of her head and then opened his eyes to stare at his friends.
They were both staring at him and Anny, obviously shocked by his behavior. They had no idea what he was feeling inside. His emotions were churning and he was feeling none to stable.
Anny put her hands on his chest and pushed. Reluctantly, he released her. A lock of hair had come loose from her braid and she pushed it aside before he could. Her eyes were so big and blue, he felt as though he could lose himself in them.
Then his attention was caught once again by the edge of a bandage on her neck. A sinking feeling hit him, starting in the pit o
f his stomach. He eased back the edge of her cardigan. The bandage continued downward. “What happened?”
Even though he prayed he was wrong, he knew what Anny was going to say before she said it. “I was attacked.”
Both Cole and Gator swore. No need for him to spell everything out for his friends, they were both intelligent as hell and able to put it all together.
“We should go inside.” Gator glanced around, breathing deeply.
Armand did the same. There was no one else around, but that didn’t mean they weren’t watching from a distance. “Were you followed?” he asked her.
Anny frowned and shook her head. “I don’t think so.” She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. “And I was watching.”
He put his arm around her and ushered her down the dirt path toward the cabin. Cole led the way and Gator brought up the rear. When they stepped inside, Cole went straight for his phone that was sitting in the charger. “Jacque and Louis need to know what’s going on.”
While Cole made the call, Armand settled Anny in one of the chairs by the fireplace. A small blaze crackled in the hearth and she instinctively moved closer to it. She tugged the edges of her cardigan close around her as if it could protect her from what was to come.
Armand knelt at her feet and took her hands in his. They were icy cold. He chaffed them to warm her skin. She turned toward him, her eyes wide and suspicious.
“What happened, Anny.”
She bit her lower lip and shook her head. “If there are other people coming, I want to wait. I only want to tell this story once.”
“Gator, Anny needs some coffee.” He turned back to her. “Or would you like tea or hot chocolate.”
She tried to smile, but it was a pale imitation of the one he associated with her. “Hot chocolate if it’s not too much trouble.”
“I’m on it,” Gator called out as he entered the kitchen. “I’m Gator by the way. Gator Rollins.” The open concept of the cabin made it possible for him to see the part of the living room they were sitting in. He could see and talk to them while he put on coffee and made hot chocolate.